New York State's New Abortion Law

It's not easy eating principles. It's a big thick pill. Blowback is always inevitable when you accuse someone of something. I have a feeling they are now fully justified because the Republicans pushed the Kavanaugh nomination through as if a last minute accusation from 35 years ago (or however long ago it was) is the equivalent of evidence that is unequivocal.

They will certainly raise Kavanaugh, even though it's not remotely equivalent. When someone catches people in hypocrisy, usually the first thing they do is attack someone else to change the subject.

However, when another safe Democrat gets into trouble, they will likely throw him under the bus and claim the moral high-ground again.
Doesn't the government prosecute parents who refuse to provide cancer care for their kids? So why wouldn't liberals want to prosecute medical professionals when live babies are not provided care? I will hang up and listen for the resident liberals.

Yes, but there's usually someone to advocate for those children. There's another relative, a teacher, a social worker, a doctor, etc. There's nobody to advocate for a baby dying on a table. The parents want it dead. The doctors want it dead. Nobody else knows it exists.
You are right. However, It is a scary thought to me that society is okay with walking by a person dying on the street because no advocate is aware.
You are right. However, It is a scary thought to me that society is okay with walking by a person dying on the street because no advocate is aware.

Abortion is ultimately a heart issue. The science is pretty clear especially after the baby is born alive. However, if people's hearts are hardened with selfishness, resentment, and/or hatred, they can justify letting the most innocent of humans die. If you're ok with actively killing the viable but unborn, you're going to be ok with passively letting them die immediately after. The 10-inch difference in proximity isn't going to matter to you.
So much for the "Fourth Estate". They decided that the American people don't need to know about this issue at all.

Network coverage of this vote in the first 24 hours? Zero on ABC, CBS, and NBC. Hours after this vote, Sanders appeared in an hour-long “town hall” on CNN without a single question on this. Warren was interviewed by Chris Hayes for 11 minutes on MSNBC, and no question.

Bozell & Graham Column: How Is Abortion AFTER Birth Not News?
They will certainly raise Kavanaugh, even though it's not remotely equivalent. When someone catches people in hypocrisy, usually the first thing they do is attack someone else to change the subject.

However, when another safe Democrat gets into trouble, they will likely throw him under the bus and claim the moral high-ground again.

That's the thing; politically it was the equivalent. They have deemed it to be so.
That's the thing; politically it was the equivalent. They have deemed it to be so.

They'll deem it so, but it isn't. The allegations against Fairfax aren't being made by a political adversary, and they aren't contrary to pretty much all potentially corroborating evidence. The allegations against Kavanaugh weren't just "he said, she said." They were, "she said, everybody and everything else said ********."
Abortion is ultimately a heart issue. The science is pretty clear especially after the baby is born alive. However, if people's hearts are hardened with selfishness, resentment, and/or hatred, they can justify letting the most innocent of humans die. If you're ok with actively killing the viable but unborn, you're going to be ok with passively letting them die immediately after. The 10-inch difference in proximity isn't going to matter to you.

The scary thing to me is that God judged the Canaanites for just this sin. Abortion is the modern day equivalent of Molech worship. Leaving born babies on a table to die is actual Molech worship. God's judgment of that culture was extremely severe and now our culture is more or less equivalent.

The scary thing to me is that God judged the Canaanites for just this sin. Abortion is the modern day equivalent of Molech worship. Leaving born babies on a table to die is actual Molech worship. God's judgment of that culture was extremely severe and now our culture is more or less equivalent.

I'll leave the issue of whether or not it's a form of idol worship to the theologians. It's disturbing enough just on the more basic level that they're OK with letting viable infants die on the table.
I think a good argument can be made that strident abortion proponents worship at the feet of Eros, the god of lust. Ultimately, all they want is to be able to have sexual congress with anybody, any time, without any consequence whatsoever. And being able to have an abortion on demand is the ultimate expression of that incredibly selfish desire.
So today at CPAC Diamond and Silk ( two conservative black chicks) posed this"When an illegal alien comes through that border illegally, the left advocates to help and support them," Diamond responded. "But when an American baby comes through the birth canal legally, the left is advocating to kill them."
I think a good argument can be made that strident abortion proponents worship at the feet of Eros, the god of lust. Ultimately, all they want is to be able to have sexual congress with anybody, any time, without any consequence whatsoever. And being able to have an abortion on demand is the ultimate expression of that incredibly selfish desire.

That may be true. I'm just saying I'll let that argument be settled by theologians. I do agree that abortion except to save the mother's life is the height of selfishness and definitely a sin from a religious standpoint. The whole "thou shalt not kill" thing should be enough to make that clear.
That may be true. I'm just saying I'll let that argument be settled by theologians. I do agree that abortion except to save the mother's life is the height of selfishness and definitely a sin from a religious standpoint. The whole "thou shalt not kill" thing should be enough to make that clear.

My question is this: Is racism so ingrained in the minds of people of color that they will ignore their Christian faith? I have Catholic Latino friends in South Texas who will never turn from their faith even though they acknowledge racism exists. They ignore it and live their life. They don't let racism turn them from their core values. My Cuban Dad was the same way. He would say, "What are you going to do, cry?" He wasn't going to hate white people or twist economic theory just because of that. He refused to let racism control and drive him in a certain direction.

It's the same with religious beliefs.
In our worship of ourselves and in the pursuit of our own life we worship lust, comfort, and control. The outcome is dead babies. Don't see how that is any different than Canannites.

My original point wasn't that we as Christians need to convince nonbelievers that they are worshipping idols or that we have to understand exactly the parallels to be against abortion and after birth abortion.

My sole point was the fear the practice of after birth abortion gives me for the future of this nation. We have a specific example of what God is willing to do.
My question is this: Is racism so ingrained in the minds of people of color that they will ignore their Christian faith? I have Catholic Latino friends in South Texas who will never turn from their faith even though they acknowledge racism exists. They ignore it and live their life. They don't let racism turn them from their core values. My Cuban Dad was the same way. He would say, "What are you going to do, cry?" He wasn't going to hate white people or twist economic theory just because of that. He refused to let racism control and drive him in a certain direction.

It's the same with religious beliefs.

They don't think they're turning away from their faith, because they seek out religious communities that reinforce their views. Many, many professed Christians do this. They'll look for a church that fits their values and beliefs. Well, that's a dumb reason to choose a church, because the tail is wagging the dog. A professed Christian's values and beliefs are supposed to come from the Word of God (the Bible), not from himself, because God is the source of our morality, not ourselves. That means that inevitably our beliefs and behavior should be challenged in church, not reinforced, and we are to submit to the church's authority. After all, even the wisest and most decent of us is relatively stupid, selfish, and morally depraved. Far too many professed Christians don't like that, because they don't want to submit to God and subordinate their values to Him, so they seek out some church that will tell them how good and right they are. Well, if you're willing to attend and fork out tithe, some "church" will tell you whatever you want it to tell you.

You've heard me rip into judges and legal academics who don't consider them bound by the written law. Well, that same issue exists in the church. There are clergymen who don't consider themselves bound by the Bible and use their position of reverence to lead people astray. Those guys are in for a reckoning on Judgment Day.
Right on there Deez, we like our preachers to preach but not to 'meddle' and our politicians to preach too but stay outta my yard (the deficit).
A professed Christian's values and beliefs are supposed to come from the Word of God (the Bible), not from himself, because God is the source of our morality, not ourselves.

They've not amended the Bible last I checked.

Love thy neighbor. Work on the plank in your eye.

Jesus was clear to me; there's more than enough in my life to worry about much less someone else. Certainly we should construct a society that protects one another which does involve a level of judgment but I don't think he was worried about that. Stoning outside the law seems to be a bit of a revision to Old Testament remedies but Jesus amended it himself with his challenge of our unworthiness.

Lynchings should have been part of that "Let he who has not sinned..." challenge. For some reason, human beings still try to take matters into their own hands outside an orderly process for justice.

In the end, the Bible is clear on sin. If you don't like it then that's your conscience that is choosing to live an alternative religion. When it comes to homosexuality, I'm not going to judge. They don't bother me. They weren't the cause of the failure of my marriage. I don't understand the orientation so I live and let live. Abortion is something else. I don't know how anyone can be so defiant and arrogant in their gloating about exercising this right. It's beyond me. It's not holy to me in any way.
Jesus was clear to me; there's more than enough in my life to worry about much less someone else. Certainly we should construct a society that protects one another which does involve a level of judgment but I don't think he was worried about that. Stoning outside the law seems to be a bit of a revision to Old Testament remedies but Jesus amended it himself with his challenge of our unworthiness.

We've moved too far in the direction of not "judging." We're afraid to call out and confront sin when we see it, and we should be quicker to do that. However, we need to do two other things that many Christians haven't been so good at. First, while we should call out sin, we must also accept correction for our own sin. Second, we've been too slow to show mercy and forgiveness to those who sin. If we're going to follow Christ's example, we have to do all three.

In the end, the Bible is clear on sin. If you don't like it then that's your conscience that is choosing to live an alternative religion. When it comes to homosexuality, I'm not going to judge. They don't bother me. They weren't the cause of the failure of my marriage. I don't understand the orientation so I live and let live.

Politically, I agree. If you're gay and agree with with principles, you're my friend and ally, not my enemy. However, from a religious standpoint, I have to stand by the scriptures, and they're pretty clear. It's sinful. However, I'm not going to single out homosexual activity for special condemnation or excommunication. If you're going to call out the homosexual, you also have to call out the adulterer, the person who lusts, the thief, the person who engages in premarital sex, the greedy, etc.

Abortion is something else. I don't know how anyone can be so defiant and arrogant in their gloating about exercising this right. It's beyond me. It's not holy to me in any way.

It's all a matter of defiance and hardened hearts. When those two things are in place, everything from infanticide to genocide can be justified.
KY has a new proposed restrictive bill
This woman testified on the proponent side -- She seems to know what she is talking about


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