Just weeks away from possibly joining the 2016 race, Wisconsin
Gov. Scott Walker thrilled a crowd of social conservatives Saturday night with a withering attack on
Obama’s record while putting his potential GOP rivals on notice that he plans to run on his record as a get-it-done governor.
Mr. Walker sought to convince the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 2015 Road to the Majority Conference he may be the best choice for president, repeatedly citing his record of success in Wisconsin that includes a balanced budget, concessions from unions and pro-faith policies.
Seeking to differentiate himself from some of his potential rivals who serve in Congress or have been out of office for some time,
Mr. Walker said he was a unique combination of fighter and
and policy victor,
“We fight the good fight and win those fights over and over and over again,” he said.
Mr. Walker also mocked the president on national security, citing Mr. Obama’s recent speech in which he said
climate change
was the biggest threat facing America.
“I’ve got a message for you, Mr. President. The number one threat to the military, the number one threat to America, the number one threat to the world is radical Islam. It’s time we do something about it,” he said to roaring cheers.