NCState Game Thoughts

I just re-watched the game and enjoyed the victory again. But I'll have to say the NCS coach and players were the whiniest bunch (except for Baylor lol!) I have ever seen. They just knew they were going to come in here and beat TX, and when they fouled, the body language was like, "not me". I just did not like their demeanor, nor the coaches demeanor. Yes, they had a lot of players foul out, but we had the same number of players in foul trouble, Karen just used her bench wisely. Anyway, on to Lexington. Glad the season is still on!
I just re-watched the game and enjoyed the victory again. But I'll have to say the NCS coach and players were the whiniest bunch (except for Baylor lol!) I have ever seen. They just knew they were going to come in here and beat TX, and when they fouled, the body language was like, "not me". I just did not like their demeanor, nor the coaches demeanor. Yes, they had a lot of players foul out, but we had the same number of players in foul trouble, Karen just used her bench wisely. Anyway, on to Lexington. Glad the season is still on!

It's funny because I rewatched it twice and both times I kept thinking we are not going to pull this out even though I was at the game and know we won. :yikes: Such a stunning last minute victory.

Sadly the NC State players were not very mature in their Post game interview - blaming the loss on the refs.

Like Jody used to say - If the game is that close, you have only yourself to blame.
I'm glad we had a much deeper bench than NCST; because we spent a lot of time this year developing it we were able to manage minutes and not have four players foul out. And their complaints about the refs? It wasn't a home town crew, so I'm not sure what their basis for complaining is, other than just general butt-hurtedness over the loss.
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It always seem's to take so long to put a article up about Texas.But let it be UConn. It's there 10 minutes after their game.
Just Saying!!!!!!!!!

Makes it easier to fly under the radar...sometimes NOT having the spotlight is a good thing.
I've watched alot of Womens basketball...I've seen calls that have went against my team that honestly could have went either way. But this was not one of them in my humblest opinion. When I watch the play Joyner is clearly at the spot and set...The NcSt player's knee/leg makes contact with her while moving forward. For me case closed.
Now...about those backdoor plays of

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