My brother can't choose between aggy and Texas

I hate to say it but your bro is not a very smart guy. To judge a school based on a tour is more than crazy dumb. I was 18 once as well, but I always knew that and I think that most people do.
show him this picture....


if he still wants to go.............................

let him
These threads are always overblown. Let's not pretend UT is Princeton and A&M is OU. They're both good schools. What happens to your brother while in college depends on his actions.
Every crappy apartment complex I've lived in had a hot, flirtatious sales agent giving tours like she was showing you around the Louvre.
Just to clarify, he's not making a decision based on the tour. He just had a lot to say about the difference between the tours and everyone he saw on campus at each school, and I guess since he hasn't been to either school and doesn't understand the attitude at each one, the "we're Texas" more laid back attitude comes off as being unenthusiastic about the school. I don't know if this will affect his decision or not, but I wanted to be able to give him some good explanations for the things he saw. I remember being in high school and visiting colleges, I didn't know what the hell was going on.
Does his idea of a great senior year at school include walking around campus acting like a wounded elephant? If so, aggy is for him. Does he sound a lot like Shirley Q. Liquor? He may be prime for aggy. As a child, did he have a compulsion to buy more and more lincoln log sets, and pile them up to the living room ceiling-yep, aggy.
Does he ever erupt with "you may kick my *** in football, baseball, basketball, soccer, and swimming, but I know a hellofa lot more about meat judging than you?" A goner.
Some people are just aggies....there is nothing you can do about that.

I don't feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for you. Once he's on campus and goes to fish camp he'll come out breathing fire against UT. All of a sudden he won't remember that it was a toss up decision..he'll be a true ag..fighting the fight about "TU"

Ugh..I already hate the guy.
Tell him to email my son hes a sophmore this year.. Hes vice president of his frat. Holler at me if you want his email address..
I find it hard to believe that he had no notions of what either school was like before now.

In terms of academics, you can tell him that UT offers national merit scholars about half the money that A&M does, and that A&M still publicizes automatic admissions standards, whereas UT can't, because so many top-10 students want to go there.

He should compare the programs and make the decision based on what the grads can do. Call the placement offices and ask who recruited the grads. If he wants to go to graduate school, find out where they go.

If he tells them he's on the fence, each school probably can put him in touch with a grad or a student who can answer questions about what it's like there, what they like and don't like.

But if he's thinking that A&M is better because the tour guide loved it so much, the tour guide did her job.

He shouldn't make the choice for anyone other than himself.
I just had my first child two weeks ago today. She is more than welcome to go to A&M. I will just tell her the day she does is the day she gives me back her family name.
what is funny blueag is that you come on hornfans and roll your eyes at an aggie/sheep joke.

Don't worry, all of us here know that not all aggies like sheep... some like small woodland creatures.
I suggest that he go to the Dixie Chicken in khakis and a button down.

I did this once my soph or junior year of high school, back when I had no preference between the schools and was thinking of going out-of-state.

It took less than 2 minutes for some assclown to blurt some crap like, "Look at him, he must be a t-sip."

I had to ask my aggy buddy from high school what t-sip meant. The moment he told me, I was a Longhorn.

The "enthusiastic" attitude is the sunnier side of an extreme us-versus-them attitude we all know all too well now, but your brother can't see it yet.

The "unenthusiastic" attitude is part and parcel with being above the provincial crap.

Also, I don't want to overstate it, but if your brother chooses aggy and goes off to fish camp, that is the moment he may be lost forever.

I have lost life-long friends and family friends that should have outweighed all else, until the day they returned from fish camp.

There are some aggys who transcend that crap, but the odds aren't too high.
ah, i find it amusing too THEU. Let's continue this side discussion via PM so we do not digress here..

WhoseHouse, what does your brother want to major in, and which career would he like to pursue? Has he decided yet?
Would your brother like to buy some speakers? My partner and I have matching shirts and a legit-looking invoice.

C'mon man, let me open my van real quick and let him him check these bad boys out
**** this one's easy- go buy a pair of overalls and some paint and sit down with your brother and write some cool Aggy type logans that he can wear and then stroll around your town in his new Aggy gear.

Either that or use the reverse psycology. That you are really glad that he likes A&M as that way if he receives the same rejection letter from UT that so many Aggies have received in the past he might not be all that upset at the rejection. Tell him you are glad he won't be saddled with the shame and dissappointment of so many frechemen Aggies who wanted to attend the more prestigious University.
Put your arm around his shoulders and tell him you just want him to be happy...
I have kind of tried the reverse psychology. I've been the only one in the family to pretend to be open-minded about his decision and even helped him make an "unbiased" list of pros and cons for each school (hehe). This thread was useful for that, I appreciate the responses.

More info:
He has been accepted to both schools already. He put Liberal Arts as his first choice on the UT application (I was obviously not consulted for this) even though he would have been accepted into any major. He has always wanted to be an architect, but is learning that civil engineering may be the smarter choice, as he is more numbers and logic-oriented than artsy. He was accepted into the architecture major at A&M.
I found that there isn't a large difference in the avg starting salaries of both UT and A&M CE grads. Though the starting salary of both schools varies each year, the two are only off by about $50-$150 each year. UT CE grads would have the higher avg salary one year, while A&M grads would have a higher one for another. The same also applies to the other engineering fields of study.

UT is the place to be if he wants to major in liberal arts. I can't find the salary info for UT's liberal arts grads though.
Uh, does your family believe in prayer?

Seriously, tough one to answer without really knowing your brother, and the sorts of things appeal to him. From what you say, it does sound like he could be vulnerable to some of the brainwashing that goes on with the College Station crowd. If so, there may not be a lot you can do about it. If that is the sort of thing that appeals to him, then countering it will be tough.

I can say that there is hope, though. A good buddy of mine got accepted to aggy, then went to fish camp and school there for a year. Decided that he really didn't like it at all there after that year. He came out to Austin for a visit that summer, loved it, and ended up transferring to UT. He eventually graduated from UT and last I heard, is still living in Austin.

So there is hope. Don't give up. Sometimes people do learn from their mistakes, and become better for it.
As an aside, the architecture programs at UT & aggy are vastly different. UT's is a demanding professional program that is consistently ranked in the top 10 nationwide for public universities and provides you with the ability to become licensed when you graduate. aggy's is a piddly excuse of civil engineering in which you do not earn a professional degree, and must attend graduate school if you wish to become a licensed texas architect.

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