mike leach?

Leach was the Anti Aggie. His personality was laid back but focused and he questioned things around him. Against Aggies- He won 9 out of 13 with half the talent. I believe he sent them packing to the SEC more than anything else. Then he beat them 2 out of 3 when he got to Miss.St.

His rant against the Miss State’s locker room was hilarious, then they hired him.
While Coach Leach has never appeared to be the most fit and healthy looking guy, I wonder if anything else could have contributed to such a massive and, apparently, untreatable, cardiac event.

Wonder if there was any kind of "medication" to prevent illness or something that could have made this worse.
This article hints that pneumonia played a part. Note pneumonia kills you by stopping your heart.
One of the best afternoons I ever spent was on his friend's ranch listening to him talk. He was one of the most intelligent people I've ever met and one of the most complex. He was a Mormon, yet he read The Bible cover to cover nine times (at that time). A Mormon who loved good wine, a subject he forgot more about than Mackovic ever knew.

I asked him where he came up with the idea of using the tennis ball gun. I can't remember his exact words but something to the affect that it wouldn't injure them but hurt enough they learned to not drop the ball.

Huge loss to the game I love. Thanks for the great memories, the fun interviews you left us, and the changes you made to the game. Still want to know what you said at halftime in Jacksonville.

College football is less for having lost him, he was one of those who you just stopped down to listen to his press conferences you never knew what was going to be said. RIP Mike a true true original.
I'll reserve further comment for now.
I think I know where your train of thought is, HIC...It may not be the time nor place....But I have read enough reports, articles and (admittably second-hand reporting of) studies and seen enough data to be convinced myself.
I know of two cases myself...personally...and each younger and seemingly healthier than Leach.
Who knows if it played a role here?? Anything at this point would he purely speculative and that is not my intent.. .But there is no doubt it is a real thing and has needlessly taken countless lives....and that is only speaking of one of the health risks and morbity-linked side effects....There are many, many more.
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What an interesting and cool dude.
Sad to hear of his passing and the loss for his family, friends, and us all.
Time to cue up all the gretest hits and celebrate his life.
The longer I live the more I believe the Greek saying, "only the good die young". Mike was brutally honest, entertaining and had a brilliant mind. He was the color and fun in a sometimes dishonest and sometimes corrupt profession. Mike belongs in the circle of many of the great coaches of old who kept the game in its proper perspective. Spike Dykes is one who comes to mind. Those guys could beat you and still make you like and respect them. College football lost a good one. Prayers to his family.
Far too many friends of mine and people in society I loved or liked and respected have died the last 3 years. :facepalm:
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OK..Here we go....
I'll pull out one relevant and timely bit just in case you make the poor decision to not open this and read it.

..on what his thoughts would be when people write his obitiary one day...
“Well, that’s their problem,” Leach, who was preparing for his eighth season at Washington State at the time, replied with his characteristically dry sense of humor. “They’re the ones writing the obituary. What do I care? I’m dead.”

(By the way, Leach's take on officials is pure genius)

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I was glad to see Tech put up a large RIP pic on, I believe, their scoreboard at Jones Stadium. Either that or it was an electronic billboard. I hope they know in their hearts he was the best coach they ever had.
As an aside (sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread)...any school that allows the basketball coach (with a loooong history of assaultive behavior) to run the University Chancelor off by publically assaulting him...any university that runs off a future HOF HC to save said university from making a bonus payment (that said HC had earned) deserves nothing less than scorn & ridicule. Tceh screwing Leach relegated them to the ranks of also-rans. With Leach they were a top 10 program. May they wallow in their crap for eternity. I'm SO happy I transferred out of that ****-hole to The University. (Oh, they ALSO fired Spike Dykes...one of my favorites even though he holds the tceh record for most wins vs. UT)
Far too many friends of mine and people in society I loved or liked and respected have died the last 3 years.

No fooling.

This year has been bad: Robbie Coltrane, Bill Russell, Olivia Newton John, the freakin' Queen of England. Its like little bits of my life are just drifting away.

God bless and my thanks to Mike Leach and his family. I didn't know him, but he made my life better.