Media Blackout

Hornius, why do you say that? i listened to the whole interview. It's nothing I haven't heard on independent radio all along since the rig first exploded. I think there is lot's more going on than Fox/CNN are reporting, and if that's where you get all your news, then (in my opinion) you are being mislead.
A'sD you linked to a page that has an Alien at the top of it. How can we take you seriously. I mean this has to be a joke right, or is Houston about to experience this.....
Oil flows out of hole in the ocean floor because the oil is under a pressure greater than the weight of the water above it. If enough oil flows out of the hole to cause the pressure the oil is under to drop to the point that it is equal to the weight of the water above it, the oil stops flowing and the pressure on both sides is equal. Water can't get into the hole, oil can't get out. The end.
I make it a practice never to follow a link and read an article when the poster can't even be bothered to say specifically what he's posting about. Frankly I think it's about as arrogant as can be for someone to claim that he's posting something incredibly important and we're all stupid for ignoring it, but we're supposed to just accept his word and follow the link with no explanation from him.

This is the most stupid thread I've read on Hornfans to date. Ever.
Ah, good ole A'sD....

10% inflation in 2008-2009
Massive currency collapse (could happen, but Europe goes first)
Now, we'll all be dead by Christmas
Of course, include backing down from bets based on his insanity

I'll give you this, you're consistent.....WOLF!
IXTOC.... 5 times larger than this spill... 1979... one tropical storm cleaned it up with NO traces...

LOL... I am listening to this... now it is getting more and more bizarre.... Where do these people get this stuff?
I am not just trying to point out we have had major oil spills before that didn't lead to the end of the world. I don't disagree with you on how bad this one might be, or the complexity due to depth.. Depth necessitated by US drilling policy
Are you kidding me - I thought there was ANOTHER reason we were gonna be dead by December. But this is the same link as before. I'm disappointed...
I am still holed up here after the Wilkerson warning he posted a year or so ago. Looks like you all managed to make it through the riots and economic collapse. I guess if the riots don't get you the tsunami will.
You guys think that this is all fun and games. Well it's not. Why, this very afternoon, a disheveled Rick Moranis came to my door and demanded to know the location of the Gatekeeper.
Why portray death as more significant than it really is? In reality it is just a part of life and it's not like we all haven't been there before.

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