Maxine 2020

So true. :smile1: It's odd to see how drastically things have changed after being away for a while. I lived in Irving (Valley Ranch) back in the early 2000's.

Plano was every bit a Texas suburb for those who wanted no part of big city life. Even Addison was a sanctuary for young professionals wishing to separate.

I lived in Plano from 1984 - 2000 (from 3rd grade through college; went to UTD), and my family still lives there. When I was a kid, it was a magnet for business because of tax deferments and because its employees could live nearby without dealing with the fustercluck that was (and still is to a lesser extent) US 75. It exploded while I lived there and has exploded even more since.

When I lived there, Addison had plenty of young professionals who wanted to be closer to Dallas but not in Dallas. And of course, it (along with Buckingham) was where you could buy liquor. That was its big appeal.

Fond memory - I remember my dad going to Red Coleman's liquor store (when I was 10) and I tagged along, and some busy body tool of a customer scolded me ("you're not allowed to be in here, son.") My dad said, "He's my son, not yours, and he's with me. Leave him the hell alone."

Frisco was a smaller country town in my eyes. Lots of undeveloped land, country folks, and little to do. None of that applies anymore in these towns

You forgot the nude modeling studios that used to dominate SH-289 (Preston Road). :smokin:
, "The Dallas area is turning into Los Angeles, and Los Angeles is turning into Mogadishu."

The downtown area of LA has gone through a Renaissance since the new Staples Center was built. Not sure where Skid Row went and there are still some homeless it's much better than 10-20 years ago based on a few conventions I attended there. The area around USC is also pretty clean and renovated. It's still a walled off school for security purposes but it's clean off campus. I'm sure the neighborhood went through some gentrification which improved it.

My Dad lives in Hurst. I'm spoiled from the Puget Sound, mountains and green of Seattle but the DFW area would rank low on my list of cities to visit. It's the land of large freeways, strip malls and chain restaurants. Jerryworld is one heck of a nice stadium though.
My Dad lives in Hurst. I'm spoiled from the Puget Sound, mountains and green of Seattle but the DFW area would rank low on my list of cities to visit. It's the land of large freeways, strip malls and chain restaurants. Jerryworld is one heck of a nice stadium though.

The DFW area has never been aesthetically pleasing and has never been a very appealing place to visit. In fact, it's ugly as hell, and there's little to do. (Austin is a little better, but it's still garbage compared to the West Coast.) However, the beautiful scenery of the West Coast doesn't pay the bills or put food on the table. People move to Texas because jobs are plentiful and easier to get and because the housing costs are dramatically lower. Furthermore, if you're an entrepreneur, it's a great place to start a business - very light regulation, low taxes, and very pro-employer laws. In short, you don't visit Dallas. You live in Dallas.
I agree with all that above. I will say for as much as I said about Frisco earlier, I really enjoy living here.

That's coming from someone who loved my many years in pre-invasion Austin before fleeing in disgust in 2015.

Frisco is a very aesthetically appealing place these days, mostly due to the newness of everything. But it also is very spread out with a lot of land.

The people are also not bunched up like Plano...yet. Driving, shopping, etc out here is relatively easy and not congested. I don't even think twice about getting around in rush hour as it's not much difference from normal times.

The people are abnormally friendly, all races. Which is similar to how I grew up in SE Texas, so the respect and kindness of the people here feels like home.

It's funny because I live right on the border of Frisco and Plano. Go one direction and it's a hassle in many ways, the other direction is peace and serenity.

I'm sure it won't last all that long, but I'm enjoying it. I'd def recommend Frisco to any Texan who desires a nice, peaceful suburban environment.
In short, you don't visit Dallas. You live in Dallas.

Understood. I've had a few job offers in Dallas but my better half would never consider moving there. Alas, I've never been to Austin but it sounds like a great place to visit and maybe settle down. I'm in my mid-40's but already looking to places where the equity in my current home can buy a sweet retirement pad.
To be fair, I've never been either, but I know someone who has. Think one-legged strippers and cheap beer.

I need a clarification. Are we including 'massage' parlors in this category? May need to change my answer. :smile1:

Oh hell I think a few I happened into were probably considered modelling studios so the clarification is moot.

Let's just say in my wilder days I had friends who didn't agree the party stops when the clubs close down. :facepalm:
SH: I love Austin. I'm pretty happy as a resident of Lewisville, affordable housing, great public schools and all the shopping I need.

That said, none of these places have the natural beauty and temperate climate of the Pacific Northwest. Family connections keep me in Texas. If I were selfishly looking for a place to be happy ... it would be somewhere in the vicinity of a triangle formed by Yosemite National Park, Glacier National Park and Victoria BC.
I have to admit, moving out of state and getting a territory in the West and Northwest was an eye-opener. Texas certainly has areas that are scenic and have a rugged beauty, but most of it's pretty ordinary.
Not satisfied with running the most corrupt politician ever, Dems now considering running only AG in history to be held in Contempt of Congress

I can't wait to see a debate between Eric Holder and Kirsten Gillibrand. The raw explosion of charisma and energy in that room would be impossible to contain.
I can't wait to see a debate between Eric Holder and Kirsten Gillibrand. The raw explosion of charisma and energy in that room would be impossible to contain.

We'll find out whether being a black man trumps being a white woman in the intersectionality hierarchy.
We'll find out whether being a black man trumps being a white woman in the intersectionality hierarchy.
Holder has the resume to lead the country.
Helped to pardon Marc Rich.
Failed to prosecute a single banker in the wake of the financial crash.
Failed to prosecute anyone with respect to “Fast and Furious.”
Acts Presidential (Can lie with a straight face while justifying criminal acts with linguistic word smithing).
Waters is a real tard. If she ran, she would only get 2 votes out of the entire American voting population. They both just happen to be right here on our site. I guess that would make OU & SH really special. :yes:
Waters is a real tard. If she ran, she would only get 2 votes out of the entire American voting population. They both just happen to be right here on our site. I guess that would make OU & SH really special. :yes:
A. I'm no Waters fan.
B. I live about 45 minutes west of Fayetteville. It's not necessarily Ft. Sill over here. I mean, it's pretty compared to 90% of Texas.
A. I'm no Waters fan.
B. I live about 45 minutes west of Fayetteville. It's not necessarily Ft. Sill over here. I mean, it's pretty compared to 90% of Texas.

And yet you’d still vote for her over a very successful President Trump.
And yet you’d still vote for her over a very successful President Trump.
I might vote for her over a sexual offender that also happens to be a craven liar and only in it for what he can do for bilionaires. That part is true.

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