MACk going with Major to Visit Scott

what gets me are those anti-everything, chip-on-the-shoulder, penis envy having, pot-smoking cu fans.
Never said you guys don't stand a chance. You all keep saying he is keeping it close to the vest and our information is coming from his Uncle. I agree he is keeping it close to the vest, dishing out mis-direction on many of his updates. The cold comment was brilliant. On CSTV the day before he told Lemming that he "would get used to it" and we have indoor facilities. Then he tells the UT admin that he doesn't like the cold, he is a warm weather guy, and that CU DOESN'T have indoor facilities.

In addition, Colorado has one of the most desirable climates in the country. This week its cold. First time this winter. It was 70 degrees the day before Thanksgiving and has been in the 40s and 50s most winter days. The summers spring, summer and fall is without question some one of the best climates anywhere. No humidity and reasonable temperatures.

Regardless, my confidence is not derived from anything he has said to the pubic or Josh. And I am not going to dish premium information along other tidbits on this board just as you wouldn't dish OB scoop here.

I do know that nothing Sonsini has told Suchomel has me concerned. Nor has anything I have read on these boards.

You are right, I did register on this board just to say he is going to be a Buff. The optimism was getting a little too tough to read- so I registered. However it wasn't out of arrogance or insecurity, just more out of boredom and feeling like talking with some of you guys.

As for what CU doesn't have compared to UT.

We both have ONE MNC in the last 30 years.
CU was 4-1 against UT in the 90s- and UT was 5-1 in the 00s. Point being- things go in cycles and CU is not- nor will we ever be- a second class program.

National Exposure. CU had 10 games available on National TV to most households. I believe 3 of those were regional which are still available to most anyone with cable. CU gets plenty of exposure- you are acting like CU is RICE or something. In 2008 alone we will have CSU, West Virginia (thurs game) Florida State and UT all televised to start the year.

The CU OL class of 2007 was ranked #3 in the country by Rivals, including 5 star Ryan Miller who started along with a sleeper who is a road grader. Thats two true frosh that started on the OL. We have young guys coming in and are ready- our OL will be a strength if not as early as next year- definitely by 2009.

Yes, CU was rebuilding. Hawkins is two years into that process with 2.5 recruiting classes under his belt. I didn't say Hawkins has been recruiting Scott for 4 years. I said Hagan has been recruiting Scott for 4 years.

I am not insulting anything UT. You guys have a nice little program- but CU is not chopped liver. We will all know in 2 weeks and 6 days. GL.
Apologies for the little program comment, did not intend for it to be taken that way. Just how I talk. Its actually a HUGE program with more money than god.

As for CU, we are 15th in all time wins and like I said, have just as many MNC as UT over the last 30 years.

I know how great UT is. Just don't like the disrespect towards CU. And Folsom seats 54K. Not that it is comes close to UT...I know this. Come on now.
I will only say that now that Mack and Major at making an in-home together I would be real suprised if they don't get him to commit right there on the spot. Now he will have time to change his mind after that and who knows, but many I would be just real suprised if they don't make a sell right then and there.
Dude...just stop. Hornfans is one of those few sports-related forums where the 'locals' actually invite (relatively) intelligently-presented opposing viewpoints, unlike other forums, such as Texags, where the groupthink vehemently chokes off intelligent discussion in the blink of an eye. Maybe it's the caliber of the graduates produced by The University. I'm not sure.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, but we're not buying what you're selling. Almost every poster replying on this thread has stated their position that UT has a chance at DS's services but believes that CU is the frontrunner, yet you persist in demeaning UT, arguing that CU is in the same tier as UT, and attempting to convince UT fans to forget about DS. That persistence, in the light of perfectly reasonable responses not disagreeing with your basic underlying premise that DS is a CU lean, is the perfect example of insecurity with a nice dash of penis envy thrown in for good measure. It doesn't help that you claimed to have insider information then, when called out on it, you produced exactly squat except for the same junk that's been published before and discussed here ad infinitum/nauseam.

For the record, I also believe that DS is a CU lean. I disagree that DS is a CU lock.
In the end, it doesn't matter what some Buff fan thinks about Scott's mindset, or about UT. It only matters what Scott thinks about UT. By the way, it can't hurt having double the snake oil when Major AND Mack come calling!
Apologies, had no idea it was such an insult to insinuate that CU could ever be in the same "league" as UT.

My original post was in response to some comment like hornpharmd just posted.
Have read UT fans claim that Scott wants to go to UT, but his Mom wants him at CU and thats the only reason. So Mack and Major are going to turn on the charm and that will be it.

There was nothing inflammatory other than the original comment- do you really think Mack and Major are going to walk in and outsell a relationship that Hagan and Hawk have had with this kid?

Instead- I got CU flames. It was a natural response to a post a UT fan doesn't want to read.

Think this "conversation" has run its course.

Yes, you are "UT".
When he chooses CU, it will be b/c he wants to be a Buff. Not b/c his mom made him like has been insinuated in this thread and many others.

Later. Peace.
What are you going to say when he decides to come to Texas?
I think it doesn't get any better than Mack and Major going to L.A. and visiting with him at his home.

Conversation will probably go something like this:
Mack: Jamaal is gone, you will be the featured back as a freshman.
Major: Do you want to win a heisman in college?
Scott: Ya, that would be cool
Mack: Gives him a hug
Major: Its cold in Colorado
Scott: Texas sounds good
Mack: Have you seen the ladies at UT?
Scott: Where do I sign?
Seriously--what the hell is with people who show up and claim to have insider information? It's not as though the truth isn't going to come out soon enough.
Texas may be fighting an uphill battle, but things have been going their way (Charles declaring).

Still it will not be a surprise to see him going to CU, but he could be the man here as well.
Phil- your line of thinking is exactly the opposite of reality. With the internet- so many games being televised- it is exactly why you see so many non-traditional powers succeed.

Sustained success like UT? You guys have been very good this decade. But the only time you guys have been elite in the last 20 years was with VY. Other than that- you have been consistently good- not elite.

Don't know why you guys are getting so butt hurt. Have not insulted UT. Instead most of you have felt the need to insult CU. Why? Because its so crazy that a kid could choose CU over UT? Givens and Katoa have already done it. Scott will follow.

As for "inside" information. A lot of it has leaked on the internet. A couple of our commits let the cat out of the bag and Scott scrambled to put it back in. But I would never post information on here, let alone CU free boards. Do you guys make a habit of posting OB War Room information here?

As for weather- I don't believe I insulted Austin weather. Sure its fine. I know I could not live in your Texas summers- but that personal opinion. Point was that Colorado is not "cold"- it has a very moderate climate. Its a misconception to believe otherwise.

Anything can happen in recruiting. Scott is listening to UT, as well he should. Mack and Major are not going to walk in to his living room and close the deal. But its not my place to temper your enthusiasm. Apologies. Have a good one.
My original question was benign and simple.

People are posting once Mack and Major get an in-home- he will pop and its in the bag.

My question was do those of you who feel that way truly believe that will happen.

Then my point was he has a very solid relationship with Hagan (who is a very good recruiter) and Hawkins (who is also a very good recruiter).

It will be a tough sell. Apparently I offended some and it turned into how much CU sucks and how great UT is. I don't argue that UT is great. Solid academics, solid program and outside of Boulder, Austin is the second best college town in the Big XII. I just don't agree that CU sucks as much as you guys believe and am offended with the "spin" that when he chooses CU its b/c his mom wants him here.
Dude even if he did choose Colorado because his mom wants him to go there, why the hell does that matter to you??? He would STILL BE GOING TO COLORADO.

SOOOO, why does it matter to you if us folks over here think that??? Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't waste time getting into a pissing contest w/ opposing fans on their own board, seems dumb. It's all about the end result.
Hey- i know all too well the dumbasses that post on the internet claiming to be an insider and then either make stuff up or just come off as douche bags.

I understand not knowing who I am - it is extremely fair to not only question but to call BS. I would too.

There is a reason people still think he is a CU "lean" when all of his recent direct quotes would suggest otherwise.

Its all good. Sorry to get you guys so riled up. I guess in retrospect- I should have known the sh*t storm I was going to cause. In all honesty- I truly meant to shed a little insight into the relationship he has with our staff in addition to his uncle. Something that seems to get over looked quite a bit.
We think you're full of **** because you are full of ****. You've backed yourself into a corner and you keep posting trying to fight your way out, but it's not happening.
Lost a fight? What fight?

I have conceded up and down that UT is UT. I am not insulting UT.

You guys have trashed CU. If thats the fight you are claiming I "lost"- well thats a matter of opinion. I have not claimed the CU is at UT's level right now. I am of the opinion that CU will very much be at that level again soon though. We will never compete with UT in terms of $$$ and local talent. But to suggest that CU can't compete on the field consistently with UT is not only short sided- its just ignorant.

I am trying to sign off b/c I don't know what you guys are arguing. The point I made early and late still goes unanswered and unattended. Instead- its gang up on the Buff fan- call him names, insult his program and school and say "WE WIN".

There is nothing to win here. Me saying Scott is a Buff is no different than the posters who claim once Mack and Major get their in-home Scott is a Horn.

I keep trying to let it drop b/c there is no fight. But if you keep trying to create one- then I will continue to respond. If you let it drop- then I won't.

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