anyone wondering where walt and michael might be, and if they might be part of the oceanic 6? harold perrineau (michael) was still listed in the opening credits.

this show is brilliant. i am seriously addicted, and would spend more time exploring online if i weren't feeling guilty about how i am supposed to be studying for my board exams.
Somebody please help me out - I watched it online and never saw the part where Jeremy Davies (the parachuter) said that one line about why they were there. Was that a preview of a future episode? Did this episode show Jack/Kate talking to the guy?
Naomi already told the survivors that they "found" the wreakage of 815, and that there were no survivors.

I assumed that Oceanic just sunk a different plane to make it look like there were no survivors.

One question I have been pondering since Thursday night: when Charlie put in the code for Good Vibrations in the Looking Glass, Penny popped right up on the screen.

How does that happen? I mean either it's a huge coincidence (which this show doesn't do coincidences), or she was already in touch with the others, and in particular Ben.

I started thinking about it, and when Desmond destroyed the hatch, and the two guys in Anarctica "saw" it, they called Penny and told her, "It happened again."

We all assumed that Penny was searching for Desmond, and that those two guys were a part of that operation. Maybe Penny is a much bigger player in this than previously thought, and maybe she has been working with the others (or maybe even Dharma) for a while.

Just a thought. But I am still wondering why it was Penny, of all people, who popped up on the screen...
(1) Seems like Claire is getting better looking with time while Kate is slipping.....

(2) While not a new observation, I still think this is funny -- One of the more consistent events on the show Survivor, which was one of the inspirations for Lost, is how skinny all the contestants become over time. The longer they survive, the skinnier they get. Some shockingly so, And the max time is 39 days, I believe. Yet, on Lost (where they are now in excess of 100 days on the island) some of the Losties just keep getting bigger and bigger. Despite the writers strike.
That was Charlie that smashed the mirror. Michael wasn't in the season premiere but he will show up at some point. Probably has a clause in his contract that puts him in the opening credits for the whole season, even if he's not in every episode.
I'd like to see Michael come back, he's a little prick that deserves to get his *** kicked. As for Walt, how are the LOST producers gonna handle the kid's sudden growth spurt? In the finale of season 3, they tried to use a funny camera angle to disguise his growth, but that won't work much longer. By the time season 6 rolls around, he could be 6'3" with a deep manly voice.
I'm pretty sure that the producers have said that they won't use the dream tactic for ending the show.

I doubt that they would have what would seem to be major plot points and development turn out to just be in some dudes imagination.
seriously though. looking back to that hurley episode. "numbers" maybe. damn lostpedia. anyway, when his imaginary friend is making fun of him, talking about how he didn't really win the lottery with that crazy dude's numbers, and making fun of the numbers on the island, and all the rest, it really makes you doubt the whole thing being real.

that's why i try not to think about it.
I'm watching last week's episode and the creepy cabin scene is on. I slow motioned the scene and I did see Christian Shepard sitting in the rocking chair. ****ALSO, when the man's eye popped up in the window...it was NOT Locke's!!!! I'm 99% sure it's Mikhail's (the one-eyed Russian).

Did anyone else see it?

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