Great post and very well thought out. I don't have time to read all the responses, so I'm sorry if a couple of my points have already been covered.
First off, I take exception to your entire post being about win/loss records, then noting in the last sentence that this is not the only indicator as to the QB's success/talent.
Reason being, the entire time I'm reading your account of Applewhite's exploits in his first start, the next year's Apple Turnover game (as it became known), and the NU big XII championship game, I'm picturing Ryan Nunez, Brian White, and Jeremy Jones.
Now, I've got nothing against those guys at all. They each at various points in their careers here helped us win games. But to compare what Applewhite was able to do with that talent to what Simms did with the likes of Roy Williams, BJ Johnson, Sloan Thomas, etc. is laughable at best.
In fact, that epiphany that you claimed Chris had against Kansas should be renamed Roy Williams, because that's who Chris found that day. A lot, as I recall.
I certainly agree with your assesment of Mack's decision, and how important it was on the outcome of both QB's careers. I've always maintained that it was his decicion to start Simms the next year, but yes, the two-headed monster was the genesis of the issue.
After some time to reflect on the last couple years (sans agony over OU defeats still weighing heavy on me) and after watching the recent bowl games, national champ game, and to some extent the senior bowl today, I've come to the conclusion that Simms just doesn't have the same maturity level of some of the great QB's I've seen. I hate to sound harsh - and I don't intend this to be a slam on him in any way - but when I see him complete a TD pass and do his wrigling fingers thing towards the sideline, I just shake my head and think the classic "act like you've done it before."
In watching Ohio State's QB towards the end of that game, you could just see the maturity in his eyes and demeanor. Much like Applewhite had back in his heyday. 4th and 14 with the game on the line, and Ragone slings one for a first down. What does he do? Calmly looks to the sideline for the next play. Doesn't even bat an eyelash as his teammates cheered and pumped their fists.
I don't know. Maybe I'm being too critical. That was something that always bugged me about his game. He was a good QB on a good team that could have been great. That's not something to be ashamed of. I think everyone just gnashes their teeth at what "could have been" had Applewhite been driving the bus last year.
He had the intangibles. You can't argue with that.
Here's to Chance and Vincent. Let the games begin............