long form BC

Uh oh,

You're fired!!!

don't worry ricky, the don is already out in front on this:

i played a huge role
we have to see if it's real
i wonder why he didn't do this before
how hard was that? I mean, I questioned his being born here, only when he refused to release his BC and only very early on.
I questioned it because why would anyone NOT release their BC. I don't get it. Sure, those that kept saying he wasn't born here were/are idiots, but why would Obama not have just released this document 2 years ago, and ended the talk then and there?
send in the clowns...nice play by the obama administration. fyi, the Fed is giving a press conference for the first time in its history today.
To be clear, he released a certified copy.

But, good for him in finally doing so. I'll look forward to his Occidental Transcripts next.

Kudos also to the Donald for keeping the pressure on. Too bad no one else had the guts to do so.
Again I feel the need to point out that Obama long ago released the document necessary to prove to all but conpiracy theorists and the learning impaired that he was in fact born in Hawaii. I feel certain though we will still hear "questions remain" until Obama has a different job.

To all the people who kept this "controversy" alive -- do you feel you have been duped by the folks trying to convince you Obama was born in Kenya?
Don't feel duped in the least. I just wonder why Donald Trump is one of the few people that dares to question this President. Maybe it is race and everyone is afraid of being called the 'R' word. Whatever. He works for us. It is our right to question. I'll look forward to the release of his college transcripts.

Snap. Now all the birthers can go back to their holes. If they say anything more about this now they will only be digging themselves further into that hole. Before the attack could be seen in a twisted way as patriotic, though completely misguided as all Hawaiian citizens are given the certification of live birth that President Obama originally presented. Now they will need to just drop the issue and Trump likely will slide of any potential ballots out there. He made his bed on this issue.
Oilfield, I think there is genuine fear of being labeled a "birther" by anyone who will ever have to appeal to moderate voters in order to be elected. "Birther" fantasies look from the outside every bit as bizarre as those of the "truthers" but I guess from the inside it looks different. A certificate of live birt6 attested to by the Republican governor of Hawaii, birth announcements in two Honolulu paper and just how bizarre and kooky it would be for an American teen-ager to travel to Kenya to give birth satisfied most of us long ago. I guess I can admire Trump and the "birthers" for bulldog-like teancity for holding on to see the long form birth certificate.
heh. I like how Donald said on CNN that the birth certificate "doesn't exist".

Trump just showed himself to be the clown that we all know him to be.
Damn, were the dimpled chad crowd this anal over Bush?

we never stopped hearing about the dimpled chads. hbo even made a movie about it so i would answer yes.
What a GLORIOUS day for the libs.

I guess this proves Obama isn't the shittiest President in the history of this country after all.

Way to go, leftists. You really showed us!
I'll look forward to his Occidental Transcripts next.
This is stupid. Who gives a **** if he made a D in calculus? What part of the Constitution asks for college transcripts?

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