Hearing that makes me a bit ashamed of myself. I've made sacrifices for Deez, Jr. like any other parent, but my contribution to his creation and my becoming a father was really pretty pathetic. I obviously started by doing something pleasurable, spent no money, and went through no significant physical burden or pain.
I put that "significant" qualifier there, because I did have to tolerate and accommodate some pretty screwed up cravings from Mrs. Deez at times. Just out of nowhere one night, she demanded Sloppy Joes, which I detest. She had terrible nausea throughout the pregnancy, and I cautioned her against it, but she was completely unyielding. I was expected to make Sloppy Joes happen, or there was going to be trouble. So I made them, and she loved them for about 30 minutes. And then she vomited like I've never seen anyone vomit before and I had to clean it up. It was rough, but that was the extent of my suffering.