Lamarr Houston Arrested on DWI

That is true but I think that the assertion that he might have had a couple of beers at dinner doesnt seem to fit the limited description of what happened.

Of course he could really like eating dinner at 3am and maybe whataburger makes him drowsy and thats why he ran into somebody......
This just bites!! Why didn't he get a cab? Call a friend? I'm sure he was with friends, why didn't one of them take him home? Hell... walk home or sleep in your car! Just don't drink and drive! Especially with the fact that he is a starter on the Texas football team! I'm sure he was raring to go after the game, pumped and happy as **** because they just won their opener, but still, it's just common sense, but you do lose that after you have drank several. If he had friends around, someone should have called a cab for him or took him home. I would have! As for what Mack, Muschamp, and Co. will do, probably 3 game suspension and a LOT of drills, etc... I'd hate to be him come Monday! Hell... even today! Wake up boy!
Austinbadger and several others on here have apparently probably not had someone close to them killed by a drunk driver. Innocent people die, people's parents, sometimes children are KILLED because some folks don't take driving drunk seriously. Innocent people have everything taken away. The roads are deadly enough without alcohol.

When you drive drunk you ARE planning to take a chance on killing somebody. It is inexcuseable and just because "other people do it" it doesn't make it any less a potentially murderous act. The folks that say "everybody does it" are just trying to justify their own guilt.

Personally, I think the law is still too lenient in general.

As far as team rules...I submit it is up to Mack, but 3 games isn't cutting it as a deterrent...Obviously!

I'm all for second chances in life, but it doesn't have to be on this football team when there are others who are doing it the right way.
I just hope this doesn't screw up team chemistry, which seems good now.
I even heard that some players objected when McCoy got cheap-shotted.
I am not kidding and it is not ********.

It is against the law in Texas to drive under the influence. And one beer can be considered under the influence. A field test is designed for failure and almost no one can pass it drunk or sober so if you refuse to blow but do the field test you are going to jail. You may not be drunk but you are still going to spend around 5 grand to prove your innocence. It is ********.

They should spend more time going after the people that are dangerous and really drunk instead of spending all of their time just trying to get numbers.

DWI attorneys love it however because they are making a killing.
I'm not sure I'm innocent enough to be passing judgement on Houston, based on what he's alleged to have done last night. I wonder how many others here are.

The best thing is to let Mack and the courts handle this, and the rest of us back away from passing judgement.
If this was new to UT football, I'd say punish more lightly. But he's seen trouble bring down plenty of teammates now to know better. I'd boot him, and I'm typically extremely lenient.
Just a note about the guidelines for posting regarding this sort of situation.

Houston's punishment regarding his participation in football is at Coach Brown's discretion. Others have mentioned what his policy to date has been regarding such infractions.

We will not discuss on this site what our opinions are regarding appropriate punishment.
Whatever the actual punishment, I sure hope it is a metphorical kick in the *** for the entire team. Celebrate when the season is over fellas. Oh and celebrating doesn't include drinking and driving.
I think we are supposed to read Longtex's posts with a country accent. Like the narrator for the Big Lebowski.

This sucks. I know aggy likes to make jokes about our arrest record last year, but it never really bothered me to read them. I think what hurts most for me is imagining what this does for our team's chemistry and ability to win games.

One thing though is that I am proud of Mack's policy regarding this and it is nice to know he is consistent. OU, FSU and even the self righteous aggy do not have the track record that Mack has in regards to punishing the most severe in the case of a DWI.

I hope he doesnt get kicked off the team though. That would hurt!
Maybe at the next home game, everyone in the stands show up stinking drunk and make fools of themselves. Hollering, running out on the field, taking off their clothes in the stands.

On the jumbo-tron, keep putting up film clips of drunks.

Frequently stop the game and have fans come over to the rail and puke.

Have a car drive out on the wheel and do a half-dozen donut wheel spins and tear up the turf, with a drunk hanging out the passanger window going Yah-Hoo!!!!

All the coaches drink beer throughout the game.
the lowest BAC that has been recorded for people beginning to show signs of losing their mental/physical capabilities is all the way up at .04

pretty surprising. i know this cuz i have a pending dwi myself and took a driving awareness education class. learned a lot of stuff in there.
"I do think a 3 game suspension for first offense is consistent. "

As do I.

"I'd boot him, and I'm typically extremely lenient."

So, would you agree with an employer if an employee in a non-risk field was fired for a first time DWI?