Kudos to Texas Anti-Abortion Protests

George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells were also members.

DFWAg, the Fabian Society still exists and for the same purpose they just change tactics from time to time. Evidence being England is more "socialistic" today that it was at the end of WWII. Thatcher reversed some of their progress, but they continue to march on. Fabianism itself is a strategy of slow, methodical, incremental change or progress. Fabianus implemented the tactic in terms of winning a war. The Fabian Society in terms of changing political culture.
Larry, I saw a video of the situation you describe. I know it doesn't reflect on every pro-choice or pro-life advocate. However, on the video it a large group on one side sing a hymn together and another large group hailing Satan together.

I will bet you any amount of money that Wendy Davis is irrelevant in what year did you write, 2020?

She and the far left are such a minority in this state, you and your brethern keep saying how Texas is turning Democrat, hell you live in Denton county and actually think that?

The fastest growing counties in this state are all extremely conservative upwardly mobile folks that fit more with the Tea Party then they do any other political affiliation.

keep dreaming......
If all abortions were to be stopped and all these kids were to be born I assume that there are rich pretty white families in the suburbs ready to adopt them all? Or would they just add to our already over populated, unemployed, under educated world?
I tend to believe that unwanted children disproportionately would grow up and commit crimes at a higher rate than average. The guys at freakonomics have attributed the lower crime rate since roe v wade to legalized abortion. There was a pretty dramatic decline in crime around 18 years after roe v wade. There is obviously debate on the topic and a million other factors.

One thing that I find interesting about the abortion debate is the relative silence from doctors. There are a few examples such as Hu's, but those are doctors that are involved in politics. I found these results on the freakonomics site:

In reply to:

Major, indeed Denton County is overwhelmingly Republican. Twenty years ago, so was Dallas. Some of it is the Red Rover effect. You want to be a district judge or Sheriff in Dallas County, it used to be you had to be a Republican, while in Bastrop County you had to be a Democrat. Things change and like magic people change too. Office seekers are often all about themselves and they'll spout the dogma of the party in power like true believers.
You mean the masses who are working their asses off doing jobs most of us disdain? I think they're feeding themselves as well as their families back in the old country.

But keep up the delusion.
*********. You're the one talking abt irresponsible liberal parents raising irresponsible kids. Yet with my examples of 2 daughters raised by very conservative parents, it's not those parents being irresponsible, it's the girls. You're a close-minded, one-sided hypocrite.

Good luck on any group of sane people agreeing with you that the best way to stop irresponsible teen behavior re sex is to threaten - and I assume carry out - imprisonment. You're totally off the rails.

Thousands of pro-life people at the capital yesterday and millions of people in this country will vehemently disagree with you that religion is not the issue here and civil rights is. Tell that to the little kids singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and the adults singing "Amazing Grace" yesterday. Tell it to the Catholic church.
Libs keepin' it klassy! Link.

For the last several years, Democrats have done a good job at keeping their wingnuts out of sight, but when they aren't able to do so, it looks really bad. As I've indicated before, their hostility to this bill is going to hurt the Democrats much more than it will help them. Wendy Davis has won her last election in Texas. She is done. I could see Obama appointing her to a federal judgeship, though it would not surprise me if Cruz filibusters her nomination.
Kudo's and a big shout out to the pro-abortionists for driving this into a special session that wasted tax $$ unnecessarily. Best of luck to Wendy Davis on her speaking tour as she makes the rounds of abortionist sympathizers looking to bathe in her awesomeness.

And of course, how 'bout those brave people who showed up in UT burnt orange to bring disgrace upon the university. Next time, paint you politics in a different color.
Was downtown yesterday and decided to take my son and wife to the capitol. I knew there were protests ongoing and felt it would be interesting. One thing that I noticed was that all of the placards with profanity, vile language, or images on them belonged to the pro-choice crowd. I wonder why that is?
I often ***** about republicans and their lack of stratergery. The left's kryptonite is the 10-20% of their base that is bat **** crazy. There are certain segments of society that refuse to associate themselves with the nut jobs. The media has always kept the loons out of view, but social media will kill that. I can go video them being stupid, post it on twitter, facebook, 10 different message boards, make a cute meme out of it, and reach as many people as a newspaper article that nobody reads.
It goes both ways and there are a fair number of us that call ******** on both sides when needed. This time, some of the far left needed to have ******** called on them. They should just calm down and wait a year as large parts of this will be struck down. See my thread on wisconsin.

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