Kaepernick = Trumbo

As a % of incident and of population more white people are killed by police than any other race. Kaep and much of the black population is being deceived, once again, so that they will keep voting Democrat.

Perhaps, but even that is superficial.
But it is true that a disproportionate amount of murders and other violent crimes are committed by black Americans.

Because detailed FBI data on crime can lag by several years, the most-cited statistics on this point refer to 2009 data. According to that data, out of all violent crimes in which someone was charged, black Americans were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the country’s 75 biggest counties — despite the fact that black Americans made up just 15 percent of the population in those places.
Wow, that must have been very difficult for the WaPo to write. I'm sure they won't let those facts get in the way of their biased reporting on blacks and their treatment by the police.
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It's superficial to look at statistics of which races are more often shot by police and not particularly informative.

It is if your cause is built around the belief that police are out to get black people and kill them at a disproportionate rate.

It is a lot less superficial than thinking all whites are a certain way and all black are certain way. How else than by statistics can we understand objectively the claims put forth by blacklivesmatter and Kaepernick?
It is if your cause is built around the belief that police are out to get black people and kill them at a disproportionate rate.

It is a lot less superficial than thinking all whites are a certain way and all black are certain way. How else than by statistics can we understand objectively the claims put forth by blacklivesmatter and Kaepernick?

I'm not an expert on the stats. It's somewhere between the cops are on a mission to kill black people in cold blood or a general fear of them when confronting them as a suspect. It is somewhere in between racial profiling or much higher contact proportionally due to a higher incidence of crime. It is somewhere between a cop being a gun-toting cowboy wanting to shoot anyone who mouths off or someone who aggressively resists arrest. It is somewhere between a statistically insignificant sample given the divide it has caused or the ideal of justice for everyone and right minded behavior by our police.
It is if your cause is built around the belief that police are out to get black people and kill them at a disproportionate rate.

It is a lot less superficial than thinking all whites are a certain way and all black are certain way. How else than by statistics can we understand objectively the claims put forth by blacklivesmatter and Kaepernick?

I'm not saying that all statistics are irrelevant. I'm saying that a particular statistic (of the kind most cited by the dolts who argue this issue for BLM and other wing nuts on the Left) is superficial. Yes, it helps to drive their political agenda and its phony narratives, but it adds virtually no real analytical or logical weight to support their argument that blacks are being targeted because of their race or that they're being killed unjustly. If we weren't talking about race issues (where there's a clear partisan agenda), no serious thinker or journalist would take arguments based on that horse **** statistic seriously.
This is probably my favorite.

It's ridiculous. It should have been Pat Tillman. I don't know if you remember but the hard left were vicious in beating down what Tillman did. I remember. They were the same back then as they are today. Trump didn't spawn this vile behavior. It's who they are.

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