Kaepernick = Trumbo


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What was once a protest is now a free speech issue. The movie Trumbo is about the blacklisted Hollywood actors, writers, directors and producers who were avowed communists. The movie completely downplays the actual quotes lauding Stalin and other communists. Instead, these same men who were publicly supportive of the Soviet Union during the cold war are portrayed as saviors of our constitutional rights. Nike is doing the same thing with Colin Kaepernick. Whatever the original purpose it is now back to proving again you can burn a flag or do whatever you want.

But they are shrewd. This has dollar signs written all over it. Gain the favor of all black athletes who are role models to millions of kids and guess what? You move product.
What was once a protest is now a free speech issue. The movie Trumbo is about the blacklisted Hollywood actors, writers, directors and producers who were avowed communists. The movie completely downplays the actual quotes lauding Stalin and other communists. Instead, these same men who were publicly supportive of the Soviet Union during the cold war are portrayed as saviors of our constitutional rights. Nike is doing the same thing with Colin Kaepernick. Whatever the original purpose it is now back to proving again you can burn a flag or do whatever you want.

But they are shrewd. This has dollar signs written all over it. Gain the favor of all black athletes who are role models to millions of kids and guess what? You move product.

On Marketplace.org yesterday they stated an estimated 65% of Nike products are purchased by those age 35 and younger. This is a move by Nike to solidify the brand image for a generation. They'll own millenials.
On Marketplace.org yesterday they stated an estimated 65% of Nike products are purchased by those age 35 and younger. This is a move by Nike to solidify the brand image for a generation. They'll own millenials.
There's just one problem with that reasoning: non-black millennials are split on this issue.


Analysis | This is what millennials think about the NFL protests
On Marketplace.org yesterday they stated an estimated 65% of Nike products are purchased by those age 35 and younger. This is a move by Nike to solidify the brand image for a generation. They'll own millenials.

Yeah. I read somewhere they can afford to lose the over 40 market.
There's just one problem with that reasoning: non-black millennials are split on this issue.


Analysis | This is what millennials think about the NFL protests

That was 2016. If I were an investor in Nike I'd hope they have more recent data to inform their marketing strategies. Generally speaking, most large corporations have significant market data to drive their strategies.

Then again, maybe millenials haven't shifted their views. Perusing the GenForward site it doesn't appear they've updated their survey on this topic.
If I were an investor in Nike I'd hope they have more recent data to inform their marketing strategies.
Political correctness is a powerful force. I am amazed at the number of companies that continue to sabotage themselves for political ideology - ESPN, NFL, Disney, and now Nike. Even if the numbers have slightly shifted, is it worth alienating a large minority of your customer base? I just don't get it.
Well, looks like Nike has doubled down on divisive advertising. They are now producing a commercial, narrated by Colin K. that features great athletes, such as Serena Williams, and other pros, as well as amateur athletes, who have overcome obstacles such as losing a hand, or competing an Ironman with brain cancer.

Evidently Colin K. isn't shown kneeling, and evidently, and almost all of the athletes featured happen to be black.
I guess he is the new spokesperson for the brand, and, I guess there are very few inspirational white, Mexican, or Asian athletes to be found. >sigh<

Thank you to bystander for your correct information. I got that wrong. I had only read an article. After watching the ad I did see a few diverse faces. Very few.
Watch the new Nike commercial featuring Colin Kaepernick that was trashed by Trump
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Well, looks like Nike has doubled down on divisive advertising. They are now producing a commercial, narrated by Colin K. that features great athletes, such as Serena Williams, and other pros, as well as amateur athletes, who have overcome obstacles such as losing a hand, or competing an Ironman with brain cancer.

Evidently Colin K. isn't shown kneeling, and evidently, all of the athletes featured happen to be black.
I guess he is the new spokesperson for the brand, and, I guess there are no inspirational white, Mexican, or Asian athletes to be found. >sigh<

I believe there is a white skateboarder who will also be featured in the ad. It will be aired during tomorrow nights opening game between Philly and Atlanta.
I understand why Trump is active in his condemnation. It's a way to gather those who agree into an outraged voting block. But in reality, he should ignore it. But he's not wired that way. Either way, Colin is within his rights to kneel. Trump should know by now that the Left likes to fight him on stuff like this (or whatever they can get their hands on) but he was elected by his bluster. It works for him.

Nike doesn't seem to be worried about patriotism unless they believe supporting free speech is more patriotic than standing for the national anthem. Everyone who supports Colin say that he's not disrespecting the flag, the anthem or the soldiers. He just happens to protest during the one opportunity that a large crowd can gather as they say, "To honor America." I believe he made a mistake in choosing to protest during the anthem. Surely he had other ways to be 100% targeted to his purpose without the dilutive effect of asking people who wish to show their patriotism to make a choice. Forcing the choice is the tactical error. The people who wish to honor America don't know what to do with Colin's symbolic gestures. I don't know anyone that supports the cold blooded murder of black people by the police. I'm sure the administration of every major city does not support it. But I do have personal friends who are employees of the DEA, Border Patrol and the local police. They are just human beings and yes, their lives are at risk every time they are forced to confront someone.

That resonates very loudly with me.
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Why don't Colin etc care about black on black killing?
If he is all that as a hero to black millennials think the good he could do to protest them killing each other
Why don't Colin etc care about black on black killing?
If he is all that as a hero to black millennials think the good he could do to protest them killing each other

I think the other question is why he does not care about Nike's labor practices over seas. I thought that was something the Left was passionate about.
Nike could have been smart and used a small roster of athletes who make a difference to speak out in their commercials.
Use Colin, but also use men like JJ Watt. or LeBron who have actually made a real impact that is positive.

Maybe it's because I'm not a man, and I was a real runner, tennis player, soccer player, but an athlete's endorsement meant absolutely zero to me when I picked out my shoes. It still doesn't. It was all about fit and feel. And I never chose Nike. I always saw them as shoes non-athletes wore to be cool. That is probably unfair, but Nike always seemed to have a gimmick, or the flashiest colors.
Maybe that is why I have never had knee surgery!
Yeah. I read somewhere they can afford to lose the over 40 market.

They lost me. I've purchased nike gear most of my life. I've needed shoes for a few weeks and decided yesterday to buy a pair of New Balance shoes for the first time. I don't really care if they care about me or not, but it makes me feel better to support a different company.

I'm sure Nike will be just fine without me, but for the time being they've lost my kids too. Hopefully I can brand them with another company and when they get older and buy their own things Nike will be way down the list of choices for them.
Maybe it's because I'm not a man, and I was a real runner, tennis player, soccer player, but an athlete's endorsement meant absolutely zero to me when I picked out my shoes.

I am the exact opposite of this (unless playing tennis for fun counts), and it never meant anything to me either, so that's probably not the reason!
The left keep gravitating to the wrong side of the issues. I mean you had a democrat leaders defending MS13. America is tired of the stupidity from the left and this is just another example of too many to count. To top it off, they double down on the stupidity every time.
The NFL players who protest might have more traction if other players had not already irritated a large part of their audience before this thing ever got off the ground by running around saying they were like slaves on a plantation and such.
Are you playing dumb or just been under a rock the past year? Although someone above posted the link, no one should have to. Then again if you only watch CNN that would be equivalent to having your head under a rock.

"Democrats defend MS-13" is no more true than Donald Trump calling all illegal immigrants "animals". In both cases you had political hacks taking each others comments out of context with intent to use them for politicsl gain.
I thought this was quite ironic. A bunch of tone-deaf football players who are protesting in an intentionally inflammatory way complaining that the people they are offending are not listening to them. :facepalm:

There is a common narrative that your average white person (especially a white person who is conservative-leaning or not "woke") is basically so self-absorbed that he or she is oblivious or ignorant about racial issues or the plight of black people in the US. Accordingly, he or she needs to be lectured at and enlightened by a bunch of athletes.

And no, they're not all idiots. I've heard Kaepernick talk, and he's not a dumbass. However, he's not the most erudite guy either. Frankly, when I hear guys like Jenkins and Kaepernick bring up the "stats" about blacks in jail and getting shot by police, I'm actually surprised at how shallow and sloppy their "analysis" is. Honestly, I'm not sure that I know any white people whose view on the issue is that superficial.
As a % of incident and of population more white people are killed by police than any other race. Kaep and much of the black population is being deceived, once again, so that they will keep voting Democrat.

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