June POTUS debate: Trump vs Biden!

Wow, Joe... desperation comments about BS sleaze.


Now Nazi BS to help him... so weak.
Ramblin' Joe, the debate ain't over but a little person like me can tell you already LOST THE DEBATE AND YOUR PARTY IS ******:

Trump is doing well, but he is leaving points on the field.
Illegal aliens, he only focused on murders recently. Should have talked about the devastating of all the Fentanyl killing people as well.

Should have also focused more on how much we are doing for illegals.
Give them money, a phone, ticket to anywhere in the country, free meals, while our vets sleep on the street. He was too brief on that point.
I wish Trump would be more, empathetic. While talking about the deaths of US Marines in Afghanistan, should have mentioned Joe checking his watch while their bodies were being offloaded on the tarmac.

Seems like Biden's main strategy is to call Trump a liar. I heard part of his training team's strategy was to try and get under Trump's skin. It isn't working so far.

where are all the 29 (?) fact checkers? Biden is lying his *** off.
Still repeating lies that have been debunked, such as "fine people hoax",
Russian collusion, laptop, etc.

Take a shot every time Biden says, "the IDEA of..."
So far, Trump has looked poised for him, Biden's face while Trump is speaking is the very definition of "deer in the headlights" with his mouth hanging open like a dying trout.

Trump quit saying worst President we have ever had. You are now repeating yourself, and, a couple of years ago, you were voted worst President ever. So, now hush about that.

The moderators are being surprisingly fair, I think.
Trump on environment. Should have talked about the billions earmarked for EVs, and only 7 chargers built. The vast majority of Americans don't want what the Greenies want. We want our gas stoves, our showers, our ACs. Two countries need to be held accountability for most of the pollution, we are doing our part.

Yahoo headline: Trump has lied several times in debate >sigh<

Cognition, Biden was evaluated by MDs who said he couldn't testify due to frailty and cognitive issues. You should have said that in a calm and nice way.
Trump don't just brag about your own cognitive test results and your golf game. You need a mulligan on that.

Trump, just say YES about accepting the results of the election.
Hey Dana,

IF, IF, the 2024 election IS FAIR,

Then, we will accept the election results.
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