July 1 Cutoff date for Football - ugh

Fall 2020 Planning Update | May 20
May 20, 2020

Dear UT Community,

Yesterday, we shared plans with staff and faculty members about the second phase of financial mitigation measures the university is taking in light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. These will involve very difficult employment decisions affecting staff members in revenue-generating units, including possible furloughs and reductions in force. Revenue-generating units fund their operations in a variety of ways, including through service charges, fees and memberships. Their budgets primarily come from providing services to paying internal or external customers.

These measures are necessary because of the impact of COVID-19 on the university’s finances. They will affect our co-workers, colleagues and friends significantly, and we hope that you will show understanding for those in revenue-generating units. Moving forward, we will continue to address hard financial realities, and it is likely that there will be more difficult employment decisions to make in the months ahead.

As the spring semester comes to an end with commencement this weekend, our six working groups continue to plan for the upcoming fall semester, and we have begun to make some key decisions:

Fall Semester Schedule

The fall semester will begin as scheduled on August 26, and classes will run until Thanksgiving. Students will not return after Thanksgiving and, instead, will participate in reading days and final exams remotely. With COVID-19 still expected to be active this fall, we hope to avoid the possibility of students becoming infected during the Thanksgiving break and then spreading the virus to classmates upon their return after Thanksgiving. We are still developing the details for how this new schedule will affect course syllabi, residence hall living and other key campus functions. We will continue to provide additional information as we move forward.

In-person Commencement Ceremonies

Since students will not be returning to campus after Thanksgiving, all in-person commencement ceremonies for the fall semester will be postponed. This is another difficult but critical decision, given the continued risks associated with the spread of COVID-19.

Our planned in-person, university-wide commencement ceremony for the Class of 2020 will take place on campus at some point in 2021. Spring and fall 2020 graduates will be invited to this in-person celebration. The date and plans for this event will depend on the evolving COVID-19 situation, and we will update our graduates as soon as we have a clear sense of when we can host all of them safely. We thank our 2020 graduates for their understanding and flexibility as we work to provide them with a celebration that is fitting of their extraordinary achievements.

The university-wide virtual commencement ceremony will take place this Saturday night as planned.

Reopening Research

During the next few days, we will announce specific plans for resuming research on campus. Research is at the core of UT’s mission, and during the COVID-19 crisis, our researchers have been busy working to track and fight the spread of the disease while continuing a limited number of other critical and time-sensitive projects. Now, it’s time for a larger force of our researchers in the social and behavioral sciences and humanities, as well as the natural sciences, to return to what they do best: finding solutions to global problems, addressing important societal issues and improving life for people around the world.

Lab directors and principal investigators will be given direction on the university’s “Research Restart” plan, including how to apply to reopen their operations and the necessary steps they must take, including safety precautions and required mitigation plans.

Masks on Campus

Throughout the summer months, all UT employees who are authorized to work on campus must cover their faces with a mask or cloth-covering at all times unless they are in a private office or space. As we have seen with the recent positive tests among several staff members, there is still a very real risk of the virus spreading, and we must take appropriate precautions.

Updates from Working Groups and Campus Announcements

Below, you will find summaries from the working groups, followed by additional news and policy announcements.

This has been a very challenging week for our community. Just know that we are in this together, and we will get through this together. Thank you for your dedication and understanding as we navigate this ongoing crisis.


Gregory L. Fenves

Jay Hartzell
Interim President Designate

Health and Wellness

The Health and Wellness Working Group has finalized a model that estimates how many COVID-19 tests will be needed each day for symptomatic testing and surveillance screening at UT. This estimate is being used for procuring tests, building an infrastructure for testing/tracing and surveillance, and purchasing related materials such as personal protective equipment for health care workers. The working group has created a testing and surveillance plan for summer students and staff members, and is currently developing a plan for the fall.

Testing for symptomatic patients, as well as surveillance testing for students, staff and faculty, will be available on campus when the UT campus opens in the fall. Based on our modeling strategy and best available evidence, more than 500 tests will be needed daily. Efforts are underway to increase overall testing capacity, including a collaboration between Dell Medical School and the College of Natural Sciences to establish a new lab for additional testing.

In coordination with other working groups, the health behaviors subgroup is drafting guidelines and a recommendation for face coverings, social distancing in classrooms, daily screenings, events/gatherings, contact tracing applications and more.

The mental health and well-being subgroup has compiled a list of resources, programs and initiatives available to support faculty, staff and students. They are also identifying potential gaps in, as well as possible adaptations required of, these resources, programs and initiatives.


The members of the Academic Planning Working Group have received input from many students, faculty and staff that has helped them refine their ideas about scheduling and health and safety practices on campus for students and UT employees in the fall. The academic task forces are working to improve the quality of online learning and are actively exploring approaches to internships and other forms of experiential learning, as well as ways of improving safety in teaching labs, performance spaces and studios.

Much effort is being devoted to exploring issues specific to graduate students — particularly doctoral students whose research and academic career prospects have been disrupted by the pandemic.

A newly launched academic task force is addressing how the variety of programs that teach students about clinical practice can be run safely and effectively. This task force is grappling with the special problems that arise for programs in which core skills can be learned only through interactions with patients and clients.

Student Life and Engagement

The Student Life and Engagement Working Group is collecting and reviewing national guidelines and tools related to on-campus and virtual student engagement in order to consider their effectiveness. Other efforts underway include the creation of a central student portal where students will participate in virtual events across campus and with one another.

The housing, food and facilities task force is reviewing various scenarios for reopening on-campus residence halls, dining/food service venues and other facilities. This task force is also providing data to assist with the creation of social distancing and masking guidelines.

The Student Life and Engagement Working Group is also exploring mobile applications for monitoring the flow of pedestrian traffic on campus and in buildings, and ways to expand contactless check-ins and transactions with Central ITS.

The care and prevention task force is discussing mental health care, wellness and education initiatives and the provision of programs and services. The student input and messaging task force is putting together a cross-campus working group to expand student input and messaging strategies, in consultation with University Communications. The first meeting occurred with representatives of the Graduate Student Assembly, Student Government, the Senate of College Councils and the COVID-19 student committee.


Interim Vice President for Research Alison Preston presented a draft “Research Restart” plan on May 15 to the Fall Planning Executive Committee. This plan is a phased approach to resuming research operations safely at UT this summer in labs, libraries and other UT research spaces.

The Research Working Group comprises associate deans for research representing more than a dozen colleges and schools. The group is working closely with campus directors, clinicians and Environmental Health and Safety. Its priority is to ensure that researchers have the resources, supplies and guidelines needed to work safely with their teams and with patients and human subjects. Each college and school will put a process in place for researchers to submit requests to resume research operations during the coming weeks. This process will help the leaders of colleges and schools make sure their research spaces are prepared for occupancy.


The Operations Working Group has created four task forces: Readiness, which includes campus and workspace navigation and facilities readiness; Strategic Sourcing; Financial Planning for Auxiliaries and Tuition; and Human Resources. The working group continues to develop plans that will inform how facilities should be prepared; what equipment should be procured, stored and distributed; and what policies should be implemented to safely accommodate students, staff, faculty and visitors.


Vice President and Athletics Director Chris Del Conte and the Athletics senior leadership team have developed contingency plans, policies and procedures to work toward bringing UT coaches, staff members and student-athletes back to campus in the safest and most efficient manner. Four task forces were assigned to design plans and oversee implementation for each possibility.

Athletics’ first priority is developing policies and procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, while returning an essential group of football coaches and support staff to campus for a Phase One trial through the end of May.

The layered plan includes training and education programs using the Texas Athletics Employee Guide for COVID-19. Next steps include staff members completing an online COVID-19 symptoms questionnaire each day before leaving home, and then a thorough screening process that includes a temperature check upon arrival at the designated entry. Once at work, employees will follow a number of best health practices for the workplace, including social distancing, wearing face coverings at all times, regularly washing/sanitizing hands, and a robust plan for cleaning and disinfecting all work and common spaces before, during and after departure. This Phase One process will be monitored and evaluated.

Campus Updates

Campus-wide Surveys

The university will be asking UT community members to participate in four surveys during the coming weeks. These are designed to gather feedback on changes the university has made while managing the COVID-19 crisis and to provide a forum for community members to share individual perspectives, experiences and needs. The surveys are:

The Undergraduate and Graduate Student Survey, which will be administered May 27.

The Faculty Survey, which will be administered later this month.

The TA Survey, which will be administered in June.

The Staff Survey, which will be administered in June.

Information about the surveys will be emailed directly to the specific groups. Faculty, staff and administrators will analyze the results from these four upcoming surveys and share them across campus to improve planning and procedures moving forward.

Voluntary Furloughs

In yesterday’s presidential message, furloughs were introduced as a potential option for staff members from revenue-generating units. Please see the FAQs regarding Voluntary Furloughs if you have questions.

May Timekeeping

For further guidance on timekeeping in May, please click here.

Summer Session

Summer session registration is still open. Students can learn more about registration here. And as a reminder, once summer session starts, there will be another opportunity for students to apply for CARES Act funding.
AUSTIN, Texas — Austin Public Health answered some COVID-19 questions on Wednesday, May 20, including whether or not health leaders believe large events in the Austin area will take place this year.

When KVUE asked about the possibility of having the Austin City Limits Festival or Longhorn football this year, Dr. Mark Escott said he can't imagine large-scale events taking place through the end of 2020, especially events that have more than 2,500 people.

"Mass events are a challenge and, as I said last week, I believe large events were the first thing we turned off and they'll be the last thing we turn back on because of that risk of exposing a lot of people to others," Dr. Escott said. "We are working on a plan to help forecast what we think is going to be reasonable, but looking through the end of December, we don't have any indications at this stage that we would be able to mitigate risk enough to have large events, particularly ones over 2,500."

RELATED: Travis County has effectively 'flattened the curve,' health authority says

Dr. Escott added that could change if there is a good treatment or rapid tests for people upon entry.

"A lot is changing very quickly. If we identify an effective treatment that can be administered early in the case of transmission, that's going to be a factor," he explained. "If we identify ways to rapid test such as through saliva that could be done at the gates before people go in, that's a potential factor."

Even if we continue to flatten the curve but there is no vaccine in time for ACL, Dr. Escott said it depends on how flat the curve is to see what would happen next.

RELATED: COVID-19 Q&A: Officials reveal Austin area ZIP codes of concern and new 'rapid test' machine

"If we maintain things flat, and certainly if we can decrease hospitalizations, then we'll think about moving from stage three to stage two, which will open things up a little bit more as far as gatherings are concerned," the doctor said. "A small increase, not a big increase. We really have to get to that green level, stage one, before we are going to be willing to have any sizable events. I think that's an incentive for us to work hard at social distancing."

The doctor added he will continue to give advice to the community regarding mass events, and said the community should stay vigilant and follow the recommendations.

"As much as we want things to be back to normal, they are not back to normal yet," Dr. Escott said.
The more news I see the last few days the more a prediction I made a week ago looks likeliest...
Right now, based solely on my own very subjective analysis and trending reports I'd put the FALL season for UT to at least be attempted as follows:

65% Fall football but with very limited or no fans
14.5% Fall football with somewhat normal fans
19.5% No Fall football
1% Fall football with all fans

This based mostly on Big12 leadership and Big12 members along with City of Austin comments. If the other Big12 members want football (and they will) and their municipalities support it (and they will) then there will be tremendous pressure on Austin/Travis County to allow it. This combined with Bowlesby (and NCAA) comments leads me to this "conclusion".

Would love to hear your best prognastications please
I think Austin needs to take another look at the economic impact of UT football on the city's coffers (not only taxes, also the coffers of hotels, restaurants, bars, etc) before they start talking about shutting all that down or even limiting the fans coming to games. It's a *very* big number.
Big 12 voluntary workouts can begin --
June 15 - Football
July 1 - volleyball, soccer and cross-country
July 15 - men's and women's basketball
They could easily set up alternate seating with 6’ spacing. Have extra security on hand. UT home games may be 24,500 max but that’s better than 0. Obviously I have no vote but this makes a lot of sense. Common Sense and Covid 19 are oil and water!
I think Austin needs to take another look at the economic impact of UT football on the city's coffers...before they start talking about shutting all that down or even limiting the fans coming to games.
The University of Texas, as a state institution, doesn't have to follow City of Austin regulations. The only thing that matters is what Governor Abbott decides when the time comes.
Inside Texas on tickets rumor

Nothing is concrete, but we’ve heard season tickets could be refunded and replaced by a lottery that fills DKR to 30-40 percent.

This makes a lot of sense to me, as a lot of people who own season tickets will not want to attend games and a lottery is a great way to opt-in despite the circumstances. Anyone who wants in on the lottery should understand whatever risks there are to attend games. This should let Texas off the hook for liability — at least you would think in a sane world.

I think every other row/every other seat would limit attendance to ~ 25%. So it seems they are considering another way to do it (blocks/groups)
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I think every other row/every other seat would limit attendance to ~ 25%. So it seems they are considering another way to do it (blocks/groups)
Six foot radius around each attendee will be about 15% total occupancy.

The back of the ticket will read, "Well, do you feel lucky, punk?"

Burnt Orange ball gags will be mandatory and liquids prohibited in the stands.

No game day pictures of the stands in the yearbook allowed.

Private suites exempted from all rules, of course.
Lottery of opt-ins would be fantastic. First of all, based on participation at my church for Sunday service (for a max of 25% capacity), only approximately 25% are attending and 75% are staying home. If so, I will attend all the games. Second, if family size is 2-4, then you only need 6 feet between families, not individuals.
I paid 25% of my tickets in March if I recall. UT suspended the other 3 payments for April May and June. I think they are to resume in June.
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I hope they decide soon because by mid-July, daily deaths in Texas will be 2-5, or less than automobile accidents. Still the fear is real in some folks.

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