Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

In Slow Joe's defense, he's so senile he can say one thing, and forget it 5 seconds later. Every talked to a person with dementia? It's would be exactly like negotiating something with President Depends.
Re: Border

"Harris blamed the Trump administration for the ongoing situation at the border, which the current administration has refused to call a crisis, claiming "we inherited a tough situation." She praised Mayorkas and his team for their efforts.

"I commend all of them for their success they have seen thus far, I call it progress, we're not exactly where we want to be yet, but
we've seen extreme progress over these last few months because of his dedication and his efforts," she says."

Bystander says: Kamala Harris is incompetent and a complete liar. That's 2nd in command. That's what voting against Trump gave us.

Mayorkas is just mad that unlike his previous scheme to sell visas to Chinese for $$$, via this visas for investment program the Ruling Class dreamed up, the Mexicans running across the border don't have any funds to kick his way.

So you have a crook, and whatever K Harris is, in charge of the border. With predictable results. The equivalent of 8 x 747's of people running across the border each and every day, into the waiting arms of the illegal immigrant complex, which will provide them free legal services and a voter registration card they can fill out and send in by mail, ready for the next vote by mail fraud election.
They are incapable of confronting reality. They can only embellish it or close their eyes and make it go away.
Bystander, you're right. Their favorite method of problem-solving seems to be the ostrich mode - bury your head in the sand so you can't see the problem, hoping it has gone away when you pull your head up.
Of course, one could describe their approach to head-burying in another phrase - the cranio-rectal insertion. :)
The Irony of Democracy

How is it that the extreme few must somehow destroy everything in their path if the rest of the country rejects their desires? Our Federal "democracy" is somewhat of a pyramid scheme as each representative is elected by majority in their district, but not by the country as a whole. And now when they are in the minority in Congress, what is it that they think is going to happen; that their extreme minority status must now speak for all of us?


They are now at the representative republic level and their tantrum (also see Texas Democrats who leave the state or walk out when the "democracy" of their legislative body rules against them) is evidence that they are not about democracy at all but instead about getting their way at all costs.
Hysteria doesn't exist when it comes to the Capitol insurrection in which a couple million people lost their lives due to a barrage of fire extinguisher artillery. Only statistically significant increases in real crime should be labeled as hysteria. Why, as a self-identified war veteran after her medal of honor winning courage during the Battle of Capitol Hill, does she need to vote for an additional $2billion in funding for Capitol police. Shouldn't she just handle the problems her own bad self?
Remember when the leftists here questioned what Trump has done and I would list:
- tax cuts and tax reform
- conservative judges
- deregulation
- trade deals with Canada, Mexico, S Korea, etc
- wall funding,
- rebuilt military,
- etc.

So exactly what has mumbles done?
But if you're wearing a diaper, does it really count if you shart? Sort of expected.

Most meetings in the Situation Room turn out like this:

Now what he has done is:

  • Spend money like a crack fiend with a credit card in her child's name.
  • Surrendered to the Russians on the Black Sea, Ukraine, and the gas pipeline.
  • Surrendered to the deadbeat Euros on paying their NATO obligation.
  • Lost control of the border, allowing 1/4 million illegal aliens a month to run across.
  • Surrendered to the Iranians and preparing to re-enter the nuclear deal, rescuing their crumbling economy while still not preventing them from an A-bomb.
  • Cancelled US pipelines which are needed infrastructure and allow for energy independence.
  • Nominated a series of leftist kooks into high positions, who hate America, and our history.
  • Attempted to get the military to conduct witch hunts on any non-leftists in the ranks.
  • Created a commission of leftist hacks to support packing the Supreme Court and ruining the independence of the 3rd branch of government.
  • Nominated a gun-grabbing extremist for head of the ATF - a man so brutal and devoid of emotion he posted for a picture on top of the ruins of the Branch Davidian compound, while human flesh was still smoking in in the rubble.

And generally mumbled, slurry, stumbled, and soiled his way through the first 5 months of his vote-by-mail-fraud provided term.

This infrastructure battle is kinda interesting. Clearly Democrats have internal polling that says two different things that they're having a hard time squaring. They're obviously hearing that they're being too partisan, which is why they're pushing hard to put the focus on a "bipartisan/compromise" deal. That's a big part of their messaging. However, they're basically going to pass whatever concessions they made in that deal in the reconciliation process. (In other words, there isn't really a compromise deal.) The fact that they're trying this suggests that they're also getting polling that suggests that their base isn't going to be motivated to turnout in 2022 if they make concessions to Republicans.

Not sure how there's much upside for the GOP to go along with this. It's like taking the settlement money and still going to court.
This is the attitude across the pond on the Afghanistan withdrawal. Basically the Europeans (including the UK) think NATO is useless at this point. What I think is kinda ironic is that for the last four years, most (myself included) viewed Trump as a big threat to NATO, because of what he said about it - that it was useless and obsolete and that he rhetorically cozied up to NATO's chief adversary. In stark contrast, Biden and other global Democrats talked about the importance of NATO and our European allies and how we needed to restore their faith in us and stand up to Russia.

In practice, everybody was full of crap. Trump said his usual stupid ****, but at the end of the day, he didn't take substantive action to harm NATO. Biden said great stuff about it, but in practice, he gave into the Russian pipeline in Eastern Europe, and he completely threw the Europeans under the bus on Afghanistan and told them to go eff themselves. We nullified everything they've done in the last 20 years, and it's probably the worst debacle (and completely unnecessary) in the history of the alliance. They'll never friggin' trust us again, and it's hard to blame them.
Again, without context, Orange man bad. With context, most of DC establishment are grifters who will say anything to keep the grift going.
Again, without context, Orange man bad. With context, most of DC establishment are grifters who will say anything to keep the grift going.

Hard to argue with you here. I never bought the Russian hawkishness. There was just too much history of wimping out on them, but I didn't think Biden would hose the Europeans like he did.

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