Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Both things can happen. The government can pay for the bridge in the immediate term, and the company can be sued to reimburse the government. It's a subrogation concept. I dealt with it all the time when doing God's Work.

Suppose you're a Medicare recipient and get in a trucking accident. You get rushed to the hospital with injuries. The trucking company is ultimately responsible for your medical bills, but that process can take months or even years to sort out. Accordingly, Medicare is going to pay the bills up front. However, if and when you go after the trucking company, Medicare will have a lien against your recovery for what they paid out, and both the trucking company's insurer and your lawyer (if you have one) are legally required to reimburse Medicare before paying you anything. Same thing can happen with this bridge. The government can rebuild it now, and when the shipping company's liability is sorted out and adjudicated, the government can be reimbursed.
Better yet - to make liberals happy the new bridge will

a) be rail only
b) be for blacks only
b) be renamed from a slave owner to George Floyd Memorial Bridge
Not kidding, anyone who votes for a democrat, any democrat, is mentally deranged and not to be trusted. Any criticism of Trump, whatsoever, when you have Biden doing this, is a sign of mental illness.
Today I declare this a national day of bed bug extermination and reconciliation.

This a great day for trans visibility since most of their favorite haunts are closed for Easter.
I guess Joe will invite admiral Whatshishername over to the White House for an Easter egg hunt/roll

from Washington/Adams/Jefferson/Madison and Monroe to Joe/Trump/Obama/W and Clinton in just 250 years.
We need to get on our knees and beg forgiveness from George III
Slojo denies he proclaimed Sunday Transgender day of whatever
"Q: "Speaker Johnson called it outrageous that Easter Sunday was transgender day of visibility, what do you say to Speaker Johnson?"

Biden: “He’s thoroughly uninformed.”

Q: "Uninformed how?"

Biden: “I didn’t do that.”
Biden Raises More Questions by Appearing to Deny He Proclaimed Easter 'Transgender Day of Visibility'

He probably didn't know what he was signing but his proclamation is still there

Agree. Some liberal staffer said sign this for March 31st. Biden said here you go. Nobody ever told him what it was, and he didn't bother asking because he'd forget anyway.
Their argument is the fake "day" has been around for 15 years(like Kwanzaa)
But I can't find that Biden ever signed a proclamation for it before.

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