The Channel 8 piece last night was pretty damning, and gave some hard numbers for the first time:
* 15,000 seats in the lower bowl and two mezzanine levels have been designated "club seats" and require a PSL to be purchased by February 1 (now extended to February 11 because of poor sales).
* The PSL's for those 15,000 club seats range in price from $32,000 per seat at the goal line to $150,000 per seat on the 50-yard line.
* The Cowboys have not yet fixed the PSL prices for the remaining seats in the stadium, but have said in previous printed materials that every seat in the joint will have a PSL attached. However, with the sluggish sales of the club seats, that may change.
* Face value for the club seats will be $340 per ticket, up from $129. Parking will be $75.
* As of yesterday, only 1,750 of the 15,000 club seat PSL's had been sold
If those ticket prices hold true, I told LonghornLawyer-ette last night that we will never see the inside of JerryWorld. We are both Giants fans, and I take her every year to the Giants game. We scalp tickets for around face. But if we're going to continue to scalp tickets for face at the new stadium, the we might as well fly to New York and see the Giants at the Meadowlands, since it wouldn't be that big of a price difference.
Oh, and for those interested, Channel 8 is doing a follow-up tonight. The piece was teased on GMA this morning as "why Dallas taxpayers should rejoice that the Cowboys' stadium is being built in Arlington."