It's on

We need to be clear on one point: The Soviets will not hold moral high ground on anyone for a few centuries, if ever.

Apparently your idea of a representative democracy is where the executive branch makes unilateral decisions without consulting Congress or without communicating policy to the public.

It was reported the Trump Admin. filed a Syrian attack report with Congress within the 48 hour limit.

"The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States.

Presidents have submitted 130 reports to Congress as a result of the War Powers Resolution, although only one cited Section 4(a)(1) and specifically stated that forces had been introduced into hostilities or imminent danger."
Apparently your idea of a representative democracy is where the executive branch makes unilateral decisions without consulting Congress or without communicating policy to the public. Sounds to me like you would be an advocate of dictatorship or fascism as long as you aren't adversely effected.
Are you an advocate of Russia and Putin?
Pat Buchanan pretty much sums up my view the Syria attack was a one-time message. DT knows mixing it up with foreign powers in Syria would be a poison pill.

This news cycle will soon blow over and the Syrian civil war will return to its previous trajectory. The Trump Admin is already pivoting back to ISIS.

McCain, Graham, Rubio Are Not Going to Get ‘the War They Want’

Buchanan noted the biggest cheerleaders of Trump’s action were Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL), which he deemed to be “the war party.” However, argued that they would not “get the war they want” from Trump.

“It’s McCain and Graham and Marco Rubio — the war party,” Buchanan said. “But let me say this, Laura — my view is they’re not going to get the war they want. If Donald Trump the president takes us into Syria’s civil war and he’s already made the first strike — it will consume his presidency. And the sense I get this morning and listening to some of these folks on yesterday’s show is that, ‘Don’t worry, this is just a one-off. We’re not going into Syria. The enemy is still ISIS, as indeed it is if you take a look at what happened in Egypt yesterday, 47 dead and 100 injured.”

“So I think the war party is going to be frustrated because I cannot believe that Donald Trump on second thought is going to plunge us into Syria, which he told us again and again and again would be an act of folly — that our enemy is ISIS and our enemy is al-Qaeda and that we should finish them off,” he added. “Then we’re necessarily going to have to work with the folks who did most of the heavy lifting in finishing them off.”
Oh hell, seems retaliation for the alleged use of chemical weapons won't end with the airbase attack. Putin's gonna be pissed if the G-7 folks do what they're planning.

Let's hope Rex squashes their push for new sanctions as he packs for Russia.

"Group of Seven foreign ministers are sitting down in Italy for their first roundtable session at a meeting dominated by Syria’s civil war and Russia’s role in it.

Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano greeted U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the other G-7 diplomats as they arrived Monday at the centuries-old Ducal Palace in the Tuscan city of Lucca.

The foreign ministers of Italy, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Canada then sat around a table to begin their talks.

Tillerson is due to travel to Moscow after the two-day G-7 meeting, and the group hopes to send a unified message that Russia must end its support for Syrian President Bashar Assad in the wake of a deadly chemical weapons attack last week.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says the group will discuss imposing new sanctions on Syrian military figures and Russian military individuals responsible for backing them."
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an unidentified senior official, whatever that means, who is not authorized to speak on the subject says the Russians must have known......

I have been hearing this zhit for sixty years and it is usually lies. The story goes on to say the US doesn't have any evidence but.......

I've been hearing this zhit for sixty years.

But for sixty years I have seen Americans swallow this hook over and over and seen the lying Ivy League best and brightest take us into one war action after another and just lie and lie and lie about it. Some day someone will break the records set by LBJ and Nixon for lying about every little thing or maybe their behavior will accidentally trigger a war with some incident like the explosion of the Maine.

Sick of listening to it and sick of the best and brightest displaying their cajones by "surgical strikes" of one sort or the other. MY only question is whether they also accidentally blew up Salim and Fatima's wedding party, killing a few hundred guests.
an unidentified senior official, whatever that means, who is not authorized to speak on the subject says the Russians must have known......

I have been hearing this zhit for sixty years and it is usually lies. The story goes on to say the US doesn't have any evidence but.......

I've been hearing this zhit for sixty years.

Collusion is dead so the MSM is pushing their newest 'blame it on Russia' angle.

Judging foreign policy off MSM claims by "unidentified sources" is as worthless as believing their Trump-Russia collusion claims.

What did we expect? Now that collusion has been exposed as total garbage, they need a new way to sell war with Russia.

I'd mark it up as MSM 'source' propaganda until the Trump Admin declares it.
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it isn't the msm that is sending weaponry through the air but rather the government. the msm is reporting what somebody in the government is telling them but is doing so in such a way that it is impossible to determine the reliability of the report.
an unidentified senior official, whatever that means, who is not authorized to speak on the subject says the Russians must have known......I have been hearing this zhit for sixty years and it is usually lies. The story goes on to say the US doesn't have any evidence but..........

Bombing a hospital full of wounded and dying is pretty heinous, regardless of motive.
Bombing a hospital full of wounded and dying is pretty heinous, regardless of motive.

According to the AP a drone (probably Russian) monitored the Sarin gas victims going into that hospital for treatment. A Russian jet (which could have been piloted by anybody) then bombed the hospital, probably to cover up the crime.

Even if the Russians were forewarned of the attack and didn't help cover it up, the fact that they strongly back a regime that uses WMD is very troubling.
According to the AP a drone (probably Russian) monitored the Sarin gas victims going into that hospital for treatment. A Russian jet (which could have been piloted by anybody) then bombed the hospital, probably to cover up the crime.....

I think the point of huisache and Mus is that we cannot believe these reports. Unnamed sources, video not produced, and so on.
I think the point of huisache and Mus is that we cannot believe these reports. Unnamed sources, video not produced, and so on.
Yes. It's been just about proven that sarin could not have been the chemical; most likely chlorine. Second, there were all kinds of claims of hospital bombings in Aleppo and no doctors left in the city just a few months ago. These claims turned out to be bogus.
$790 big ones per month! I picture Mus wearing a modified potato sack, being hounded by a political officer every day at the draconian office, and picking up a bottle of the cheapest "woodka" on his way home to his 150 square ft. apartment.

Mus, if you want to come to the U.S. and ask for asylum, let me know. I will help you join the dark side and live a life worthy of a human. Tell your political officer the same goes for him.
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Yes. It's been just about proven that sarin could not have been the chemical; most likely chlorine. Second, there were all kinds of claims of hospital bombings in Aleppo and no doctors left in the city just a few months ago. These claims turned out to be bogus.

I get the impression that Tillerson has shown/is showing the proof (probably video/tracking of the planes and drones). The international support of Trump's move was pretty quick. The only 3 to oppose were the usual 3 (Syr/Rus/Iran). But, I agree, they should probably let all of us see this too.

And he just landed in Moscow -- going to be an interesting visit.
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I get the impression that Tillerson has shown/is showing the proof (probably video/tracking of the planes and drones). The international support of Trump's move was pretty quick. The only 3 to oppose were the usual 3 (Syr/Rus/Iran). But, I agree, they should probably let all of us see this too.
He's got to have more than that. He has to prove the plane was carrying chemicals.
He's got to have more than that. He has to prove the plane was carrying chemicals.

Here is Politico on this question generally --

"In White House meeting.... President Donald Trump asked a repeated question: Why did Syria’s president use nerve gas? Trump puzzled over the mystery —even as he ordered 59 Tomahawk missiles careening into a Syrian airfield last Thursday night.

Trump isn’t alone. U.S. officials and Syria experts are still debating what Syrian President Bashar Assad was thinking when he ordered a chemical attack sure to spark international outrage. Maybe Assad was hoping to terrorize his opponents. Perhaps he was testing Trump’s limits for his military planning. Trump officials even initially considered the possibility that Assad had not ordered the strike at all, according to one administration official, and that a military commander might have gone rogue without Assad’s knowledge.
* * * *
Trump continued to ask questions about Syria's motive even after the strike, mentioning the lack of a clear motivation to friends and aides at Mar-a-Lago, according to people who spoke to him.

While many Syria experts in Washington endorse the official consensus that Assad is desperate to fend off even a weakened rebel opposition, they are still entertaining other theories.

Some are complex and probably far-fetched. They include the possibility of a rogue military commander — perhaps loyal to Iran, which has sent troops and funding to prop up Assad — was trying to sabotage the possibility of a U.S.-Russia-Assad alliance that could isolate Tehran.

Another is that Assad was trying to psychologically terrorize his opposition through a so-called demonstration effect. This school of thought holds that “he’s showing the rebels, ‘I can get away with this,’” Salem said.
I get the impression that Tillerson has shown/is showing the proof (probably video/tracking of the planes and drones). The international support of Trump's move was pretty quick. The only 3 to oppose were the usual 3 (Syr/Rus/Iran). But, I agree, they should probably let all of us see this too.....

There is a 4-page report coming out on this prepared by the National Security Council --

"The dossier is short on specific intelligence. It is also silent on whether the Russians had foreknowledge of the attack, as some U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded. But it is pointed in its refutation of Russian disinformation, which has made a variety of specious claims. They range from saying the gas was released after a strike on a chemical weapons depot belonging to opposition forces to asserting the incident itself was entirely fabricated.
The dossier refutes the Russian claim that the attack was on an opposition-held chemical weapons depot. It notes that commercial satellite video showed a crater in the road and no attack on a chemical weapons depot. It also notes that Russia said the attack occurred between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm on April 4, but that allegations about the attack surfaced on social media at 7:00 am local time.

As for proving Syrian culpability on the attack itself, the document, provided to Bloomberg View, says the U.S. government has collected "signals intelligence," or communications intercepts, and "geospatial intelligence," an analysis of imagery and other data that pin the attack at Khan Shaykun on Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

The dossier says the U.S. government obtained evidence from "physiological samples collected from multiple victims" of the Sarin attack. And it noted there is also a preponderance of open source data ranging from witnesses on the scene to many videos uploaded to the internet in real time that contradict the Russian account.

But it is really the report's condemnation of the Russian response that is most striking. Trump has sought to reset the relationship with Moscow, as President Barack Obama hoped to do in 2009 and 2010. Now, one U.S. official tells me, Russian officials in phone calls with their Trump administration counterparts repeated in private the same propaganda lines their government was issuing in public. "That has led to a lot of frustration at the highest levels of the government," this official said....."
Pretty strong evidence that Sarin gas was unleashed in Syria attack.

One could claim Turkey is falsifying results to back up the U.S., but the autopsies were supervised by the WHO and another neutral organization.

"The man-made nerve agent sarin gas was indeed used in last week's attack in northern Syria that killed more than 80 people, a Turkish official said Tuesday, citing autopsy results.

Blood and urine samples taken from victims confirmed that they were subjected to sarin, according to Recep Akdag, Turkey’s health minister, speaking to the state-run news agency Anadolu.

Turkey last week conducted autopsies on three victims of the gas attack. Officials from the World Health Organization and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons participated in the autopsies."
Mattis --

The U.S. will not "enter full-fledged, full bore, into the most complex civil war raging on the planet."

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