It's on

Do we think there is any chance to negotiate Assad out of there?

Or, will Damascus have to be flattened to achieve this newly stated stated policy goal of "regime change?"

Is there a third way of accomplishing regime change?
Its not any of our business getting Assad out of there. At least it shouldn't be. Trump himself had stated this many times both in 2014 and more recently during the campaign. What changed?
The opposition is lead by Suni extremists that want Sharia. They've kinapped citizens, stolen property, murdered Christians and others. A great percentage of them are foreign and come from all over the world. To pretend otherwise by not mentioning these facts as our government and media tend to do, is disingenuous.

OK, then in that case, the statement that Russia and Iran support a "murderous regime in Syria" is also factually true
Its not any of our business getting Assad out of there. At least it shouldn't be. Trump himself had stated this many times both in 2014 and more recently during the campaign. What changed?

I tend to agree, and you are certainly correct about the previous statements. What changed is the obvious
I tend to agree, and you are certainly correct about the previous statements. What changed is the obvious
What is obvious is that there was a heinous chemical attack. What is not obvious is who is responsible. At least, it has certainly not be proven and it is the US that is not calling for an independent investigation.
Here is what Mattis was saying on Syria in 2013

Check this out. Wonder why this guy hasn't been interviews by the networks, CNN, the NYT, or the Washington Post?

Former DIA Colonel: “US strikes on Syria based on a lie”
Posted on April 7, 2017by L
“In the coming days the American people will learn that the [US]Intelligence Community knew that Syria did not drop a military chemical weapon on innocent civilians in Idlib.”

Former DIA Colonel Patrick Lang

Former DIA Colonel Patrick Lang

Patrick Lang — a former DIA Colonel — does not mince words about the US attacks on Syria. Lang claims that Donald Trump’s decision to launch cruise missile strikes on a Syrian Air Force Base was based on a lie. Follow us on Twitter: @INTEL_TODAY

Patrick Lang is truly a top expert on the Middle-East. The former DIA Colonel is highly respected for his deep knowledge and absolute honesty.

[NOTE: Many years ago, Lang helped me to understand a very ‘murky’ dossier regarding Libya. I trust his analysis 100%. Last week — knowing full well that ‘the **** was going to hit the fan’ — I asked him permission to reproduce his posts on my blog. Colonel Lang kindly agreed.]

ANALYSIS by retired Col. Patrick LANG

Donald Trump’s decision to launch cruise missile strikes on a Syrian Air Force Base was based on a lie. In the coming days the American people will learn that the Intelligence Community knew that Syria did not drop a military chemical weapon on innocent civilians in Idlib. Here is what happened.

  1. The Russians briefed the United States on the proposed target. This is a process that started more than two months ago. There is a dedicated phone line that is being used to coordinate and deconflict (i.e., prevent US and Russian air assets from shooting at each other) the upcoming operation.
  2. The United States was fully briefed on the fact that there was a target in Idlib that the Russians believes was a weapons/explosives depot for Islamic rebels.
  3. The Syrian Air Force hit the target with conventional weapons. All involved expected to see a massive secondary explosion. That did not happen. Instead, smoke, chemical smoke, began billowing from the site. It turns out that the Islamic rebels used that site to store chemicals, not sarin, that were deadly. The chemicals included organic phosphates and chlorine and they followed the wind and killed civilians.
  4. There was a strong wind blowing that day and the cloud was driven to a nearby village and caused casualties.
  5. We know it was not sarin. How? Very simple. The so-called “first responders” handled the victims without gloves. If this had been sarin they would have died. Sarin on the skin will kill you. How do I know? I went through “Live Agent” training at Fort McClellan in Alabama.
There are members of the U.S. military who were aware this strike would occur and it was recorded. There is a film record. At least the Defense Intelligence Agency knows that this was not a chemical weapon attack. In fact, Syrian military chemical weapons were destroyed with the help of Russia.

This is Gulf of Tonkin 2. How ironic. Donald Trump correctly castigated George W. Bush for launching an unprovoked, unjustified attack on Iraq in 2003. Now we have President Donald Trump doing the same damn thing. Worse in fact. Because the intelligence community had information showing that there was no chemical weapon launched by the Syrian Air Force.

Here’s the good news. The Russians and Syrians were informed, or at least were aware, that the attack was coming. They were able to remove a large number of their assets. The base the United States hit was something of a backwater. Donald Trump gets to pretend that he is a tough guy. He is not. He is a fool.

This attack was violation of international law. Donald Trump authorized an unjustified attack on a sovereign country. What is even more disturbing is that people like Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, CIA Director Mike Pompeo and NSA Director General McMaster went along with this charade. Front line troops know the truth. These facts will eventually come out. Donald Trump will most likely not finish his term as President. He will be impeached, I believe, once Congress is presented with irrefutable proof that he ignored and rejected intelligence that did not support the myth that Syria attacked with chemical weapons.

It should also alarm American taxpayers that we launched $100 million dollars of missiles to blow up sand and camel ****. The Russians were aware that a strike was coming. I’m hoping that they and the Syrians withdrew their forces and aircraft from the base. Whatever hope I had that Donald Trump would be a new kind of President, that hope is extinguished. He is a child and a moron. He committed an act of war without justification. But the fault is not his alone. Those who sit atop the NSC, the DOD, the CIA, the Department of State should have resigned in protest. They did not. They are complicit in a war crime.

About Patrick Lang

Walter Patrick “Pat” Lang, Jr. (born May 31, 1940) is a commentator on the Middle East, a retired US Army officer and private intelligence analyst, and an author. After leaving uniformed military service as a Colonel, he held high-level posts in military intelligence as a civilian. He led intelligence analysis of the Middle East and South Asia for the Defense Department and world-wide HUMINT activities in a high-level equivalent to the rank of a lieutenant general. [WIKIPEDIA]
Medvedev says Syria strikes put US "on the verge of a military clash with Russia" -- relations "completely ruined"

Cernovich appears to behind the story Joe cited as speculating the US plans to insert 150,000 troops.

If he's right it would just solidify that we have become a banana republic. The gist of the article is that McMaster is manipulating and providing false intelligence (to Trump) and has basically orchestrated a coup with respect to foreign policy.
I noticed no one here answered this Again, what is the endgame? Tillerson said regime change. I am dubious. But, OK, lets say that happens, then what? If we have learned anything in the last 15 years, it should be that this question must always be answered before you jump

OK, so here is one idea --

Based upon Trump's recent meeting with King Abdullah, Jordanian forces would join a coalition of Sunnis and Kurds to stabilize Syria, supplemented by USSF with artillery and air support. The immediate goal would be to establish “safe zones” in Syria for refugees and other displaced peoples. Then eliminate ISIS and the civil war now in its 6th year. Other members of this coalition might include some Egyptians + components of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE)

I'm sure we'll use Tabqa Air Base, which we captured from ISIS, but I doubt we'll convert it into a major, permanent military installation like Incirlik, at least not until the Syrian war is over and the region is stabilized, which is probably several years down the road. I also question the reliability of this source. Incirlik didn't become active in 2002. It has been active since the 1950s.

Having said that, do I think we'll stay at Incirlik very long? No. The military used to allow military personnel to bring their families to the base. There was plenty of housing, Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) schools for military children, etc. However, they were evacuated last year for security reasons and aren't expected to return. Furthermore, the base had its external power cut off during the 2016 coup, which the Erdogan believes (perhaps correctly) that the Obama Administration supported the coup.

Might Trump repair the relationship? Yes but not likely. Turkey has growing radicalism, and Erdogan is becoming authoritarian and has publicly clashed with US allies in Western Europe as well. We're not going to be there long, and when we leave, it wouldn't shock me if he makes a deal to host Russian forces at Incirlik. That would probably mark the end of Turkey's membership in NATO.
These facts will eventually come out. Donald Trump will most likely not finish his term as President. He will be impeached, I believe, once Congress is presented with irrefutable proof that he ignored and rejected intelligence that did not support the myth that Syria attacked with chemical weapons.

Here we go again with the drama queen, impeachment nonsense. :rolleyes1:

This MAY have been a false flag scheme by the deep state, but I'm not buying DT was in cahoots and opened this giant can of worms counting on phony intel remaining secret.

In a seat as hot as his, one doesn't take such a blatantly corrupt action while well aware it'll be investigated and scrutinized thoroughly.

Not to mention he's got a massive leak problem and knows it. But he still risks breaking int'l law counting on knowingly phony intel to hold up as a safety net? smh

Who's going to provide Congress these 'facts' (proving they knew it wasn't Assad) if the deep state was in bed on it?

Even if proof shows Assad used conventional weapons, I doubt very seriously anyone could prove DT was aware before launching the attack anyway.

Leakers can claim it all they want, and I'm sure DT expects them to even with acting on intel Assad used chemical weapons. Proof he was aware is a whole other animal.

Guess some didn't learn a thing the last 8 years. Obama crossed the line multiple times with a hostile Congress wanting his scalp and impeachment never came close.

I'll gladly take that bet on DT finishing his term.
Here we go again with the drama queen, impeachment nonsense. :rolleyes1:

This MAY have been a false flag scheme by the deep state, but I'm not buying DT was in cahoots and opened this giant can of worms counting on phony intel remaining secret.

In a seat as hot as his, one doesn't take such a blatantly corrupt action while well aware it'll be investigated and scrutinized thoroughly.

Not to mention he's got a massive leak problem and knows it. But he still risks breaking int'l law counting on knowingly phony intel to hold up as a safety net? smh

Who's going to provide Congress these 'facts' (proving they knew it wasn't Assad) if the deep state was in bed on it?

Even if proof shows Assad used conventional weapons, I doubt very seriously anyone could prove DT was aware before launching the attack anyway.

Leakers can claim it all they want, and I'm sure DT expects them to even with acting on intel Assad used chemical weapons. Proof he was aware is a whole other animal.

Guess some didn't learn a thing the last 8 years. Obama crossed the line multiple times with a hostile Congress wanting his scalp and impeachment never came close.

I'll gladly take that bet on DT finishing his term.
I just posted the article. I didn't make the prediction what would happen. As long as Trump follows the script the establishment endorses, he isn't going to be impeached.
According to all reports I've heard, Trump listened to NSC advisors and then ordered the strike. Assad was increasingly using WMD. The U.S. needed to make a stand against it. So, he made a decision. Refreshing isn't it?
According to all reports I've heard, Trump listened to NSC advisors and then ordered the strike. Assad was increasingly using WMD. The U.S. needed to make a stand against it. So, he made a decision. Refreshing isn't it?
When we injected syphyllis into the blacks in Tuskegee I guess the Soviets would have been justified had they bombed one of our airports. Refreshing.
The next time the Saudis drop cluster bombs on Yemeni civilians will we launch an attack on Riyad? No, we will sell them more military hardware instead. Refreshing.
We need to be clear on one point: The Soviets will not hold moral high ground on anyone for a few centuries, if ever.
Apparently your idea of a representative democracy is where the executive branch makes unilateral decisions without consulting Congress or without communicating policy to the public. Sounds to me like you would be an advocate of dictatorship or fascism as long as you aren't adversely effected.

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