A little Bystander Op-Ed
Re: Herman Cain and the Liberal Blogoshere
Do you know the meaning of the word vile? I'll give you an example: People who arrogantly mock Herman Cain's death.
People like that are just gone to me. There's no point in talking to them about anything. They are so full of hate that they actually like it. They enjoy it. And they will attack you with relish.
That kind of mind has abdicated it's entire being and substituted it with a political point of view that has taken it over. There is no thought of balance or reasonableness. Only the aggressive defense of their zealotry, because without it, they would be lost. They believe their philosophy is inerrant and holy in it's purpose. And because they feel this way, they are holier than you; in fact, you have become nothing to them but someone they wish was no longer in existence.
That is how they felt about Herman Cain all along. He was not their kind of guy. Right or wrong, he confused them because he didn't fit the exact box they put people in, so instead of accepting a different point of view, they had to destroy it.
And now they are taking their victory lap.
Let the man deal with God now.
This is not a comment about Cain's beliefs or politics. He was a black man, who lived through all the hard times. He made his choices. I don't have the insight to explain it one way or the other and to say it that way sounds as if it needs explaining. People do what they do. They think what they think. Nobody can understand why I am the way I am. I'm just a ball of experience and context. My context. I try to see yours. That's all I can do.