Instant classic: Texas 10, K-State 6 (F, 20 inn.)

Tied for 5th place in the NCAA for longest game by innings. Also the longest continously played game in UT history and the longest by innings in the Big12. Sorry if somebody already posted this but I just scanned the thread. Don't have time to actually read it all.
This will be post 1105. Photoshop Fran took much, much longer to get to 1109. The great "Mira Sorvino eating an ice cream cone" languishes at 976. I therefore nominate this as the Greatest Thread Ever and propose that it be assigned its own ZIP code and personal assistant.

Helluva game, too.
It should be noted that the infamous "best sorority" thread on Austin 3:16 weighed in at more than 4,000. But it had a much higher BS quotient ... uh, or so I've heard.

Oh, and something I meant to say to EHS last night/this morning: Call Wheeless what you will, but you know and I know there will only be one Clueless.
I remember listening to the UT/KSU baseball game on the internet in 1999 at work here in Sacramento. It was the bottom of the 10th, I think, at the Disch, and Jeff Ontiveros hit one that still hasn't landed yet to win the game. I thought the play-by-play guy was going to have an infarction.
Get this thing off of 13. Yes, I am hard core, and I truly appreciate the updates guys. Anywhere there is an internet connection, there is Longhorn Baseball. How cool would it be if Plonsky and Dodds could get an XM station for Longhorn sports?
Just home from Manhattan. Got 4+ baseball games for the price of 3! Didn't get back to the hotel Sat morning until 3. NOBODY wanted to hang out and have a cold one after 6.5 hours and 20 innings of wet and freezing (ok, it was just 40 chill factor) baseball. Well, that and the fact that we had to be back at the ballpark less than in 12 hours.

Talked to Scott Thomason, KSU's Director of Baseball Operations today. He said he was still laundering our team's uniforms when we got to bed at 3 am Sat morning, so we didn't get the worst of that late night. He was a great sport about the whole thing.

All 30 or so of us Texas fans were priviledged to watch an AWSUM marathon. I would submit baseball is not meant to be played in these conditions. I'll leave it at that.

Beat the HELL Outta Rice!



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