Instant classic: Texas 10, K-State 6 (F, 20 inn.)

I guess K. State is a pretty good team to hang with UT for 20 innings. Hopefully Street is OK? Does he have the same injury Oswalt had? He could need surgery?
Great game (outcome) and thanks to all who posted.. I fell asleep watching the Stars [boo] and woke up at 6:30 and have spent the last hour and 15 mins reading this great thread. Way to hang in there Horns! Must go do yardwork so I can listen to next game.
OK, I went to bed after the 11th and just figured I would read the rest in the morning. What a game. Given the depth of the Texas staff as compared to K State hopefully we roll the rest of the series.
Wow, what a game... I admit I whimped out in the 18th inning when it was close to 1:00
I am soooo happy we won after all that - congrats to the team and coaching staff

BTW, anybody know if this thread exceeded Photo Shop Fran?
Thanks to all who posted...

I lurked via my pocket PC with wireless internet until Texas went up 10-5, and had 2 outs...then kept falling asleep...


This team really is special.

Hook 'em and thanks to the team.
Wow, I just spent 45 minutes reading the thread. I thought it was only 20 pages when I started but it kept adding a page until it hit 54. Glad to hear that Huston is not re-injured and looking forward to a broken bunch of Wildcats after that disheartening loss.

See you at 2.
I hope for the sake of both teams, the decision makers will move this game to a later afternoon start or early evening. Despite being young, that 20 inning game friday / late hour finish is bound to have them dragging some today.
I kept the game on my alarm clock as I lay in bed. It was going to be over any minute and I could doze off (been up since 5:20). WRONG. I would find myself half-assed dozing off and waking up any time the announcers would raise their voices for anything. I just could not turn it off. I felt I was being part of something special and this was in the 15th inning no less. I figured if I turned it off and we lost it would have been my fault and you guys would never forgive me. How could I let y'all down?

K State is not too shabby of a team I guess but they did dodge quite a few bullets. Minus the last couple of innings, the Horns had people on the bases and a couple times left them loaded. That is dodging a bullet and of course, our not getting the job done. Their pitching plays a part too but in the end it was inevitable.

Wow, it is almost gametime, heh.
Campus - gosh your right, it is almost game time... the field crew is probably already preparing the field and in a little while the players will SLOWLY walk out on the field for autographs
and stretching - uggggh. Both teams will be hungover, but I hope our win will energize us enough to take the game today.
Taylor's knees may be sooo stiff, he may barely be able to get out of bed!! If I was Augie, I would have him in a prone position in the dugout today and hope he can catch on Sunday.
Boy that was the longest game I've ever listened to! I'm happy our Horns came out on top! I think these kind of games during conference will help us out during regionals etc!
Hook'em Horns!
I woke up with a hangover this morning and didn't even drink while listening to the game. Baseball hangover? After last night I have to listen to every pitch the next two games, I'm obsessed with this series now.
Ok a question - who all had to take tylenol this morning for stiff fingers and wrists? ThE number of posts on this thread is somewhat amazing ..... Let's hope for a easy win today and GO HORNS!!
LOL at Jester.

Our pitching staff is better than theirs and much deeper. We have one of the best in the nation. W/ LaCure being ready to pitch since he saw only a little action, I like our chances. Kansas St. may have shott their load last night. I think it showed more of our team to hang tough like that in their backyard, the cold weather and seeing so many shots at the win fall away and not let it defeat ourselves. This more than the fact Kansas St. hung w/a top ranked team. That was an impressive battle by them for sure, but I just think it was more of a gut check of our guys. Plus, we won the heartbreaker and have our depth and talent.

This may be a long day for the Wildcats in a different way than last night. We are so lucky to have Augie. I think this often. Same way I do about Barnes, Mack, Jody, Reese, Bev, Centers, Coach P w/ soccer, etc... We have some great head coaches. This hurts to type this, really, it does....Thanks DeLo$$. I feel so dirty now.

PPPLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY BAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!.. words our guys are maybe not as excited to hear as other days but they are on the tip of Blue's tongue.
Yes! A part of me wants this thread to exceed the longest on record, but I won't put this one over even with my love for our Horns!
Sorry, but I did have an agenda for posting on this particular thread!
I played 20 innings once on MVP fact, it was 3 days ago. My buddy and I played a 21 inning game that he won 34-32.

It was recockulous.

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