
Mitch McConnell on Dems sending impeachment articles to Senate: They posed afterwards for smiling photos. And the Speaker distributed souvenir pens to her own colleagues, emblazoned with her own golden signature..a souvenir to celebrate the moment--

This body, this chamber, exists precisely so that we can look past daily dramas and understand how our actions will reverberate for generations. ‘So that we can put aside animal reflexes and animosities, and coolly consider how to best serve our country

The House’s hour is over. The Senate’s time is at hand. It is time for this proud body to honor our founding purpose.

Only the Senate, with “confidence enough in its own situation,” can “preserve, unawed and uninfluenced, the necessary impartiality between an individual accused, and the representatives of the people, his accusers.”
Thanks by
But I am asking Bubba for the link with Pompeo denying knowledge of it.

Here's something on that. Politico say's evasive... never acknowledged... but he didn't deny...

What did Pompeo know and when did he know it?

"On Sept. 22, asked directly by ABC News what he knew about the president’s conversations with Ukrainian leaders, Pompeo evaded the question by saying he hadn’t seen reports about the whistleblower complaint that sparked the impeachment inquiry. He deflected follow-up questions, never acknowledging he was on the July 25 call."
bubba thinks it does so that is why I asked him for a link
thanks for taking the time to research

but I have seen that is the way you do things.
bubba thinks it does so that is why I asked him for a link
thanks for taking the time to research

but I have seen that is the way you do things.

Well, I'm a big fan of the truth even if it goes against my leanings, of which I have many... trying to balance my head out. I don't want a winner. I want what's right.
Parnes, like Cohen, Stormy, Avenatti and everyone else you've hitched your wagon to in the past, is not who you think he is. He has already been busted on some purported hand-written notes on hotel stationary. He said they were Rudy's but it's already been shown they were in his handwriting. LOL. This move here is just a Michael Cohen repeat.

The actual Foreign Minister -- “ "Frankly, I have not spoken with [Lev Parnas], & again, frankly, I don’t trust any word he is now saying."

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Pollak: Parnas Undermines Democrats' Case Against Trump -- on CNN | Breitbart

But Parnas also suggested that the reason for an announcement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was that no one “trusted” Ukraine to conduct an investigation. The implication is that the administration did not trust Ukraine, a notoriously corrupt country, to investigate specific cases of corruption without making a public commitment to do so first.
Chuckles, back in the day(1999) -- arguing witnesses were supposed to be called prior to the Senate impeachment trial and that it “doesn’t make sense” to call them during the Senate trial.
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I don't remember a signing ceremony. I do remember the walkover. That did happen.

Newt walked in signed the document with just a regular pen and walked out shortly afterwards. He left the pen on the table. As the room was clearing out a staffer noticed the pen on the desk and grab it.
Pelosi's custom engraved "Impeachment Pens" (which I think included her name printed out?) cost $5000.

Trump used a $1.99 sharpie to sign his $2T trade deal with China.

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Thanks I 35
Newt didn't seem like the type to have a media gloat.
The articles may have been walked over but I doubt there was a procession of only Republicans walking to Pomp and Circumstance.
If there are any regular Dems left they surely cringed.
She even retweeted it herself -- maybe some of the male R-Senators can borrow her cajones when she doesnt need them?

In case no one is paying attention to the media reaction to McSally calling the liberal media hack a "liberal hack," they are freaking out about it.

This is the same people who were recently thrilled when Pelosi blew up at a question from James Rosen.

The same exact people.
So there was a little bit more to this interview by CNN's Christiane Amanpour of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko about Soviet-born businessman Lev Parnas than in the clip I posted above. This extra part is definitely worth watching. You should watch it all. Each one of you. That goes double for Barry. In fact, this guy needs to give testimony to the Senate.

But here is perhaps the funniest, if not surprising, part. While this interview has been playing on CNN international, CNN in the US is not even playing it for US viewers. At all. They are hiding their own interview from their own audience.

Why do you suppose they would want to hide this?

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