[insert insult that would get me blocked] Democrats are Christians as well. I've taught middle school Sunday School. I was our church Treasurer at one time. I ran the slide show weekly. I picked up the donuts weekly (the worst!). Just because I'm a Democrat does not mean I can't be a Christian. And, even though our current president claims to be the most Christian president ever elected.....And, just because you're a Republican it doesn't mean you're a Christian. Jesus H...
I believe you are a good man without a qualifier. Straight up. I believe arguments about who is holier than thou are wasted breath when it comes to politicians. Certainly some are deep of heart. But we are talking about charlatans for the most part.
When I think of Trump I do not think Christian, pious, holy, noble, humble or Christ-like even though he appears to be the leader for right-wing Christians. I just don't think that at all. It's not even a consideration for me. If I were to look for a man of God he would not be the one I'd talk to. Ever.
The problem is the two-party system. We have two powerful forces that represent certain ideals that draw people near. The politicians who represent those ideals are merely fronts for what we truly believe. And we don't want to vote for the other side no matter how smooth and classy the leader may be. Obama was very soothing as was Ronald Reagan. But both have been attacked viciously. Trump is the exact opposite of those two men. They were not shrinking violets but compared to Trump they were very mild people. And why were they attacked? Because they represented the wrong things to certain people on both sides. So no matter how their oratorical skills, they were still seen as the enemy.
Now, Trump is the enemy of the Left. Well, so was Bush; the same man that Michelle Obama now hugs in public with a nice smile on her face. What gives? Well, Bush is now harmless and it's true that he is a decent human being who was in charge of a superpower war machine leading the world against despostic governments and aggressive Islamic terrorists. Without an aggressive, strong leader, the American world hegemony would default to either Russia, China or a combination of the two. Europe is impotent and there is nobody else beyond them. No matter if we are right or wrong, that is the arena and in that arena you aren't going to win with choir boys. Apparently Bush wasn't a choir boy. Or he was a complete puppet. Was Obama a choir boy? A puppet? What about Reagan?
Well, Trump is neither as far as I can tell but what he is, is the leader of certain values and to those who voted for him, his tweeting persona was FAR MORE PALATABLE than what is being peddled from the Left. Right or wrong. It's just a statement of fact; he powerfully leads and fights for certain values. It's no secret. And some people believe in those values and are looking past him to remain true to them. To abandon them to support values they cannot agree with requires looking far past the loud, temporary leader.
I don't think Trump is a nut-job but I was in the real estate business for years and I met all kinds of Developers who had the same level of bravado. I'm unfazed by it.
But I don't look to him for spiritual guidance.
I voted for Ralph Nadar in 2004 and was attacked online when I announced it on a chat room that I frequented by some Leftists who said I was wasting my vote. They didn't want me to vote my conscience or whatever I was thinking at the time. They wanted me to vote for Kerry. They didn't want me to waste my vote.
So if you're a right-wing Christian should you waste your vote by voting for a soft-spoken, dignified preacher or should you vote for the man who can win thereby ensuring that your values are not over-run by the other side?
That is the question. It's not a question of his Christian beliefs. I don't understand why anyone would think like that. I'm not judging the man but I'm not looking at him either to find the differences between right and wrong.
There are Christians in both parties. They have a common bond. That bond is Jesus.
Why are they separated?