
that's a better standard than "bru, if yer gonna wear a beard, have personal tire-changing capability ... otherwise ... get a razor."

Though ... someone was telling me just the other day of an ICE-powered vehicle ... no oil dipstick. oil level was electronic. SMH. You know we're filthy stinking privileged if we are having as OEM standard, an electronic oil quantity reporting (not gauge) system.

Perhaps today is a great day for a sunrise burn of some petro in the '71 Vette ... with all it's booming glory and fuel/oil vapor scents

As much flack as we all dish out on millennials, we still need to remember that they act the way they do because they grew up in a culture that said it was ok to act like that. If I had behaved like a millennial, my father would have whipped my ***. It simply wouldn't have been tolerated in my home. Pretentious douchiness just wasn't a characteristic Deez, Sr. celebrated. Furthermore, I can check (and if necessary, change) my oil, change a tire, spark plugs, brake pads and shoes, etc. because my dad took the time to show me how to do it. And my dad isn't some uneducated redneck. He graduated from Berkeley and is a professional violinist by trade. He's a smart guy. He just didn't want to raise a bunch of smug but helpless weanies.

Well, where were these douchebags' parents?
Well, where were these douchebags' parents?

Trying to be "friends" with their kids ... LONG before it is/was appropriate to "be friends."

I think thats more evidence of the selfishness manifested in people. Our generation was shown the model of how to properly raise young men/women, but we largely punted. Exchanging responsibility for "self-gratfiying" comfort.

I have recently divorced outlaw kin who is now struggling to earn a living for her teenage kids (couple of 'em) ... and feels that they need a 3rd car for the youngest to start learning to drive. The eldest will be in college this time next year on a softball scholly. Good on her. Perhaps the car should remain home. Where she's going, she doesn't NEED a personal vehicle. In fact, it'll sit in the parking lot most of the semester which will prob result in needing a jump start in the winter.

"Hey ... you've endured a catastrophic period in your life and you know you're not done dealing with him yet ... but my goodness ... when you can't afford to attend to preventative maintenance on the two vehicles you have ... you think adding a 3rd is a good call?" More to the story I don't need to share, of course, but the bottom line is ...

there's been this adoption of "I deserve it all now" in some form or fashion. I'm guilty of it too, but not nearly to the degree as has been shown in my generation.
... This guy says "1984" but maybe Stalinism is more accurate?

More like George Lucas level.
Joseph Stalin was infamous for having people removed from photos. ... He erased their existence, first by having them killed but then by removing them from any records.

Impeachment of Trump for treason is sort of Reverse Stalin. In this case they erased first, then comes the murder. It's like Opposite George, but not as funny

What is a little bit funny how they take certain things intended to be cautionary and use it as a guide (like "1984" - there is George again). Seinfeld is satire but they treat it instead as a roadmap. Makes no sense
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...I don't really know what Obama's policies were other than the fact of quantitative easing, zero interest (or practically zero) rates and the doubling of the national debt...

I dont think those first two were his "policies"
But it's OK with me to blame him for the implementation and/or result
Though ... someone was telling me just the other day of an ICE-powered vehicle ... no oil dipstick. oil level was electronic. SMH. You know we're filthy stinking privileged if we are having as OEM standard, an electronic oil quantity reporting (not gauge) system.

My wife's BMW 320i has no dipstick. You have to ask the computer to check the oil level for you. Pisses me off every time.
I respect your economic knowledge, but not sure I understand your post. Do you think this is Obama’s work or Trump’s?

I think a bubble is building. I think the free money and debt financing of the Obama era is fueling it in large part. Then you add Trump's tax cuts and the apparent tremendous level of confidence we are seeing in individuals (investment decisions) and companies who do the hiring and capital spending.

My point was that the "credit" for the stock market rise in various periods of time (a comparison of total return during the years a Democrat or Republican was President) never seemed to take into consideration of the time lag of legislative effect that crosses all administrations.
[insert insult that would get me blocked] Democrats are Christians as well. I've taught middle school Sunday School. I was our church Treasurer at one time. I ran the slide show weekly. I picked up the donuts weekly (the worst!). Just because I'm a Democrat does not mean I can't be a Christian. And, even though our current president claims to be the most Christian president ever elected.....And, just because you're a Republican it doesn't mean you're a Christian. Jesus H...

I believe you are a good man without a qualifier. Straight up. I believe arguments about who is holier than thou are wasted breath when it comes to politicians. Certainly some are deep of heart. But we are talking about charlatans for the most part.

When I think of Trump I do not think Christian, pious, holy, noble, humble or Christ-like even though he appears to be the leader for right-wing Christians. I just don't think that at all. It's not even a consideration for me. If I were to look for a man of God he would not be the one I'd talk to. Ever.

The problem is the two-party system. We have two powerful forces that represent certain ideals that draw people near. The politicians who represent those ideals are merely fronts for what we truly believe. And we don't want to vote for the other side no matter how smooth and classy the leader may be. Obama was very soothing as was Ronald Reagan. But both have been attacked viciously. Trump is the exact opposite of those two men. They were not shrinking violets but compared to Trump they were very mild people. And why were they attacked? Because they represented the wrong things to certain people on both sides. So no matter how their oratorical skills, they were still seen as the enemy.

Now, Trump is the enemy of the Left. Well, so was Bush; the same man that Michelle Obama now hugs in public with a nice smile on her face. What gives? Well, Bush is now harmless and it's true that he is a decent human being who was in charge of a superpower war machine leading the world against despostic governments and aggressive Islamic terrorists. Without an aggressive, strong leader, the American world hegemony would default to either Russia, China or a combination of the two. Europe is impotent and there is nobody else beyond them. No matter if we are right or wrong, that is the arena and in that arena you aren't going to win with choir boys. Apparently Bush wasn't a choir boy. Or he was a complete puppet. Was Obama a choir boy? A puppet? What about Reagan?

Well, Trump is neither as far as I can tell but what he is, is the leader of certain values and to those who voted for him, his tweeting persona was FAR MORE PALATABLE than what is being peddled from the Left. Right or wrong. It's just a statement of fact; he powerfully leads and fights for certain values. It's no secret. And some people believe in those values and are looking past him to remain true to them. To abandon them to support values they cannot agree with requires looking far past the loud, temporary leader.

I don't think Trump is a nut-job but I was in the real estate business for years and I met all kinds of Developers who had the same level of bravado. I'm unfazed by it.

But I don't look to him for spiritual guidance.

I voted for Ralph Nadar in 2004 and was attacked online when I announced it on a chat room that I frequented by some Leftists who said I was wasting my vote. They didn't want me to vote my conscience or whatever I was thinking at the time. They wanted me to vote for Kerry. They didn't want me to waste my vote.

So if you're a right-wing Christian should you waste your vote by voting for a soft-spoken, dignified preacher or should you vote for the man who can win thereby ensuring that your values are not over-run by the other side?

That is the question. It's not a question of his Christian beliefs. I don't understand why anyone would think like that. I'm not judging the man but I'm not looking at him either to find the differences between right and wrong.

There are Christians in both parties. They have a common bond. That bond is Jesus.

Why are they separated?
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My feeling on the millennial hipster is that being "enlighted" is how they compensate for an otherwise unremarkable life.

And who really is "enlightened?" Certainly we all are if by enlightened we mean cynical about politics and truth. We just don't use that feeling or knowledge as a way to elevate our own standing or to massage our ego's.
Back to the topic. If one of my conservative friends or some conservative mouthpiece would say something to the effect of "yeah, ok, this is some shady crap that Trump has done with Ukraine. I don't like it. Is it worthy of impeachment? I don't think so but that's my opinion. Maybe it is. The trial will bear that out"

That's the middle ground between "it's a perfect call" and "hang the traitor". That is not a sentiment I sense anywhere. I'd respect McConnell, Graham, etc. more as unbiased jurors if they were saying something similar to that. However, they're "jurors" and have already told us how they're voting. If they were an actual juror they would be disqualified immediately.
Yeah, ok, this is some shady crap that Trump has done with Ukraine. I don't like it. Is it worthy of impeachment? I don't think so but that's my opinion. Maybe it is. The trial will bear that out.

How's that? I don't have any problem saying it.

At the same time, I don't believe the motives of Pelosi et al to be purely driven by what is good for America. I believe completely that it is all political.

Someone posted a meme on Facebook today that said something like this:

They are impeaching the guy who tried to blow the whistle on possible corruption and influence peddling by the man they want to nominate to be our next President.

The whole thing stinks and I give you and Seattle credit for not approving of the Biden's actions. That job was influence peddling all the way in my book. Why does Biden retain his credibility on the Left?
Yeah, ok, this is some shady crap that Trump has done with Ukraine. I don't like it. Is it worthy of impeachment? I don't think so but that's my opinion. Maybe it is. The trial will bear that out.

How's that? I don't have any problem saying it.

At the same time, I don't believe the motives of Pelosi et al to be purely driven by what is good for America. I believe completely that it is all political.

Someone posted a meme on Facebook today that said something like this:

They are impeaching the guy who tried to blow the whistle on possible corruption and influence peddling by the man they want to nominate to be our next President.

The whole thing stinks and I give you and Seattle credit for not approving of the Biden's actions. That job was influence peddling all the way in my book. Why does Biden retain his credibility on the Left?
If I have to ask you to apologize, it's not sincere, right?

I rate Biden's junk a 4. It smells poorly. I rate Trump's stuff that we know about an 8. If he'd let Pomeo, Mulvaney, Rudy, et al talk it might rate higher. I tire of the "he's just worried about corruption" mantra. It is utter BS.

Pelosi has fought this for some time. They wanted to impeach him off of the Mueller report. And, honestly, had they actually got him to testify, it might have worked. It turns out that some of his written responses have turned out to be "less than truthful". They say an interview room with DJT is a perjury trap. And, we all know how tight you conservatives cling to the sanctity of "under oath".
If I have to ask you to apologize, it's not sincere, right?

True but in this case it is sincere because I have nothing to gain by saying it other than your undying respect! I'm not here to suck-up to anyone so I meant it.

I rate Biden's junk a 4. It smells poorly. I rate Trump's stuff that we know about an 8. If he'd let Pomeo, Mulvaney, Rudy, et al talk it might rate higher. I tire of the "he's just worried about corruption" mantra. It is utter BS.

I don't think Trump was worried about corruption in the purest sense or that it happened to be a coincidence that Biden was a political opponent. I believe it merited an investigation, that Biden asked for it and that Trump was an opportunist in general.
True but in this case it is sincere because I have nothing to gain by saying it other than you undying respect! I'm not here to suck-up to anyone so I meant it.

I don't think Trump was worried about corruption in the purest sense or that it happened to be a coincidence that Biden was a political opponent. I believe it merited an investigation, that Biden asked for it and that Trump was an opportunist in general.
Well said. Respect extended. :)
So if you're a right-wing Christian should you waste your vote by voting for a soft-spoken, dignified preacher or should you vote for the man who can win thereby ensuring that your values are not over-run by the other side?

Your post was amazing until you suddenly pulled a 180º in that last paragraph and became the very thing you had been so very effectively taking apart.
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Your post was amazing until you suddenly pulled a 180º in that last paragraph and became the very thing you had been so very effectively taking apart.

Do you mean voting for Nadar? I was mad that there were no WMD found in Iraq. So I turned on Bush. Then I was mad because the Democrats tried to keep Nadar off the ballot. So I voted for him. It was a protest vote of sorts. I only put it out there to show that it was a waste of time for me to do that. I accomplished nothing.
I respect your economic knowledge, but not sure I understand your post. Do you think this is Obama’s work or Trump’s?
Trump's work. Obama gets an assist by overregulating and setting the precedent for ruling by executive order. Trump get an extra large economic bump due to removing regs by executive order.
I'm not shocked that Trump has been good for the equity side of the equation. His nature is to try and benefit that group. A very wealthy friend of mine who buys and sells commercial real estate said that every action taken by Trump has benefited him. That said, I'm not sure he's been good for the working class. I thought he would have been better for the national debt than he has been. I mean, I didn't believe his malarkey (Yes, I did that on purpose) about his tax cuts being good for the national debt but if you'd have asked me on 1/21/2017 how I thought the national debt would evolve under this administration I would have thought it would have steadied or gone down. I would have been wrong. I also would have thought that some well spoken conservatives who had spent 8 years wringing their hands about the national debt would remain concerned with it after 1/20/2017. I would have been wrong again. Crazy world? Somebody ought to sell tickets. :)

"Tax-filing season has begun. Americans have until April 15 to file their income taxes. There’s been some good news for workers over the last year: Unemployment hovers at 3.9% and average hourly earnings rose by 3.2% on the year in December. And nearly half of Americans don’t owe a dime of federal income tax. More than 44% pay no income tax up from 43.2% in 2016.
56% of American workers have 401ks. 401Ks value has risen.

More people working, more people getting raises. people's 401ks increasing in value. And if everyone eligible for a 401k would participate more would be happy.
Sounds like Trump's economy is working for the working class to me.

"Tax-filing season has begun. Americans have until April 15 to file their income taxes. There’s been some good news for workers over the last year: Unemployment hovers at 3.9% and average hourly earnings rose by 3.2% on the year in December. And nearly half of Americans don’t owe a dime of federal income tax. More than 44% pay no income tax up from 43.2% in 2016.
56% of American workers have 401ks. 401Ks value has risen.

More people working, more people getting raises. people's 401ks increasing in value. And if everyone eligible for a 401k would participate more would be happy.
Sounds like Trump's economy is working for the working class to me.
Don't screw up my perceptions with your fake facts!
Don't screw up my perceptions with your fake facts!

I am very concerned with the national debt. But what should we do? Hard freeze ALL spending and raise taxes with the incremental increase earmarked 100% for retirement of the debt? Who would survive with that platform?
I also remain very concerned about the debt. But as Deez has pointed out, neither side pays any kind of political price for overspending, so there is zero incentive for any politician to be fiscally responsible.

I applaud Rand Paul for being the lone voice in the wilderness on spending issues.
The question of lowering individual tax rates (and yes, mine were lowered):

1) Is the money better in the hands of the people themselves or passing through the government? My thought is that government power (winning elections; pork) is derived from their ability to earmark money. In the hands of the people, the money is not directed by powerful forces.
2) Will additional spending by the people spur economic growth and then increase government revenue from sources other than individual income taxes? I say yes, but not enough to cover the lower individual income tax revenues to the government because corporate tax rates are not high enough to offset.
3) Will lower taxes for the people result in lower welfare spending by the government (a swap)? I say no.
4) Will lower corporate income tax rates spur economic growth and increase revenues to the government? Depends on what they do with the money. We've seen stock buybacks which is not always a bad thing as they can be reissued later at a higher stock price. Also the buybacks can result in a capital gains tax spike. If the company uses the money to give to their employees then it's the same as lower individual income taxes and we go back to #1 and #2. If they use the money for capital investment then that would be an economic stimulus due to the churn of the money in certain sectors. One actual earmark of the corporate tax reduction directly to the people (not the employees unless they are also customers of the company) is in the utility sector where the lower tax rates resulted directly in lower utility rates.
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Pretty crazy how quiet things are. The President was supposedly impeached and yet the American public other than the most fanatical, self-absorbed Liberals are living their lives without any worry whatsoever. No shock. No wonder. No nothing. The stock market is booming, people have enjoyed Christmas and the news is dormant.
Pretty crazy how quiet things are. The President was supposedly impeached and yet the American public other than the most fanatical, self-absorbed Liberals are living their lives without any worry whatsoever. No shock. No wonder. No nothing. The stock market is booming, people have enjoyed Christmas and the news is dormant.
Eddie Murphy was on SNL!
My answer to your #1 By is definitely keep it with the people. I hate how we send it in and the Fed gives back their calculated allowances - hate it. And I do not care who, or which party is in charge they determine their share and take it right off the top, one way or another.

The blindness towards the debt is appalling.

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