
Regarding the Republicans who "stormed" the deposition today...13 of 41 already had access to the sessions as committee members.

13 of the 41 Republican lawmakers who stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday to protest an alleged lack of transparency in the impeachment inquiry sit on committees with the power to question witnesses and review documents.

CNN is reporting that Trump had discussions with the 'protesters' last week about their plans. That could be why Lindsey Graham initially blasted the group then later retreated and defended them.

It's all political theater.
Good luck swift boating Taylor. He is the model of integrity and character.
Assuming everything said was accurate, still not impeachable. Trump had a high priority to investigate corruption. How can Biden make decisions as president when his son is being paid $1m per year by a foreign government?
It aged perfectly. I can't help it if nuance is not your thing. If I was a Texas fan I might throw in a reference to your college education. Fortunately for you I'm not.

No, it didn't age well. The fact that more than "right wing conspiracy" sites carried the story means once again that you are wrong.
This was posted...emphasis is mine.

Lot's of info in the Taylor opening statement. Not sure I'd call that the most important thus my response. Seriously, mchammer and his posts are ignoring that per Taylor's testimony Sondland told him directly that 'everything' was dependent on the investigations. That wasn't 2nd or 3rd hand. Taylor also discussed the meeting with the OMB on 7/18 which an unnamed woman from OMB claimed the aid was put on hold by "Trump to Chief of Staff to OMB".

Thus, this was my response. It's almost like y'all want to avoid the most damning information. One might suspect bias at best and intentional obfuscation at worst.

You're making the suggestion that everything said there was 100% fact. With Schiff involved there might be alterations going on. Also, Sondland's and Volker's testimony seems to contradict Taylor's. What's the truth? In that text that was released Taylor raised concerns about what was going on. Sondland then assurred him that there was no quid pro quo going on. That doesn't sound like a guy who had supposedly said everything depended on the investigations.
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All the Benhgazi testimony but HRC's was behind closed doors. Correct? At least Trey Gowdy is a hypocrit like the rest of them.
All the Benhgazi testimony but HRC's was behind closed doors. Correct? At least Trey Gowdy is a hypocrit like the rest of them.
Hillary was a private citizen. It was the proper thing to do. Also, don’t recall any leaks.
What's really happening inside the impeachment inquiry room stormed by Republicans

What a bunch of snowflakes. I love it that 12 of the ones storming the castle were actually on the committees that have been doing the investigating. You wouldn't know that from the grandstanding.

A snowflake, for instance, is a college student wanting only to be around their own gender or race contrary to the sacred "separate is not equal" conclusion of Brown v The Board of Education because their soft minds cannot take anything except what they need to hear.

The impeachment proceedings on the contrary are a continuation of the Democrats attempt to remove Trump from office which began on day one. The battle for impeachment is not one of good faith and care for our country. It is about raw power. The Russian collusion gambit failed and we have moved on from that to this. You can say whatever you want but if you believe that the Democrats are soberly and rationally upholding the Constitution then I'd say you are too biased.

The use of the snowflake sarcasm is a case in point. The Leftist extremists are snowflakes. It is painfully obvious that they are mentally incapable of living in the real world. I don't know why you take up for them.

But here we are and in the end we will see what the problem is with Trump's comments about Biden and son. The Left was very sure of themselves about the Mueller investigation with many prominent politicians declaring they would vote to impeach Trump PRIOR to the release of the report. Simply put, that's all I needed to hear to know they only wanted to regain power.
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But Trump isn’t a politician, remember? He’s draining the swamp, remember?

No he’s not a politician. I don’t think anybody would doubt that he isn’t. Oh and I don’t need reminding that he’s draining the swamp. He’s exposing the swampers everyday.
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You're making the suggestion that everything said there was 100% fact.

As opposed to? I'm assuming that all the witnesses are being truthful in their sworn depositions under threat of perjury charges.

Also, Sondland's and Volker's testimony seems to contradict Taylor's. What's the truth?

There was more agreement than contradictions. I'm expecting the public hearings will drill into any contradictions. That's one of the reasons for private depositions.

In that text that was released Taylor raised concerns about what was going on.

Yes, the texts that were released by Volker.
Sondland then assurred him that there was no quid pro quo going on. That doesn't sound like a guy who had supposedly said everything depended on the investigations.

Did you read the reports on Sondland's testimony? He clearly was trying to save himself and/or his personal reputation. His testimony divested himself from the "no quid pro quo" text, claiming it was dictated directly from DJT. Sondland painted himself as naive to Guiliani's intentions realizing their nefarious nature only after the fact.

One thing that is clear is that Taylor was acutely aware of documenting his position through the texts. With comments like "as I said on the call..." and the specific reference to a quid pro quo. These texts prompted Sondland to immediately ask Taylor to 1) ask him to stop the texts, 2) ask him to call him where the conversations couldn't be documented and 3) immediately call DJT.

I look forward to the public hearings but not so much the public character assasinations of those who have served our country for decades.
I35 -- You never heard him say he was going to release his tax returns, Mexico is going to pay for the wall; there was zero contact between my campaign and the Russians; I'm going to balance the budget in my first termWe didn't release the funds to the Ukraine, because (take your pick of) Other European Countries weren't paying their fair share or the Ukrainians are not fully investigating internal corruption.

Thank you Crockett for giving me some examples of lies you feel Trump has told. That’s more than SH could do.

But let me address each one. Trump used the excuse that his taxes are being audited to not show them. So I’ll give you that one. Even though really nobody gives a damn what his taxes say. But I think that’s pretty good for the Trump and all of his supporters when that’s the things they are going after him about. Nothing else has worked and it’s not like they can go after his economy. He’s done exactly what he said he’s going to do.

Mexico is paying for it. He didn’t say how. I guess if they don’t send a private Jet in the middle of the night to pay in cash on crates isn’t considered Mexico paying for it. Our new trade agreements and the wall holding them in their own country so we don’t support them financially is paying for it easily. That’s not a lie and you know it. He just out smarted you guys because of how your expectation was the money will actually exchange hands in one big lump sum.
You are taking talks with Trumps campaign and Russia out of context. There’s nothing there.

As far as balancing the budget. He honestly thought he could the first term. He’s delivered pretty much on all of his campaign promises. But he is having to stimulate the economy first because it comes in steps. So I expect balancing the budget will come but it might be his second term. But if you are suggesting that Trump said that and knew it was a lie then you are only speculating. But from your view you will always speculate toward the negative when it comes to Trump.

As far as not releasing funds, how the hell is that a lie. He’s the king of negotiating and he’s doing it to help out America. Are you against him or for him when it comes to making America better. You ought to be embarrassed even bring this up. Do you want him to fail at the cost of hurting America. He’s the President of “United States.” Don’t you want him succeeding? I really don’t understand how you Libs or Trump haters think.

So it comes down to his taxes. You know he has the right to protect his privacy and it should be respected by all? Just like Obama didn’t want to show his college transcript. He has that right.

if you listen to the left you’d think Trump is a big liar and really the stuff they come at him with is either related out of context or it’s an exaggeration. But really he hardly ever just flat out lies. How many times has he been accused of lying only to find out later it was the democrats (Russia collusion)

Notice this is not an answer to youur question but rather is reference to talking points. Why didn't JoeFan answer? Because there is no material difference between the way the Democrats are conducting the impeachment inqury and the Benghazi investigations. In fact, the Republicans are now boing foisted onto their own petard. In 2015 the Republicans while in the majority changed the House or R rules to disallow the minority party from calling their own witnesses.

Apparently they are attempting to storm the Bastille

“As opposed to? I'm assuming that all the witnesses are being truthful in their sworn depositions under threat of perjury charges.”


Do you think anybody that is testifying anything against Trump even if it’s a lie would face any consequences? Do you really believe that? Because I can give you examples all day long that being on the Democrats side is a safe place.
Because I can give you examples all day long that being on the Democrats side is a safe place.

I accept your challenge but you must link to actual quotes and evidence on the internet. Anecdotal claims wrapped in your own narrative are not evidence.

I'm not claiming nobody has ever lied to Congress and got away with it but if it's pervasive as you suggest that should be easy to prove.
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I accept your challenge but you must link to actual quotes and evidence on the internet. Anecdotal claims wrapped in your own narrative are not evidence.

I'm not claiming nobody has ever lied to Congress and got away with it but if it's pervasive as you suggest that should be easy to prove.

Evidence shows Hillary lied to Congress but “James Comey” did nothing.

She also lied to Congress about Benghazi because of a video even though later her Emails said differently. Remember that? It was the “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE NOW” committee testimony? Private email to Chelsea the night of the attack stated “an Al-quads-like group was responsible for the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.”
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Evidence shows Hillary lied to Congress but “James Comey” did nothing.

She also lied to Congress about Benghazi was because of a video even though later her Emails said differently. Remember that? It was the “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE NOW” committee testimony? Private email to Chelsea the night of the attack stayed “an Al-quads-like group was responsible for the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.”

I've long stated that there are different rules for those at the top of the foodchain than the underlings. Cabinet level officials and their equivalents (of both parties) get away with lots of BS. For example, HRC's atrocious decision to have her own email system would have resulted in jail time had any low level manager done sonething similar. It's why General Patreus gets off scott free for sharing his personal secret notes with an author while a low level security agency employee goes to prison. That's hardly an example of partisanship but rather an example of bias towards the powerful.
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I accept your challenge but you must link to actual quotes and evidence on the internet. Anecdotal claims wrapped in your own narrative are not evidence.

I'm not claiming nobody has ever lied to Congress and got away with it but if it's pervasive as you suggest that should be easy to prove.

although I accepted your challenge, you did two things. I said
Because I can give you examples all day long that being on the Democrats side is a safe place.

why limit my examples to sworn testimony in front of congress? But you did two things.

1) you tried to make my argument that it had to be perjury in front of a committee when I said examples of being safe as a Democrat. 2) you are wanting to see links to what is already known by everyone unless they have been on Mars the last three years.

I’m not taking the time to get links for these. Let’s just see if you will be honest and admit when there is wrong doing and they haven’t faced consequences.........yet.

Peter Strzok’s texts to his lover Lisa Page. It’s very serious trying to change the results of an election by implying a willingness to take official action to impact the Presidential Candidate’s electoral prospects. Yes he lost his job, but really is that true justice? Are you going to agree with the obvious or try to spin this? I mean can evidence like texting in their own words be spun?

How about all that were involved from the Fusion GPS that wrote the fake Dossier? It’s been proven to be fake. Any consequences from anyone that was involved with that? That’s a bunch of people involved. It’s being investigated as we speak. But it’s a slam dunk case that shouldn’t have waited this long. Even when Barr’s group announces all the corruption with that, do you believe there will be any consequences? I don’t. Or I’d have to see it to believe it anyway.

How about Clapper? In 2013 he responded to the question is the NSA collecting any type of data on millions Americans. He answered “No, Sir, not Wittingly” About three months after that claim, documents leaked by Edward Snowden revealed that Clapper was a lying.”

How about James Brennen? Testified under oath that he didn’t know who commissioned the Anti-Trump research documents even though senior national Security and counterintelligence officials at the Justice Department and FBI knew the previous year that the Dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton Campaign. Nunez released the declassified memos exposing the abuses of the DOJ and FBI in their investigation of Trump ties to Russia. Brennen although wasn’t his department had his hands on pushing the dossier and is reported by others in the CIA. I’m guessing this is one of the bombshells that has Brennen very nervous about the Barr’s investigation.

I have a lot more, but I do have to get some work done.

I've long stated that there are different rules for those at the top of the foodchain than the underlings. Cabinet level officials and their equivalents (of both parties) get away with lots of BS. For example, HRC's atrocious decision to have her own email system would have resulted in jail time had any low level manager done sonething similar. It's why General Patreus gets off scott free for sharing his personal secret notes with an author while a low level security agency goes to prison. That's hardly an example of partisanship but rather an example of bias towards the powerful.

I don’t disagree that the top of the food chain gets away with more. But at least Petraeus got charged with a crime. Who after all this corruption from all those examples I gave ever got charged?

that’s my point. That ‘s why I say they are safe if they are democrats. Fast and furious, IRS, meeting on the tarmac, on and on.
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Napolitano disagrees with those claiming the impeachment inquiry hearings are violating house rules and points the finger at the Republicans.

"As frustrating as it may be to have these hearings going on behind closed doors...they are consistent with the rules," Napolitano, who previously served as a New Jersey Superior Court judge, explained during a segment of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends.

"When were the rules written last?" the legal expert asked. "In January of 2015. And who signed them? John Boehner [the Republican speaker of the House]. And who enacted them? A Republican majority," he asserted.
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I will repeat for the 100th time. Impeachment is a political process. It was designed to be that way. It is being carried out that way. It is vicious, full of high drama, hypocritical, and borderline insane. That is the point.

Those who want to impeach have to convince everyone else this is a good idea. So far they aren't doing that, as evidenced by the organized opposition to it. For Nixon and Clinton, both sides more or less agreed, even though not unanimous. There was support from both parties. Amash is the only non-Democrat I can remember who is pro-impeachment. He would have more sway if he was still a Republican too.

I don't blame either side for anything in this. This is politics and government at its very essence, vicious tribal warfare. It should be a reminder to all of us that we shouldn't give so much power to this institution. Checks and balances only restrain a little bit. Politics gets down to what the people can get away with, and they are doing it everyday.

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