
The Sooner Schooner crashing gif would probably be appropriate here.

Lindsey Graham is signaling to Schiff here, I think, that he is going to call the "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella regardless whether the House sends over articles of impeachment. And there is nothing Schiff can do about it. Graham is so back and forth, it's hard to ever fully support him, but he seems to be on the right path here

I'm not sure why nobody thought of this earlier. Even if the Whistleblower's activities and Biden's involvement in Ukraine is of limited relevance to the impeachment inquiry, they are perfectly reasonable points of inquiry. There's no reason why the Senate can't investigate both.
I'm not sure why nobody thought of this earlier. Even if the Whistleblower's activities and Biden's involvement in Ukraine is of limited relevance to the impeachment inquiry, they are perfectly reasonable points of inquiry. There's no reason why the Senate can't investigate both.

There is at least a chance the Senate will dump the whole thing - I doubt they will, but its at least possible. It would be especially rich if they both dumped it and still let Graham call in in Eri_ _iarmella, and caught Schiff in perjury
Asking for a link that’s a known fact by all exposes that you have cable simply to get CNN only.

Known facts by all? Members of the 3 investigating committee's were allowed in. That included nearly 50 Republicans. The rules for these depositions are no different than any other committee level confidential hearing. It's a BS talking point.
Bill Taylor's posts, besides Ukraine, were --
And he "facilitated the Israeli disengagement from Gaza and parts of the West Bank"

How do we look at this? Is this a good resume for an American diplomat? Or does it look like he one of the group of people inside State who got us in a bunch of related but different messes? What is the proper way to look at this?
One of Trump's platforms that was that these people had failed us and he would work to get us out of these messes.

The character assassination continues. Such patriotism.

Ratcliff asked something like -- "Can either one of you two witnesses state what the impeachable offense was here?"

I recorded their responses for you

The Republicans thought they were interviewing Democrats.

Taylor and Kent appeared credible despite the partisan politicians attempt to paint them as partisans.
Known facts by all? Members of the 3 investigating committee's were allowed in. That included nearly 50 Republicans. The rules for these depositions are no different than any other committee level confidential hearing. It's a BS talking point.

Then I guess you as well have exposed yourself for having CNN as a must have. You really need to get away from CNN so you can also be in the “all” category. If you didn’t know what Schiff pulled then the only explanation is you don’t look beyond CNN for your info. You should know this.
The Republicans thought they were interviewing Democrats.

Taylor and Kent appeared credible despite the partisan politicians attempt to paint them as partisans.

I didn't think Ratcliffe looked particularly good in that exchange. It looked dramatic in a way, but that's a point to raise when the impeachment articles are voted on.

His point about Schiff "cautioning" witnesses on evidentiary grounds had more merit. Tons of questions that were asked would have been objectionable if the Rules of Evidence were applied, and nobody said anything. Then the Minority Counsel gets a little aggressive (though not stepping over the line), and suddenly Schiff starts worrying about assuming facts not in evidence. If Schiff doesn't want it to appear that Taylor is doing his bidding (and I don't think he is), then he shouldn't be coaching him from the chair. It's a bad look.

(By the way, using objections or remarks about the forms of questions to underhandedly coach witnesses is one of the oldest tricks in the book. I wouldn't call it a "dirty trick." I've done it myself plenty of times, but it is a trick, and every attorney in that room knew what Schiff was doing.)
I missed everything but came here first to catch up. I then went to Fox and CNN to see what they said. Obviously CNN had a staff meeting today where everyone was unable to watch.

I think he was sincere. He knows death can be a punishment for treason. I think inside their heart of hearts, this is what 'progressives' really want -- they want Trump put to death. I will go even further, I think that they consider all of us who disagree with them over politics to also be guilty of treason, and should suffer the same fate.
I think he was sincere. He knows death can be a punishment for treason. I think inside their heart of hearts, this is what 'progressives' really want -- they want Trump put to death. I will go even further, I think that they consider all of us who disagree with them over politics to also be guilty of treason, and should suffer the same fate.

I would say that's true for the far left progressives. The mainstream progressives wouldn't want to see it.

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