Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
I agree with you. I think the Democrats are making a mistake. The media is doing what it can to protect their narrative, but they're handing the GOP a big drum to beat. Having said that, I think the leaks make them look worse than the secret hearings do.
Why are the Democrats leaking? They are clearly trying to cement their interpretation of the narrative in the mind of the public, not unlike Bill Barr's laughable summary of the Mueller report.
The question is, will anyone remember the leaks when the information is finally made public? I'd argue the answer is a resounding "no". We have the Gowdy led Benghazi hearings as a prime example. Sidney Blumenthal, a confidante of HRC, testified behind closed doors along with many others. In fact, the only public hearing was HRC and that occurred months after the drip drip drip of Conservative narrative leaks. Now you have people here claiming they never occured. That we didn't know and discuss Blumenthal's testimony long before it was made public. The only thing anyone remembers is the final report and HRC's testimony, especially if the because the leaks actually existed in the testimony.
The leaks are a roadmap to cementing the key details of the accusations.
I don't support the leaks but they clearly work. Both sides of the aisle have become masters at using them. Of course, this is why controlling which witnesses get heard is so important. The Dems get to call witnesses they are confident will elucidate their narrative. The R's did the same thing in many of their investigations since 2015 which is why you have people like @I35 claiming as fact narratives that were never proven.