IMO, the Fix is in

Looks like a peaceful protest has over taken the nation's capitol. That's what happens when voter laws are ignored by Democrats, and cardboard is put up on windows to prevent poll watchers from witnessing the cheating.
My point all along was just provide evidence that it was a fair election. Biden should want that in order to govern. We are in for dark days based upon both sides being willing to go to violence to get their way.
Gotta be proud.

My point all along was just provide evidence that it was a fair election. Biden should want that in order to govern. We are in for dark days based upon both sides being willing to go to violence to get their way.

You mean evidence that you won't ignore? Because there's an overwhelming amount of evidence and you just refuse to accept them.
My point all along was just provide evidence that it was a fair election. Biden should want that in order to govern. We are in for dark days based upon both sides being willing to go to violence to get their way.

That's not how this works. You don't start with a claim of fraud without evidence then ask for the claim to be disproven. That's exactly what McConnell of all people stated has happened. 62 times courts have received arguments by Trump ans supporters of election wrongdoing and 61 times those claims have been found baseless.
You mean evidence that you won't ignore? Because there's an overwhelming amount of evidence and you just refuse to accept them.
Congress brought MLB before the house during the steroids scandal. I say bring anyone who signed an affidavit that they witnessed voter fraud for public testimony under penalty of perjury. I think Biden won the election, but I do have serious concerns regarding mail in ballots. Anybody that thinks all mail in ballots were completed by the registered voter it represented is naïve.

Go over the top proving it was fair. Also, start proposing legislation to guarantee the integrity of elections.

Congress brought MLB before the house during the steroids scandal. I say bring anyone who signed an affidavit that they witnessed voter fraud for public testimony under penalty of perjury. I think Biden won the election, but I do have serious concerns regarding mail in ballots. Anybody that thinks all mail in ballots were completed by the registered voter it represented is naïve.

Go over the top proving it was fair. Also, start proposing legislation to guarantee the integrity of elections.


In every one of those cases where affidavits were submitted the defendants responded. In 61 of 62 cases 80+ judges found those affidavits baseless when compared against the defendants responses. Just because Trump supporters refuse to acknowledge that courts listened to both sides and ruled against you doesn't mean the affidavits haven't had their day in court.
This was addressed by GA voting official Gabriel Sterling on Monday. He stated that is patently false. Those pushing that statistic have disingenuously compared apples and oranges. From memory, he said that comparison is comparing voter registration rejection rates against ballot signature rejection rates. If you look only at ballot signature rejection rates they are the the same. He specifically said it was a purposeful disingenuous comparison. Of course, he stated the actual rejection rates.

I provided data SH, not my memory. To even start to engage, I expect you to respond at the same level.
I won't believe it was a legal and fair election, just my opinion and it appears other people feel the same. It is their right to protest, last I hear the Capitol was a public building.

I would think the side that won would welcome examination of the machines and ballots what is there to hide, oh I forgot they shield the view of the poll watchers.

If in the future an examination of the machines and ballots turns up there was illegal votes and the election was a fraud, the D response "Oh sorry, won't happen again." No body will be arrested and it will be swept under the rug.
Whichever HF poster said "blood will flow" has proven to be correct.

Gunshot victim enroute to hospital.

Should get very lively after dark.
I have said before I cannot believe Biden got more votes than Obama. I think SH refuted my assertion, but I just can’t accept it.
Gotta be proud.


You guys spent all summer and fall telling us protestors/rioters were wonderful people
Why is this different?
I suggest the difference for you is the race of the protestors
Only now that white folks are protesting you are finally willing to speak up, with condemnation and superiority in your voice
You have different rules for different people-- based upon what? based solely upon their race
That is racism, as least as it is commonly defined in the dictionary
I think you good folks have a lot of soul-searching to do with the man in the mirror
When did you become such a racist?
How did it happen?
Why do you not seem to care about it?
What are you going to do about it?
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You guys spent all summer and fall telling us protestors/rioters were wonderful people
Why is this different?
I suggest the difference for you is the race of the protestors
Only now that white folks are protesting you are finally willing to speak up, with condemnation and superiority in your voice
You have different rules for different people-- based upon what? based solely upon their race
That is racism, as least as it is commonly defined in the dictionary
I think you good folks have a lot of soul-searching to do with the man in the mirror
When did you become such a racist?
How did it happen?
Why do you not seem to care about?
What are you going to do about ut?

Someone lives in a perpetual state of projection.
You guys spent all summer and fall telling us protestors/rioters were wonderful people

ok SH, do you challenge this? No summer of love? Granted it wasn’t the US Capital and I detest that, but it was in American cities and Police Depts and Fed buildings, am I correct?

I do confess fear about where we are and where we may be headed. I just place different blame and cause of the fear.
ok SH, do you challenge this? No summer of love? Granted it wasn’t the US Capital and I detest that, but it was in American cities and Police Depts and Fed buildings, am I correct?....

Leftist rioters spent every night for months in 2020 attempting to burn down or destroy the Federal Building in Portland, which houses the federal courts, federal judges, the USA Attys Office, US Marshall's Service and other federal agencies. I think they may even have some childcare in there.
To not a peep of objection from these same people
Not a peep
ok SH, do you challenge this? No summer of love? Granted it wasn’t the US Capital and I detest that, but it was in American cities and Police Depts and Fed buildings, am I correct?

I do confess fear about where we are and where we may be headed. I just place different blame and cause of the fear.

There is a difference between protests and looting. Nobody, left or right on this board ever defended to looters. Typically, what started as peaceful protests devolved to something more violent at night. This is true whether the protesters were left or right. Not sure anyone defended any violence, even attacks by dozens of anarchists in Portland. Of course, the police response in all the cases was much more violent than what we witnessed today. Someone needs to answer why the police response was so meek until the protesters got to the actual inner doors of Congress.
Whichever HF poster said "blood will flow" has proven to be correct.

Gunshot victim enroute to hospital.

Should get very lively after dark.
Yeah, a lady shot by Capitol PD if I'm not mistaken. When the "rabble" as labeled by the MSM and political elite actually start to fight back, well, then it's going to get nasty.
Disgusting to hear the MSM expressing their utter shock and displeasure that mere commoners would dare to enter the Capitol Bldg. Burning down businesses, looting, destroying people's livelihoods, no problem, but for the unclean to set foot inside the hallowed elitist halls of Congress! How dare they!
Yeah, a lady shot by Capitol PD if I'm not mistaken. When the "rabble" as labeled by the MSM and political elite actually start to fight back, well, then it's going to get nasty.
Disgusting to hear the MSM expressing their utter shock and displeasure that mere commoners would dare to enter the Capitol Bldg. Burning down businesses, looting, destroying people's livelihoods, no problem, but for the unclean to set foot inside the hallowed elitist halls of Congress! How dare they!
Wow. How many rioters did the police ver shoot? And they deserved it. Would have stopped there lots much earlier.

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