IMO, the Fix is in

All of them are unclean, unfair and manipulated to some degree, which is why I declined to put on one of those I Voted stickers after casting my ballot in the mayoral race this morning.

I also agree with many of the issues the south advocated in the so called civil war. Doesn't mean I don't think they lost in spite of their bravery and gallantry

I should have won is not proof that one did. Trump lost. Time to stop the temper tantrums and get ready for the next go around.
I just saw a CNN comprehensive report on how election machines can be hacked and votes can easily be changed. Complete strangers who were savy were able to hack and change votes in an hour.'
The CNN reporter said this needed to be addressed and that people who denied this could happen were deluding themselves
I really don't get how some people on here can still say this election was all above-board and Trump is a sore loser and let's just move on. There are some really disturbing things that happened here, it's clear as day, with video even in some cases. Putting a stop to this BS is way more important than Trump winning.
I just saw a CNN comprehensive report on how election machines can be hacked and votes can easily be changed. Complete strangers who were savy were able to hack and change votes in an hour.'
The CNN reporter said this needed to be addressed and that people who denied this could happen were deluding themselves
What I find most shocking is that people still watch CNN.
I just saw a CNN comprehensive report on how election machines can be hacked and votes can easily be changed. Complete strangers who were savy were able to hack and change votes in an hour.'
The CNN reporter said this needed to be addressed and that people who denied this could happen were deluding themselves

I'm pretty certain if Trump had won the MSM narrative would have been election fraud. That's why CNN and the other liberal outlets were attacking election integrity before the election and have kept quiet since we now have evidence of everything they had reported could happen. The MSM is now saying Trump is pushing conspiracy theories over things they were reporting as fact just a few months ago.
The same people who are now saying you should trust the integrity of the 2020 election, are the same people who said --

-The Steele Dossier was real
-The protests were peaceful
-The Hunter Biden story was Russian disinformation

It's the same people
If Trump won EC while losing popular vote by 4%, the proverbial **** would have hit the fan. It would be way more than just election fraud, but election interference, vote suppression, etc.
I'm pretty certain if Trump had won the MSM narrative would have been election fraud. That's why CNN and the other liberal outlets were attacking election integrity before the election and have kept quiet since we now have evidence of everything they had reported could happen. The MSM is now saying Trump is pushing conspiracy theories over things they were reporting as fact just a few months ago.
Let's be clear. They were attacking the pre-efforts by the Trump campaign to muck up the works. Odd changes to the postal system, urinating all over mail in ballots (except for in states where he wanted it to be successful), pressing that the election needed to be decided that day, certainly being behind the states NOT allowing pre-canvassing. Just a pure poop show that he was hoping to muck up the works enough to get it to SCOTUS. That's why ACB was rushed in pre-election. It's like Boo Blake running the wishbone and not understanding why it's not working.
One of the Kraken's "experts". This was one of the redacted names that the Kraken's team accidentally left in the header information in the file.

Sidney Powell’s ‘Military Intelligence Expert’ Witness Was Actually an Army Mechanic Who Never Worked in Military Intelligence: Report

Powell’s team described the witness in question as a “Military Intelligence expert” who would provide unambiguous proof that voting systems used in the election were compromised. The witness was known only as “Spyder” to protect him from an “established pattern of witness and attorney harassment and coercion,” Powell’s team wrote. But a Friday report from the Washington Post revealed that “Spyder,” whose real name is Joshua Merritt, was actually an army vehicle mechanic who had never even worked in military intelligence.

According to official military records, he enrolled in the course but never completed it. It should be noted that this gentleman was also Pete Session's expert when he claimed fraud when he lost in 2018.

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