I've been ignoring this thread for a while, but damn it....
Halloween is fun and all, but I don't give a **** how much you or your kids like the fun and the candy, or how much the kids from the tough neighborhoods could use a smile, my family and I will participate on our own terms. I don't mean anything unreasonable. We just ask a few small things...
-Wear a costume. Any attempt at all counts.
-If you are in high school, do not come to my door. I will not give candy to a 16 year old in a bandanna with a water gun pretending (maybe) to be a gang member. We participate in halloween to make kids smile. I don't give a **** about bored adolescents. I was one once, and I made it to adulthood without free candy.
-Do not come even one second after 9 pm. Our porch light will be off, which should be enough evidence that you're not wanted. But if it's not, look around the neighborhood and note that you're the only one out and about. I don't care if you work late and your kid hasn't gotten much candy. We get up early and our kid's sleep trumps your kid's desire for a year's supply of chocolate.
-Say "trick or treat." Do not just stand there and look dumb. If you're parents haven't taught you that, learn from their mistakes, and don't go to OU.
-Kids from any neighborhood are welcome. Just follow the above rules.
-And say thank you, or gracias. Just show some appreciation, damn it.