Immigrant trick-or-treaters

We had migrant trick or treaters in my neighborhood. We turned the lights out at 9:00 and they were still knocking on the door. I don't mind this either, but when the parents also want candy, it pisses me off.
There were some of them immigrant trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood, too. I gave 'em all printed directions to the free pecans over in Hyde Park.
I'm gonna ignore the rampant xenophobia around here, and just report that last night in NYC I saw a group of Mexican dudes dressed up in costumes with fake mustaches and sombreros.
These kids are cheating themselves out of a good time and a lesson in life.

Half the fun is WALKING across town to the nice houses to get better treats. Also, the long walk teaches you the principle that "hard work has rewards". These parents driving their kids are depriving them of this lesson.
The kids are probably citizens, but the parents are the immigrants. It is a well known fact that all these Mexicans come across the border so their kids can trick or treat. Lou Dobbs has probably covered it.

We handed out individual popcorn bags last night and they were a big hit. It was awesome hearing those kids running away from the house screaming "PALOMITAS" to their parents. Feliz Dia De Los Muertos.
I called them migrant trick or treaters because they go from neighborhood to neighborhood picking all the candy. They probably got all the pecans they could see in the moonlight also.
Not sure, but I'm guessing D Wreck11 might be a P1. The Hardline (on The Ticket) was talking about this yesterday and referred to the kids as immigrant trick or treaters.

Here is a link to the discussion:

The Link

This is a huge phenomenon in Dallas. I drove by Swiss Avenue last night and it was swamped with cars. Lakewood and the M Streets are flooded with kids who aren't typical of the children in those neighborhoods.
It could be worse. You could pay 50 bucks to ride in a trolley full of immigrants...taking a tour of the Christmas lights in YOUR OWN ******* NEIGHBORHOOD!!!
not a lot of love for the fellow man on this thread.

unless the fellow man also pays your HOA dues...

also not too many trick or treaters in rice military.
I feel so fortunate that i am not angry about every little thing in life.

Why in the world would i get worked up over something as trivial as someone from another neighborhood trick or treating in mine?

This thread depresses me.
wow some of yall are mean! what about the kids who live out in the country growing up like i did? were my parents evil for taking me into town to trick or treat? I guess ill tell them that next time i see them.
Let me state this again.

A (as in singular) child gets out of his momma's car and I see the mom in nursing outfit (obviously she came straight from work) doesn't bug me one bit.

3 Vans that are apparently caravaning with 10 kids coming out of EACH van is a travesty. That's going from 'let's go let janie get some quality halloween time' to 'let's take ADVANTAGE of these nice people and grab what we can'.

I've never cared about the kids coming from other neighborhoods, but I do have two issues. The 23 year old mother trick or treating for her 2 month old infant bothers me. I was also concerned last night about the volume of cars and all the kids running around in the dark seems to be a recipe for an accident. If you are going to visit some neighborhood other than your own, park the van and get out and walk. Don't cruise the streets following a band of 10 kids. Some idoit changed daylight savings time so that the little kids had to start later and they were still out and about when the teenagers and their cars kicked it into gear.
Kids choosing a different neighborhood in which to trick-or-treat is no big deal. After dark, ringing the doorbells of houses with the lights out is rude, however. I was pleased that most of the 'treaters at my door thanked me-- it is comforting to know that manners haven't gone out of style.

For those too daft to have discerned what the OP (to my reading) meant by 'immigrant': congratulations: your self-righteousness seems to exceed your perspicacity. To those with the witty barbs on the subject, nice work.
One thing I was super pleased with.... EVERYONE WAS EXTREMELY POLITE!!!

This is only the second year for me to have a home. So i'm new to this giving out treats thing. Just wanted some discussion on why it is or is not wrong to feel being taken advantage of.

Maybe its an expectation thing... you expect for neighbors to come by and you know that at a later point we'll have our own little one taking from same said neighbors.

But the vanloads of others will never 'repay' me. Its a oneway street for them. I don't really fault the kids... but the mentality of some of the parents to take advantage of others does irk me.
The dynamics of our neighborhood are that as you go west the lots tend to get a little bigger and the owners a little older and quicker to turn out lights. When the kids look at our block and see only 3 houses with lights on they tend to go south a block (or north) and then go back east. It's a better return on their walking investment. When we lived in a cottage neighborhood, we got inundated when we were less able to afford a shitload of snickers bars. Thus, we ran out of candy much faster. Ironic. We have a huge bowl of butterfingers and penaut butter filled chocolate eyeballs sitting by the front door.

For the first time in many years we got someone purportedly collecting for UNICEF.
I feel very fortunate that i live in a neighborhood where others feel it is desirable to come trick or treat.

If i lived in a neighborhood in which most of my neighbors had nothing to offer my children, i would drive my kids to a different neighborhood and let them trick or treat there. Why deny my children the memories of having a fun Halloween? i have fond childhood memories of it!

Now for ringing door bells after dark with the porch light off. I do find that inconsiderate.
oh , plus, i don't want to deny any one candy on halloween for any reason. I don't want to wake up the next morning and find "BALD *******" spray painted on my door.

Larry David has taught me so much.
you had immigrants, i had Ku Klux Klan kids knocking on mine....i say they were KKK because they were little white kids with sheets over their heads

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