I’m still ok.

but the Horns, if playing disciplined and smart football still could have won.

We are not there yet, it's as simple as that. We've won several games already this year that we would have lost last year, but to think we get them all is asking too much. The team fought back and did not quit and that is good enough for me at 6-2. Did anybody really think we were the 6th best team in the country? We were getting overcooked and this loss can help us down the road. Coaches gotta have something to ***** about.
Did anybody really think we were the 6th best team in the country?

As compared to a number of previous Longhorn teams that were top 10, no.

But remember, rankings unofficially proceed according to the following thinking (my slant on it):

Take last years top 1-3 teams or so, as long as they stay undefeated, they're still 1-3.

Then, by now in the season, take the next group of typical major football programs, put in some order the teams with only 1 loss.

Then, can start sprinkling in some non-Power 5 teams that are undefeated, especially if they've had a surprise win over a major program from the Power 5.

Then, well, fill out the rest to the 25th team to rank. Oh, and don't forget Notre Dame as long as they're over 0.500 at this point.

This is a weird year. Of course Alabama, last years NC is still undefeated, UGa has dropped a bit, Clemson was a final four last year and is undefeated, ND is undefeated, and got a UCF at 7-0 in the top 10.

But the other motley crew of 1 to 2 loss teams, except maybe for LSU are, IMHO, meh, this year.

My point being, Texas kind of got up into top 10 territory by tradition, and knocking OU down a bit and lifting Texas up --- temporarily.

But, the ranking is all relative FOR THIS YEAR ONLY; I'm suggesting numbers 5 through to 25 are fairly wart ridden compared to some previous years where pundits were wringing their hands as to "how are we going to exclude Team A, Team B, Team C, and Team D from the final four?"

This year is almost looking like "how are we going to justify putting 4 teams in the final four."

So, Texas got up to 6th as others were getting chopped up around them, and losing to other not so great teams.

But this year's Texas team compared to Texas teams of the past that were top 10?

Not so much I think.
hitting the brakes hard for SHAARK92,

not required.

Mack inherited no offensive line (kinda like he left it actually) ... (the first generation belly rubbers)

and absolutely no defense (thanks Mackovic)

Ricky was great and I'm glad he was here. He wasn't Earl which is what was needed to win championships without the rest of the squad in 99. (Houston Oilers testifies to this)

... I'm simply saying ... Herman's roster wasn't nearly as empty as Mack's overall.
so you're saying that breaking the ncaa all time rushing record, winning 9 games including the Aggies, the Heisman trophy, didn't help Mack at all? I guess I can see that without Ricky there was less of a team but Ricky was on the team so it wasn't less than this team...NOW if Foreman would've stayed last year then Texas gets 9 wins no problem....again, don't disparage Foreman AT ALL for making a $ decision but by that move Tom inherited less than Mack in his first year....
We had a guy named VY who didn't get a Heisman ... but VY didn't play defense. He needed that defense that night or VY wouldn't have been on a NC team.

one guy doesn't make a team. Thought I explained that already. But keep chewing.

CS did the cleaning out blonthang suggests needs to happen again (I don't disagree) ... and it hurt the performance on the field the first two years.

Here we are again ... 2 years into the 3rd Staff ... inconsistent play ... and evidently another entitled attitude from more than one player.
We should have RUN from the 2 YL on 1st down. Good grief.

The conference's (2nd?) worse run defense and we try to throw. woops ... hurried pass because there's no where to go ... 2/10.

Now we'll try to run from standing flat footed in our end zone.


Now we HAVE to throw and we're all of 2 yards farther from the ultimate defender (back of the end zone) than we were.

Did I mention OkSt's weak run defense?

Down by 3, almost 6 minutes remaining and 2 or 3 TO's remaining. Didn't need to go airball ... but it's in the DNA, I suppose.

We simply didn't arrive at Pickens to play. That's the bottom line. Made a valiant effort late, but my goodness.
in a nutshell: poor coaching....coaches and leaders on the team get players UP for winning the games they should win easily....take no chances....trust, me....everyone gives up their best shot.....
We had a guy named VY who didn't get a Heisman ... but VY didn't play defense. He needed that defense that night or VY wouldn't have been on a NC team.

one guy doesn't make a team. Thought I explained that already. But keep chewing.

CS did the cleaning out blonthang suggests needs to happen again (I don't disagree) ... and it hurt the performance on the field the first two years.

Here we are again ... 2 years into the 3rd Staff ... inconsistent play ... and evidently another entitled attitude from more than one player.
No VY no rose bowls
Sure but remember even VY doesn't get a national title if Huff, Robinson, and company don't stop one of the best power running backs in the nation on a 4th and 2.
I got to watch Vince workout with the team in the summer prior to 05 season. It was amazing to see his leadership and how his attitude just brought this expectation that we were going to do it that year. I pretty much told every longhorn I knew, that from what I saw, if Texas would ever win one again it would be 05.
So Vince made everyone better period from an unbiased angle. We had enough talent but not as much as you think.
not required.

Mack inherited no offensive line (kinda like he left it actually) ... (the first generation belly rubbers)

and absolutely no defense (thanks Mackovic)

Ricky was great and I'm glad he was here. He wasn't Earl which is what was needed to win championships without the rest of the squad in 99. (Houston Oilers testifies to this)

... I'm simply saying ... Herman's roster wasn't nearly as empty as Mack's overall.
Mack inherited an outstanding offensive line. You may be struggling to remember 1998, but that team had talent. We had won back to back conference championships in '95 and '96 before imploding under Mackovick's aloof and distant demeanor (and poor defensive scheming) to 4-7 in '97. Nevertheless, the 4-7 was the aberration at the time.

Tom inherited a team that hadn't had a winning season for three straight years, was used to losing and had really poor team chemistry, practice habits, and low expectations. What talent we had (agree that we were not bereft of talent) wasn't well integrated into the team concepts Herman has been preaching. Lots of "me first" guys. And Tom has taken that hot mess and done what we have all witnessed so far. Tom has been greatly aided by CDC arriving and bringing much needed elite leadership to the administrative side as well.

Mack Brown worked a great turnaround. Tom Herman, to my eyes, looks to be orchestrating another one.
I have a good feeling about next week's game. I think they overlooked OSU a little bit, as Herman teams are prone to do. Frustrating, but I do think Herman has them laser focused for next week.
I have a good feeling about next week's game. I think they overlooked OSU a little bit, as Herman teams are prone to do. Frustrating, but I do think Herman has them laser focused for next week.
Yea because I don't want to hear that John Denver song West Virginia Mtn Mamma at the end of the game. We'll beat WVU. Count on it.
OK ... if you say so. There were Ricky Williams, Shaun Rogers ... Opie. Derrick Williams ... I started to find a list of successful NFL players from that 98 squad, to compare to the 2017 ... but then realized, there's only one year of 2017 which CAN be NFL players.

Perhaps we can agree that the Horns are well on their way and this season has, personally, helped me become a Herman accepter (not yet on the TH bandwagon.) noting that I was influenced by the experience of losing Dad even when CS was hired (though I didn't know it was THAT AT THE TIME) ... I had (have) great respect for Charlie Strong and still angers me how he was unsupported ... like he was hired specifically to be a setup hire.

There's no integrity in that and if that's what happened ... well, that's not the Texas I know, nor from which I graduated, which I currently support and of which have my expectations. Do the best you can with what you have: always. If your best isn't good enough, get better ... and that's specifically for those who could hire/fire the HC at Texas in 2014.
No, I'm comfortable saying we didn't have some master plan to use Charlie as a setup.

So the question is ... have we eradicated the incompetence yet? Given Fenves remains, I'm gonna say ... Noooh. still have work to do.

Strong has been criticized for his ability to coach, yet his team is 16-2? since he went to USF. Everything being relative (which is why divisions exist) ... tells me he's not the incompetent coach some wanted to make of him (for whatever reason, probably the W/L record at Texas)

Someone mentioned earlier about Herman "growing" into the job he holds. I think that's fair.

Anyhow ... as just another internet poster who happens to bleed orange ... and not afraid to share/change opinion ...

Til Gabriel Blows His Horn!
I’m not accepting any idea that somehow Charlie got screwed. He came in and coached to the best of his abilities, recruited, set standards, and then failed to win more games than he lost for three straight years. Not acceptable at Texas so he was relieved of his duties. Nice guy but couldn’t handle the Texas job. Can he coach? Yes definitely just not at this level. Louisville and South Florida are his wheelhouse. Charlie got overpaid for his services and subsequently got a heck of a severance package. He gave it his best but his best wasn’t good enough and I think I feel a song coming on...James Ingram
I’m not accepting any idea that somehow Charlie got screwed.

without rehashing the entire tenure ...

CS enters Bellmont ... then AD refuses to entertain at least 2 of CS's list for OC ... then practice begins ... summer ... and a significant part of the starting line-up is not only demoted, but dismissed ... for disciplinary issues ... so year one is REALLY a wash. Get through the first year establishing what is means to be a ball player/team at Texas ... then the second year and his first with his recruiting class on campus (which was a fantastic class if you'll recall) ... and the offense just can't get out of its own way; defense begins to improve sporadically (yeah, the blowouts) ...

by the 3rd year, the handwriting is on the wall.

perhaps CS could have grown into the job, too ... as has been said of TH in his second year (and second fully supported)

Anyhow ... it IS water under the bridge for the personalities ... but the underbelly of what caused it remains ... those that hired Fenves are still calling the shots and it was only the waning athletic dollars being spent which has motivated the "cigars" as some call 'em ... to get on with it.

it's discussion worthy if nothing else. ... but to reiterate ... "I'm Still OK."