If you leave your shopping cart...

Yeah I am typical entitled aggy, whatever. Typical superior for no reason t-sips. You got a guy who can't even stay married to the woman he had kids with and the then asks a message board for advice on how to limit his child support payments. He is piling on a guy who admits he doesn't put his cart in the cart bin occasionally when he takes his kids with him to the store. Well at least I can take my kids to the store without seeing a judge first. Maybe next time spend more time working on your marriage instead of volunteer parking lot maintenance ethics.

I liked it better when you people could hold sporting events scores or signing day over our heads.

Also, loved the guy who took the time to quote grandpa "so our truck doesn't get dinged and so other people don't get dinged." Not quite "It's the right thing to do, and the tasty way to do it", but I can still see Wilford Brimley agreeing do do the PSA.
Hey Roseanne:

1. yes, I do have a pickup - if you read the post, I was commenting on scumbags who have no etiquette when it comes to the rules of the road - it was probably you in a Miata pulling out in front of me

2. yes, I was asking for advice on a toilet problem - at least it is an indoor toilet - as for the septic, it would be faulty on your part to assume the value of one's home based on this

3. as for the child support issue, I have been with my wife for 10 years, still married with 2 kids - you show your ignorance by assuming I was asking for myself

Face it Roseanne, you are a loser for leaving the cart unsecured in the parking lot - 100% of the other posters agree.

Who would have thought this thread would be going where it is now ?

There is a simple solution to this whole thing.
If you have kids or are too lazy to put your cart in it's proper place when you are finished unloading your groceries then have one of the sackers take your cart out for you. They offer this service at most stores (except Wal Mart). And if you are buying groceries at Wal Mart then you have much more disturbing issues anyway.
just noticed the Walmart cart corral sign

"Walmart is not responsible for damages caused by carts" (wording may not be exact, but that was the main point).

How can this be? i thought the General Liability policy would cover this? any of you legal eagles want to explain?
I gather that notshinola's rather pathetic reason for not returning the carts has morphed into something else, but frankly I don't care what it is.

Another cart-induced pet peeve is people who block the aisles while in the store, even and especially when the aisles are large enough to easily accommodate two carts side-by-side. That's just rude, inconsiderate, or stupid.
I have decided to spend the rest of my life as a Parking Lot Ninja. I will be practically invisible in my ninja camo suit, and sneak up on cars whose drivers leave the carts out and stealthily hook a cable between the rear axle and the offending shopping cart prior to the car backing out of its parking space. Justice will be served.

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