If you leave your shopping cart...

And if you use a WIC card, stay the hell out of the express lane. There is nothing express when the clerk has to write down every individual item on the little piece of paper.
I was just thinking it's been six weeks since a good shopping cart thread on HF. Oh, and I always park next to a storage bin at HEB to prevent HF's wrath.
Top five pet peeve of all-time, and definitely worthy of a nuclear bomb to the face.

My favorites are the ones that leave the cart in the middle of the parking lot FIFTEEN FEET from the cart rack.
I was going to post about this subject.

Yesterday I came out of Kroger's and walked towards my car just in time to see a wind driven cart gather steam and slam into the side of my car...paint chipped.

Here's the deal...show some basic level of human consideration and responsibility. As someone said at least be a lesser douche and anchor them in the grass.

As for the parent excuse, I often do see moms w/ multiple kids unloading groceries w/ all hell breaking loose and in those situations will almost always ask if they'd like me to get their cart for them. Consideration cuts both ways and to a large extent chivalry is dead to strangers. (If they look like they'll be a while I ususally move on, though.)

People just suck in general more and more. If it's the LEAST bit inconvenient for them...well, **** the next guy. So the douche or douchette that couldn't take an extra :30 to secure their cart has now cost me a couple of hundies. (Insert mushroom cloud here.)

To Shinola's points...weak...really, really weak.
Bravo, and you haven't even gotten to the legion of oafs who block the aisles with their cart while reading every label of the pickle department jars. Push the damn thing over to the side so other people can pass, jerkwad.
I really don't want this thread to divert into a leaving the child in the car while a cart is put away discussion.

It may be cause i have an 8 month old, but i don't agree with leaving the child, even for 30 seconds. Parenting means you don't get a chance to rest if you're with your child. You get a babysitter you trust and rest, but apart from that, it's 24/7.

I take my daughter to put up the cart and she enjoys it, more time in the cart, yay!!
The latest in a long, long, LONG list of people to disgrace the Ag Tag.

And of course, he comes now with the righteous sarcastic indignation "OH WOW I GUESS I'M HITLER AND MY KIDS WILL BE SCUM HUH". No, but your attitude is part of a major problem where people want everyone else to pay for their sorry ***. Stupid ***** plows into me on the interstate, hey she can't be bothered to have insurance. Not her problem, I guess. Same attitude that inspires morons to whip across 3 lanes of traffic at 70 to catch an exit. They were too damn stupid to plan ahead and/or pay attention, and now they are willing to endanger others to avoid the HORRIBLE inconvenience of going 1/4-1 mile to the next exit and u-turning. Same with ****. He can't plan ahead and park at the corral or go when the kids can be watched if the AMAZING task of returning the cart with a kid can't be accomplished. BTW, I have a 7 month old, so you can't play the "you don't know what it's like" card. So instead, he delays other people's service, hassles the employees, and endangers the property of all the other shoppers to save himself a modicum of effort.

The trash is worse. I bet you go out to restaurants, leave a pathetic mess and tip 10%. Your type always do. Pick up your garbage, garbage. God. Why don't you just go in and **** in the bathroom floor? Hey, not contractually obligated to **** in the toilet, right? They can just hire some peon at $7/hr to go in and clean the **** off the floor. Not your responsibility.

Makes me SICK.

And Hayden, you are better than to leave the damn cart out. Most disappointing thing I've heard all day.
While were on the subject of grocery store etiquette, can I get it off my chest that I believe perfectly healthy people that wait any more than 20 seconds for a parking space 15 feet closer the store deserve the death by nuclear weapon fate as well?

I don’t think anything else is as representative of the absolute laziness of this country than this phenomenon, and it makes me want to scream/hit/kill something every time I encounter it.

I will take a different tack. While I always return my cart, I appreciate someone leaving a cart next to the space I pull into so I don't have to carry my son all the way to the entrance.

I must shop at the most inconsiderate stores on earth because at any given time, I see maybe 2 carts at most in a corral while the lot is peppered with them. It's never bothered me in the least.

If the cart is out of the way of your car and poses no obstacle to you parking, why do you care? You've got a cart right there for you. It's the store's property and they pay their employees to gather them up. I can perhaps see why many of you preach "putting things back where they belong," and I am extremely OCD about it at home, but come on - y'all are making an awfully big deal out of this. Honestly, I would rather have a cart right when I step out of my car, but that's just me.

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