If God doesn't exist...

Without God there is no sin, but the idea of good and evil is there based on the fact that humans are for the most part social creatures... good and evil exists even if God never did because by nature we humans have the need to coexist, and to do that, we require a functional community that would protect itself from “evil” ... even monkeys do that.
So what you're saying is that ironically, "true evil" didn't even exist until religion was established... until then, it was just regular survival evil... hmmm...
there is no God, only flying spaghetti monsters

im an atheist and have onlly perused the bible but i would like to cite 2 passages from the bible that seem to contradict themselves. jesus says that he didnt come to bring peace but a sword and he says that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. indeed jesus is the alpha and omega. he is the love found in many seemingly contradictory actions. i believe that love determines what is a worthy action much like abrahm maslow listed love and esteem lower on his list of human needs because they are the basis of moral action which he list at the top of his heirarchy of needs.
wow, PC really lamed out in this thread. amazing how he got on here and said something with great authority that he could subsequently not even begin to support. then he exits with a proclamation that he doesn't care what anyone believes......... this was painful to read. i do appreciate coelecanth's consistent commitment to reason in philosophical terms. the truth is, PC's original claim was fallacious and not provable by history.....and to accuse religious types of being the most homicidal on the history ignores the past Century of history when Mao and Stalin killed 90 million as atheists.
...and Hitler

It looks like we got a little off topic but with those of you that don't believe in God, what scientific proof do you have that spells this out for you? or if there isn't any and you've come to this conclusion on your own, what was it that placed you where you are in your belief?
I think the reasoning would also include non scientific types. That is, they would see no reasonable positive evidence - scientific or lay - to include a supreme being in their world view.
Sin was introduced into the world, as a direct result of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God, as they were deceived by the work of the enemy, Satan. Eden was defined as the PURE creation of God. Sin is a curse, In Genesis 3:14 and 17, God curses the ground and them above livestock.In essence, sin is that which opposes the will of God and his purpose for us. Sin is the negation of what Jesus Christ is. There never was, and never will be a PERFECT example of God's goodness as Christ. Christ made himself nothing, in the form of Man, and withstood every temptation that stood in his way.

So, if you are looking to define sin, it is that which opposes God's will and what Jesus is not.

For those of you who seek scientific evidence of the "Existance" of God, would it really be faith if there was something that absolutely cemented his existence? (other than Christ?)

2 Corinthians 4:1-6 says

In reply to:

JohnnyM, my point wasn't to say you should have to believe in the Christian view of God, but that if there is indeed life after death, in the presense of a God, wouldn't you want to be on his side versus being an enemy? My simple point was Atheism vs Religion (or what some refer to as Faith, not relgition) and life after death. If God doesn't exist, then it doesn't matter what you do in life, so being good or bad, it doesn't matter. BUT, if he does exist, then there it does matter and I'd assume you want to live out eternity on the good side.

Now, having said that, I am a Christian, so I'd want to sit at the right hand of God, rather than the lake of fire described in Revelation, or hell, as most people know it.

By the way, just to clarify, the "Christian" God is the same God as the "Jewish" or "Hebrew" God. They just differ in who they believe the Mesiah was. Jews believe the Messiah will come and rule, and that Jesus was just another prophet, because what he taught breaks the old covenant Jews are used to and establishes a new covenant.

Either way, I believe in Christianity because Jesus did come, he taught us about the Father, he lived a pure life and humbled himself, died on a cross, and most importantly, he rose from the death. That not only tells me that there is a God, but that he WAS God, and I choose to do my best to follow Him and all he taught, especially love God and loving our neighbor man (which is hard to do alot of the time)

The problem is there are people out there who say they are Christians, yet live a life that is nothing like Christ. That seems to jade some people's view of Christianity.

I'm not arrogant enough to tell you how to live your lives, I just see the change in my life before and after i chose to follow Christ, and it's like night and day, and so I choose to continue to follow Him, and maybe hope to encourage people to do a little research and thinking and see how people's lives have changed.
To keep this blessedly short, lets say that taking offense is merely the declaration that the stated value in question is very much at odds with the values of the offended party, so much so that the offended party's moral sense is energized.

To be offended is an emotional, bodily response to a moral sentiment. Its an outcome, not a deduction, so logic doesn't apply.

At any rate, parties can differ in their values, and this difference can be so much as to raise moral questions for either party. What is complicated about this?

Whether or how the differences withstand the logical scrutiny of those who may care about such things is another matter. GT will still be offended, I would guess.

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