I know we have problems all across the board, but really, if we are ranking our problems in any order I'm going to replace assistants Here is where I'm starting.
1. Todd Orlando - I like the guy and maybe this is Herman more than Todd, but this defense sucks and it has Orlando's finger print all over it.
2. Wareheim - He never should have been kept after year 1 and now he is responsible for the crap show we call Special teams.
3. Mehringer - This is mostly speculation based on what I am hearing by way of rumors in the locker room.
4. Washington - It's his corners that have been getting toasted all year long. yes they were young, and I knew we would be feeling the growing pains, but I don't see any growth, I don't see anyone getting better.
5. Beck - It's hard for me to put him here because the offense is still effective to a degree but it is too damn predictable. when our opponent knows what we are doing before we snap the ball then there is a problem, a big problem. Beck is a hell of a recruiter and a good QB coach, but he is the OC and we need one that strikes fear in defenses.
I think the biggest question out there, isn't that we need change, but who do we get.
For DC, I think we either make a run at Aranda, but it's more likely he gets a head coaching gig after this year, or we turn the defense over to Ash who already is here and has had all season to get to know our players. For Special teams I'd turn it over to Beady. Wr is a no brainer for me, I'd bring back Samples. Finally and most important, for DB coach I'd go hard after the LSU, Georgia, or Florida DB coaches, and possibly bring a player or two with them.
As for OC, I have no one in mind, maybe do what LSU did and find a genius in the NFL Or possibly take the OC from Ohio State. Who knows except we need a guy that will scare the hell out of everyone.