I Saw A Different Tom Herman


5,000+ Posts
I apologize for the new thread but I just watched the press conference today and observed a completely different individual. For the first since he took the job at Texas, Herman was raw and humble. Zero arrogance. Zero defensiveness. He answered every question with candor, honesty and respect. Also, did anyone else notice that there was no body movement? No rocking.

I am now convinced — for the first time — that Herman fully understands the magnitude of the problem, and that he is likely prepared to re-examine “everything,” something that is desperately needed.

Will this translate into a visible improvement on the field? I guess we’ll see but for the first time in a while, I see a reason to be somewhat encouraged. He’s taken a critical first step.
A lot of posters here have never seen a post-game nor a pre-game press conference.

It rather ruins their whole premise of "unacceptable" and "we deserve better" rage.

They are fools for not thinking Herman knows exactly the expectations and temperament of the fans who matter, which of course is not many of the posters on any fan board.

And then the well intended Charlie Strong era is completely forgotten by them too. It would be nice to find a board on which only true Texas alums could post.
A lot of posters here have never seen a post-game nor a pre-game press conference.

It rather ruins their whole premise of "unacceptable" and "we deserve better" rage.

They are fools for not thinking Herman knows exactly the expectations and temperament of the fans who matter, which of course is not many of the posters on any fan board.

And then the well intended Charlie Strong era is completely forgotten by them too. It would be nice to find a board on which only true Texas alums could post.
Burnt, you may have missed my point. I wouldn’t blame the fans or the posters that have been critical. They have every right, and justification. Today’s presser was different. Very different. We saw something today that we have never seen from Herman before. That’s very significant.
A lot of posters here have never seen a post-game nor a pre-game press conference.

It rather ruins their whole premise of "unacceptable" and "we deserve better" rage.

They are fools for not thinking Herman knows exactly the expectations and temperament of the fans who matter, which of course is not many of the posters on any fan board.

And then the well intended Charlie Strong era is completely forgotten by them too. It would be nice to find a board on which only true Texas alums could post.

I'm with you for all of your post except for the "alum only posting rights". Being an alum has nothing to do with making stupid, drunk, know-it-all, emotional, immature, look-at-me, tiny pee-pee insecurities that lead to these (as I call them) Frat Boy comments. Your use of the word "rage" is correct.
Burnt, you may have missed my point. I wouldn’t blame the fans or the posters that have been critical. They have every right, and justification. Today’s presser was different. Very different. We saw something today that we have never seen from Herman before. That’s very significant.

Dukesteer, I think what your preaching is also spot on. I read BOLH response as a confirmation of what you originally posted with an eye toward the other members not having a mature take on TH pressers or comments.
Burnt, you may have missed my point. I wouldn’t blame the fans or the posters that have been critical. They have every right, and justification. Today’s presser was different. Very different. We saw something today that we have never seen from Herman before. That’s very significant.
I have watched all the pressers from the beginning....not having the chance to see a true MENSA in action....I'm just wanting to see if there was a difference in his intellect that I could discern....
Today was somewhat different, agreed....I got the feeling that it was humbling for him....I also got the feeling that he either has no idea how to fix the complex problem or he is going to look further into the collection of data as he described in the first part of the press conference.
The concerning part is that we are in week TEN and these things are now a revelation.....really? That astounds me. A casual observer of this team could tell you that they have been losing anything that they might have had the moment they walked off the field after the loss to LSU. Since then, Sam is running for his life 3/4 of the time...sacked often, and not nearly as accurate.
The play calling is so predictable that defenses often are standing, waiting for us to get to them....that bubble screen....GOOD LORD, why run that 10 times a game when it doesn't work?
The last three weeks we have lost or come very close to losing to teams that recruit in the 40's and 50's of college football while the last two years we have had two TOP 5 recruiting classes.....all the teams we have played have looked superior to us and two have managed to beat us....ALL with players that would not have even been on our radar. THAT is COACHING, folks....
To think that is took until TODAY for us to see a change in the demeanor of the gentlemen that get's HUGE CHECKS deposited weekly into his bank account for running this show.....totally amazing!!! I.M.O.
Well Burnt. Zucker and myself and quite a few others in general terms, agree that Herman deserves more time. I also believe many on the boards don't appreciate how hard his job is. I have been the subject of mass media scrutiny and what was scrutinized was out of my control to a large degree. This job and above mentioned scrutiny has probably humbled TH a lot. Maybe CDC has too. But as for the posters, we all want the same things, but some are more prone to knee jerk reactions. I think everyone will eventually come around and accept TH. They need to, he is the best coach we have had in a long time (MB first 12 years). I give TH a lot of grace. Maybe too much. Most could not hold up under that kind of pressure 24/7. MB was just 2 wins ahead of where TH is at this point. And I think TH had a much tougher hill to climb IMHO. It would be fool hardy to let TH go this early including next year. Are there issues TH can learn from, absolutely. He needs to be a better game manager. His development and recruiting seem to be very good. But he is not a good game manager. I thought, MB was quite good at that. Focusing on ST, punting and kicking field goals appropriately. I know it eroded eventually. He got complacent. But this type of job is likely tougher than Governor of Texas. It may very well be one of the toughest jobs in the State. Albeit very high paying. I hope Duke is right about the humility. I always watch the pressers. Need to watch today's.
Herman set up such high expectations talking about Heisman and playoffs, it was hard to believe that he was ever going to make these goals. I know motivational speakers feel that this works, but if he could have tempered back the expectations we might not be so disappointed. The play calling on both sides has become so predictable because he thinks once it works it will work again. Everyone is ready for his plays.
A lot of posters here have never seen a post-game nor a pre-game press conference.

It rather ruins their whole premise of "unacceptable" and "we deserve better" rage.

They are fools for not thinking Herman knows exactly the expectations and temperament of the fans who matter, which of course is not many of the posters on any fan board.

And then the well intended Charlie Strong era is completely forgotten by them too. It would be nice to find a board on which only true Texas alums could post.
Who gets to define what a "true" Texas alum is short of someone that graduated there. As I graduated in 82, I consider myself a true alum. Still don't like what I've seen this year on offense and every year on D under TO. Doesn't change my alum status. Maybe I suck as a fan, or maybe I realize I have probably 2 more decades on this planet and I'm out of time for another decade wandering in the wilderness.
I apologize for the new thread but I just watched the press conference today and observed a completely different individual. For the first since he took the job at Texas, Herman was raw and humble. Zero arrogance. Zero defensiveness. He answered every question with candor, honesty and respect. Also, did anyone else notice that there was no body movement? No rocking.

I am now convinced — for the first time — that Herman fully understands the magnitude of the problem, and that he is likely prepared to re-examine “everything,” something that is desperately needed.

Will this translate into a visible improvement on the field? I guess we’ll see but for the first time in a while, I see a reason to be somewhat encouraged. He’s taken a critical first step.
You need to watch it again and listen closely....Yes, he sounded dejected. But listen to him....After saying he got out coached, he turned right around and said," Any time you lose you get out coached." THAT is ******** !!!!!! Example: Mack Brown lost to Dabo . Did he get out coached in that game ? Mack probably out coached Dabo in a losing effort. Did Tom say, " I screwed up calling two crappy plays in a row instead of kicking the FG" ? NO...he said he "gave the ball to our best down hill runner."..I call BS. RoJo is the best down hill runner. Sam stammers around and tippy-toes looking for a hole instead of making one. Sam used to be our best, but its been coached out of him this year. He blamed execution for the poor rushing instead of POS scheme ( slow developing predictable dives into the teeth of a defense ) and poor play calling. Basically threw his players under the bus most of the presser....Shielded his DC and OC by talking about a group effort preparation for the game plan. He sounded humbled, but is far from understanding the problems. He is Mensa and thinks he needs to keep doing what he is doing and just coach them better.
You need to watch it again and listen closely....Yes, he sounded dejected. But listen to him....After saying he got out coached, he turned right around and said," Any time you lose you get out coached." THAT is ******** !!!!!! Example: Mack Brown lost to Dabo . Did he get out coached in that game ? Mack probably out coached Dabo in a losing effort. Did Tom say, " I screwed up calling two crappy plays in a row instead of kicking the FG" ? NO...he said he "gave the ball to our best down hill runner."..I call BS. RoJo is the best down hill runner. Sam stammers around and tippy-toes looking for a hole instead of making one. Sam used to be our best, but its been coached out of him this year. He blamed execution for the poor rushing instead of POS scheme ( slow developing predictable dives into the teeth of a defense ) and poor play calling. Basically threw his players under the bus most of the presser....Shielded his DC and OC by talking about a group effort preparation for the game plan. He sounded humbled, but is far from understanding the problems. He is Mensa and thinks he needs to keep doing what he is doing and just coach them better.

Maj do you have kids? Go hug them and play with them or something. Or if not pet your Dog, your Hampster, your Cat. Take your mind off of TH. He’s not your problem.

People like you Maj! Just the way you are.

Stewart Smalley
It is very interesting that many of us who have been arguing back and forth the last few weeks are all of a sudden finding more agreement...even after a very tough loss.
TH showing a little humility seems to be a key that turned a lock in the debate.
Suggests much about part of the "why" behind alot of the rage.
This works well in marriage, too, by the way.
I am an alum and extremely dissatisfied.

I didn’t see the presser but if TH is humbled, good!

First step to fixing your problems is having the humility to admit you have s problem in
The first place.
There is no chance Herman is going anywhere for a long time. His contract runs through 2023 and we owe him around $6 million a year or somewhere over $20 million total. I don't think even the most generous BMD is willing to swallow that.

I hope his attitude has changed. I hope he's not one of those people who see the world as black or white only and can't see any shades of gray. He showed promise when he kicked a FG early in the TCU game instead of going for it on 4th down. We'll see.

Meanwhile his coaching seat is starting to get hotter. The honey moon from last season is definitely over.
Sounds like a few of you need to start a message board called Hornpumpers or something like that.

For chrissakes, judging whether or not people can be critical based on their observations and experience is ludicrous.

I guess I, and others who are critical, are just 2%ers. Sorry to ruffle your feathers, Old Army Horns.
I thought his answer to the question about running 2x on the last possession was strange. He stated you guys would be criticizing me for not burning clock had we thrown 3 straight incompletions. I wish I could've been there to say, "no way in hell, the only way to win that game was to get 3 or 4 1st downs with that much time left and the only way to do that was by passing". Regardless, why is he making coaching decisions based on how he thinks he might be criticized by the media in fans instead of just coaching to win the damn game?

That will certainly get you beat every time.
Sounds like a few of you need to start a message board called Hornpumpers or something like that.

For chrissakes, judging whether or not people can be critical based on their observations and experience is ludicrous.

I guess I, and others who are critical, are just 2%ers. Sorry to ruffle your feathers, Old Army Horns.
I think there is some misunderstanding here, Horn.
I think some others (including myself) have been saying the "critical" crowd is just too over-the-top, that's all. I personally think it is damaging the program. JMHO
Also, No one I know is saying critique/criticism isn't warranted.
It's not an either/or argument we're making. And this isn't an Old Army Horn talking, btw.
I think there is some misunderstanding here, Horn.
I think some others (including myself) have been saying the "critical" crowd is just too over-the-top, that's all. I personally think it is damaging the program. JMHO
Also, No one I know is saying critique/criticism isn't warranted.
It's not an either/or argument we're making. And this isn't an Old Army Horn talking, btw.
Didn't have you in mind with my comments.
start a message board called Hornpumpers

Criticism is warranted be it over the top or not.
All momentum from last season is gone.
It's obvious change needs to happen.
For me that means it's time for a real OC.
Herman needs to make some hard decisions.
That's why he makes the big bucks.
During the presser he made it sound like about 8 people had a hand in designing the offensive game plan.
And that's what they came up with?
ISU took away the run and basically said "let Sam beat us if he can".
And I believe he could have if they (our OC) would have let him.
Someone is not putting together a decent game plan or making good game time adjustments.
Is it Herman? Beck?
Something needs to change.
Criticism is warranted be it over the top or not.
All momentum from last season is gone.
It's obvious change needs to happen.
For me that means it's time for a real OC.
Herman needs to make some hard decisions.
That's why he makes the big bucks.
During the presser he made it sound like about 8 people had a hand in designing the offensive game plan.
And that's what they came up with?
ISU took away the run and basically said "let Sam beat us if he can".
And I believe he could have if they (our OC) would have let him.
Someone is not putting together a decent game plan or making good game time adjustments.
Is it Herman? Beck?
Something needs to change.
Take it back to the frat house, pal.

I thought his answer to the question about running 2x on the last possession was strange. He stated you guys would be criticizing me for not burning clock had we thrown 3 straight incompletions.
Run, I thought that his answer to that question was well thought out and candid. While I don’t agree, he went into detail as to what they called, why they called it and what went wrong.