I guess I don't understand the faux outrage on illegal children

As for this policy, I agree with @Mr. Deez. I am not a fan and would not do it if I was in charge. That said, we do separate kids from parents that commit crimes. I would not choose this policy, but it also is not out of the ordinary. Luckily, I did not vote for Trump so I do not own any of it anyway.

I also agree with Deez and Prodigal that the sinful misuse of scruptire by the left needs to stop.

And I'd like to see somebody on the Left propose a solution that isn't "don't enforce the immigration laws."
And I'd like to see somebody on the Left propose a solution that isn't "don't enforce the immigration laws."

That's just it. We're not hearing that. I've said it before; I'd be inclined to take care of the Dreamers (as long as Congress does it) if we knew the Left would vigorously enforce our immigration laws going forward. But they won't and we know why. It's 100% political. So the only deterrent remaining is to keep deporting them on the spot without regard to anything except law enforcement. And anyone caught pretending a child is their own should have their own special punishment but what would it be? Because to me that person and all illegal immigrants coming over from this day forward are the real enemies of the Dreamers because the continuing stream is an indication that nothing will change.
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Democrats don't really want to stop the child separation. They want to have this issue to scream about on TV during the mid-term. If they really did prioritize ending this they would be working with the Republican Congress to craft bills. Of course they are going to have to give something up to get a law passed. They aren't even trying. Not even writing their own version of a bill, at least that I have seen. They sure didn't care about kids in cages and separated from parents when Obama was office.
Democrats don't really want to stop the child separation. They want to have this issue to scream about on TV during the mid-term. If they really did prioritize ending this they would be working with the Republican Congress to craft bills. Of course they are going to have to give something up to get a law passed. They aren't even trying. Not even writing their own version of a bill, at least that I have seen. They sure didn't care about kids in cages and separated from parents when Obama was office.
Trump, the daddy, has turned the Dems into whiny children.
I'd be inclined to take care of the Dreamers (as long as Congress does it) if we knew the Left would vigorously enforce our immigration laws going forward. But they won't and we know why.

This is part of why we got Trump. If you had to choose between Trump and Hillary, it wasn't a choice between rabid enforcement and reasonable enforcement. It was a choice between rabid enforcement and bedlam.

Any objective observer of this "story" would be hard pressed not to admit the following --
(1) The media's concern here was sudden (as sudden as it was absent under Obama)
(2) Media efforts have been highly coordinated
(3) The timing came when Democrats were desperate to get other stories off the front page, namely --
(a) North Korea
(b) The roaring economy
(c) IG report​
The media does not care about these kids
So far no faux outraged people have explained what to do with illegal families who try sneak in.

They're trying to leave the answer unspoken, because their answer is to let them all go free. If there's another solution, then let's work on that. But Mexico needs to play a role in this. They just let these people travel across their country, often with unaccompanied minors or minors being taken by people who are not their parents, and now they're at the Mexico border trying to get into the U.S. Mexico needs to be assisting in making sure there are humane systems in place to deal with these people.
I've said this several times but the male demographic coming from Mexico is hated by the Left. Hard left Liberals are feminist, "educated," atheist/secular and green. I'm sorry but that is not the demographic coming from Mexico. The facts are (from my decades of living in South Texas) is they are macho/male-centric, love guns, misogynistic, homophobic (all as defined by the Left), Catholic, uneducated and don't care about the environment. So why the love affair with them?

Here is an embarrassing tidbit of truth about some of that:


Though it is not stated, I have a feeling the word they are referring to is maricon...
And this is where we are today... It's no wonder we can't have an honest discussion about this stuff, when people are this stupid.

You're right. If his analogy is correct every nation on this planet including Mexico is a despicable as the Nazi's and slave owners were in the past.

These type of people are mentally ill in the sense that their obsessions are beyond the pale and they are unable to think straight. All they can do is destroy people. It's also a form of narcissism in the way they are looking to be seen as another Dr. King.
So far no faux outraged people have explained what to do with illegal families who try sneak in.

I was OK with the civil procedures we had previously. Hold them together until a determination can be made of whether asylum was accepted or then deport them. It was when we chose to say every action regardless or origination was a criminal act that put us in this situation. That was a Trump Admin choice.

Forgive me if I don't buy into the "law is the law" when it's being selectively applied in many other parts of the Trump Admin.
But families were separated before too, just not as many. The same laws were in place then. The difference is the Obama administration let the families seeking asylum stay in the US until they had a hearing in a couple of months. The families never showed up for the hearing usually. That became well known and it encouraged others to do the same. The difference is now ICE is holding asylum seekers until they can have the hearing. Under current law the children are held separately. And there is a very limited amount of family holding areas. So today the choices are 1) don't follow the law and let people in indefinitely or 2) hold the kids separately. Only with a law change AND rebuilding the offices to handle family holiding will really change this.
I was OK with the civil procedures we had previously. Hold them together until a determination can be made of whether asylum was accepted or then deport them. It was when we chose to say every action regardless or origination was a criminal act that put us in this situation. That was a Trump Admin choice.

Forgive me if I don't buy into the "law is the law" when it's being selectively applied in many other parts of the Trump Admin.

The law is the law. If they breaking other laws then they need to be held accountable. Our immigration laws transcend administration changes.
You're right. If his analogy is correct every nation on this planet including Mexico is a despicable as the Nazi's and slave owners were in the past.

These type of people are mentally ill in the sense that their obsessions are beyond the pale and they are unable to think straight. All they can do is destroy people. It's also a form of narcissism in the way they are looking to be seen as another Dr. King.

The real message of this meme is that Leftist orthodoxy should trump the rule of law.
They revoked my client’s probation this afternoon and off he goes to prison. His kid does not go with him. They would not let him stay in jail with him either

Sorry bahstids!!!
The plain fact is we do not have enough facilities to house all the families together.
Unless we erect tent cities.
@Seattle Husker actually makes a reasonable comment on this. I was pleasantly surprised ...

holding them together if we have the proper facilities is the right thing to do. Evidently we do not have such housing while the hearings/determinations are made regarding the parents.

The thing is ... if this process of adjudication is run effectively, those children won't be separated for very long ... and it appears they don't lose contact as phone booths and video conferencing is available in most places.

It just disgusts me there is a charge that those who expect the law to be followed and if not followed, enforced ... are UNKIND. That these scenarios are being fabricated about inhumane treatment.

I've even had a friend tell me the center in Hutto is "exhibit A" for the problem of separating the families. Ah, first, there's no such center in Hutto ... there's a detention center/jail in Taylor which has been in the news ...

So, another effort to make irrelevant relevant, even pivotal ... shameful.
Ted Cruz proposes a fix. Why hasn't a Democrat offered something like this? Link.

And while Cruz was coming up with a real solution, his handjob opponent was virtue signaling and jumping in front of cameras at a protest. Link.
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Ted Cruz proposes a fix. Why hasn't a Democrat offered something like this? Link.

And while Cruz was coming up with a real solution, his handjob opponent was virtue signaling and jumping in front of cameras at a protest. Link.
Not really much of a solution. Create several hundred new expensive bureaucrats with attendant bailiffs, clerks, interpreters, marshalls, babysitters, courtrooms at a huge cost and then after “expedited” hearings do what? Republicans like expedited like democrats like vibrant. Means bs.

My clients get to go to jail without their kids all the time. These people bring them to game the system

Want to really help the Central Americans? Quit propping up the military despotisms that have ruled them since the Spaniards and Brits left
I used to work in downtown San Antonio in the early 80s. I'd walk past the old jail to get to work every morning. It wasn't unusual to see women out on the sidewalk holding their kids up so that their jailbird daddies could see them. They could actually talk to each other from a pretty long distance away. There were bars over the windows, but apparently there was some kind of opening the inmates could yell through, which embarrassed many a pretty lady walking past the jail. Anyway it was pretty sad to see, but I don't recall any democrats getting too excited about it.
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I agree with @Mr. Deez. The Cruz legislation is a reasonable compromise. Unfortunately, we know that between the republicans, democrats and Trump that reasonable compromises have no shot of passing.
In addition to the facts there are not enough facilities to handle all these people there are also the facts that
families were separated during Obama years as well
of the 12,000 children in gov't care 10,000 are unaccompanied children sent with smugglers.
we simply can't afford to build new facilities added to the new expenses listed by Huis.
But the biggest fact is that even though we are housing kids we are trying to do it in the best way possible for gov't run places
and this hysteria by the faux outraged comparing what we do to nazis is just plain sick.
Not really much of a solution. Create several hundred new expensive bureaucrats with attendant bailiffs, clerks, interpreters, marshalls, babysitters, courtrooms at a huge cost and then after “expedited” hearings do what? Republicans like expedited like democrats like vibrant. Means bs.

It's a solution depending on what we deem to the problem. If the problem is kids being separated from their parents while put in custody, then it's a solution. If we think they should be separated (because arrested for criminal prosecution generally are separated from their children, which seems to be your position and not an unreasonable one), then it's not a solution.
"Fact check: There is no law that requires family separation at the border, despite Trump administration's claims."

An example of why the Right doesn't like and doesn't trust the self-proclaimed "fact checkers."

Let's breakdown the laws here. First, there is a law against crossing the border without authorization. In fact, it's criminal. Second, as a general rule, it's not lawful to detain children whose parents are being charged with a crime or to keep them with their parents. And there's good reason for that. Adult detention facilities have bad people in them who shouldn't be around children. So yes, dumbass fact checker, there's a law requiring family separation. Maybe it should be changed (which is what we've usually done when a law works an injustice), but that is the law.
Mr D
Why doesn't anyone, faux outraged Dems media or panties in a wad politicians who are saying we are cold merciless people for separating them EVER ask if children would be detained in the same facilities as illegal adults are now being kept? I include people like Laura Bush in that clueless category and I admire Laura. Geez people do some research before calling the gov't inhumane or like a nazi.

We are also finding out many of these kids are not actually the children of the adults trying to get into our country.
I just can’t hardly take the snowflake attitude our country has become. Not the politicians but the sheep that fall in line with the politicians. The establishments for the Dems don’t give a hoot about the children. If they did then they wouldn’t incentivize them to come. This is just there way to increase their voting block. Many of them don’t make it across due to dying or getting raped on the way. But the Dems are okay with that as long as some actually make it.

I’m also sick and tired of both establishments echoing the same thing about the dreamers. “They are here at not fault of their own. So friggin what!!! That doesn’t fly. Every single day people all across the world including Americans have things happen to them at “no fault of their own.” We work our way through it. That’s what non-snowflakes do. So stop the BS that it’s okay that we won’t enforce the law when it’s no fault of their own. If that were the case then nobody with kids would be sent to jail. I know I’m harsh, but we need to take care of Americans first and we have to build the wall to stop the drugs and to stop incentivize people trying to send their kids across their country with their lives at stake.

It seems that the border problem is everyone’s fault but the people trying to cross the border.
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