'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'

It is very clear why Democrats ***** about tax cuts after reading yet another story about the idiots in the Federal Government. Uncle Sam Wants You to pay for their fraud.
Satellite shot today of frozen Lake Erie
Cleveland lower left
Buffalo far right
That's a big body of water that was turned into the world's largest ice cube

FWIW, it has been a very warm winter in Europe, so of course, we're hearing all about how climate change is ruining what used to be our snowy winters.
I'm going to give you all a peek into the green energy agenda. I just got my electricity reconciliation bill for the year, and since there is a large American presence in this area, I can get my bill in English.

As I've indicated, I am a climate change agnostic. I don't know what the truth is, so I don't tell people to deny or accept climate change. However, I DO believe that people need to know what the consequences of adopting the climate change alarmists' agenda are. Germany has adopted them, and these are the consequences. Before you embrace that agenda, take a very, very good look. For point of reference 1 Euro is approximately $1.22.

As you can see, I paid €.21420 per kilowatt hour. That's about $0.256883. (That's almost triple what my tenants in Round Rock are paying.) And if you look at the bill, about 2/3 of the bill isn't even for energy. It's fees and taxes. The biggest - €581.84 for the EEG. The EEG is nothing more than politically correct ******** to promote green energy. That's right. I pay over €48 (almost $60) per month to promote green energy.

Now, you might look at that bill and think it's not so bad. It only comes out to about $193 per month, and I have a big house. It's about 3,500 square feet. However, keep in mind a few things. First, my house has no central AC and only one window unit in my bedroom that gets used less than ten days per year. Second, I have a geothermal heating system, so electricity isn't heating my house either. This is just to run the appliances, lights, and electronics in the house, most of which are high-efficiency devices that were pretty expensive to purchase. If a middle class or even upper middle class family in Texas had to deal with these kinds of energy costs, it would be a crushing blow to their budget. And a poor or lower middle class family could never afford it. And the elderly? It literally would kill them in the summertime.

If you buy into the alarmists' theories and think the world is coming to an end, by all means, go with this. No amount of money is too much to avoid Armageddon. However, Al Gore and his people have gotten plenty wrong in their projections. Slow down and really think before you jump into this.

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How much money did Obama throw at this?

In 2016, solar and wind provided just 0.8% of the world’s energy, even after trillions of dollars in taxpayer-extracted subsidies, and will reach only a 3.6% share of energy in 2040, according to the International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2017 forecast (see graphic above). The world’s energy future of tomorrow, even almost a quarter century from now in 2040, will look very much like it does today, with fossil fuels supplying the large majority of our energy (81% today vs. 75% in 2040) and renewables playing a relatively minor role as energy sources.


A lot of people are too young to remember, but this all started out as Global Cooling, when that did not prove out the leftists went to Global Warming...they are now working on Climate Change...after all, you cannot deny the climate is changing...and has been continuously since the earth was formed.

I find it curious that in it's earlier history this planet omitted a whole lot more CO2 than we do now and we didn't destroy the atmosphere and overheat the planet...but then we didn't have man and industrialized economy's to blame it on.

I am also a global warming agnostic...however, I do know unequivocally that since the early 1980's we have spent an absolutely obscene amount of money convincing the world that the globe is overheating and it is all due to man made causes.

Additionally, they try so very hard to silence and discredit any opinions that contradict or bring into question the theory that the planet is warming and it is caused by man.

I do know that when so many try so hard to convince us all that this is true, (including proven instances of knowingly using fraudulent data or in some cases factual information being omitted from data to prove their point), that thinking citizens should be very, very skeptical...if it were all that obvious then in my opinion they would not have to sell it so often and so hard.

This far more like a political agenda as opposed to a scientific investigation of the facts to determine an appropriate course of action.

This is potentially an enormous tax revenue scheme that every city, state and national government NEEDS in order to continue to fund their "progressive" one world government objectives (and we shall see the UN's hand on the control switch).

If so, then this would circumvent the sovereign control of the U.S. Government and the Republic's Constitutionally mandated checks and balances that guarantee our freedom to control our own destiny as individuals and as a country.

Joe Fan & Mr. Deez are correct (I feel) in taking a measured and skeptical approach.

We should also take note how the proponents of Climate Change/Global Warming continually assume that "there is nothing left to discuss" and that Global Warming is an "accepted fact"...when in reality there is an enormous amount of evidence to the contrary.

I assume no one wants to see us destroy our environment or atmosphere...but we should not allow ourselves to be led like sheep to the slaughter either...we live in a free society and this topic needs to be put under the microscope of un-biased public and scientific investigation from all angles...which has not yet been done.

Paul S. Nichols
So, the idea is that rich countries, and only they, contribute money to a world government to redistribute equitably to poor countries (and other preferred countries). World scale socialism. Oh yeah, we need a fictional world enemy to justify that. No problem, I can get an expert witness for anything, if I am paying them. Gosh, do the environmental scientists make money for saying there is an environmental crisis? Say it isn't so.
Does anyone know what would happen if coal and fossil fuels were completely eliminated as sources of electrical power? What about the cars? All electric? Airplanes?
Does anyone know what would happen if coal and fossil fuels were completely eliminated as sources of electrical power? What about the cars? All electric? Airplanes?

You do understand that coal and natural gas produce about 80% of our electricity, right?
You do understand that coal and natural gas produce about 80% of our electricity, right?

That's why I'm asking. If we eliminated them would the 1.5 degree C increase projection (I followed the link on the Eric Holthaus tweet that Joe Fan reported) that the climate scientists are projecting go away?
If coal and oil and gas go away, the US will develop a more stratified class system. Inequality will greatly rise (along with calls for more government action for aid). Immigration within the US will change shifting from the sunbelt to more Northern areas due to A/C costs becoming too high from most people. You will see middle class and lower employing alternative transportation. More bikes, mopeds, etc. Maybe even some movement to horses and pack animals to haul loads.

And who knows how the climate would respond? It is a large chaotic system as described by the IPCC.
If coal and oil and gas go away, the US will develop a more stratified class system. Inequality will greatly rise (along with calls for more government action for aid). Immigration within the US will change shifting from the sunbelt to more Northern areas due to A/C costs becoming too high from most people. You will see middle class and lower employing alternative transportation. More bikes, mopeds, etc. Maybe even some movement to horses and pack animals to haul loads.

And who knows how the climate would respond? It is a large chaotic system as described by the IPCC.

Nice vision; but I was wondering if it would really save the planet. That's the thing. Do the "max" analysis (accounting variance explanation tool; if the maximum level variable does not push result beyond materiality threshold then you are within tolerance and no further testing is needed such as weighted average) and see if it moves the dial.
I note here ... this is "an extremely rare" event (Oct hurricane in the gulf)

and it's YOUGGGE!

did the world's petro burning cause this thing?

BTW ... from whence did it come? Usually track these things off the African coast for a week/more ... I must have been asleep.


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