Huckabee Compares Homosexuality to Beastiality

It's that same stupid, tired arrogance. People who have it all figured out based, not on facts, but their faith. And despite evidence that their religion has all manner of inconsistencies and inaccuracies -- and is basically a replay of earlier faiths that have since fallen by the roadside (that they would find laughable now) -- think they are somehow morally justified in intruding in the lives of others to impose their will. Some would only intrude to "share the message" every hour of every day. Others would tell you who you can marry. But they never stop to ask whether they really should have that authority in the first place. They just assume it. It's frustrating to people who give a **** about other people's rights and mental welfare.
While we are at it, nature (biology) demonstrates that homosexuality is a deviant ( unintended) behavior. Disease, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide are much more prevalent among homosexuals. These afflictions are symptoms of a deviant and dangerous lifestyle. Even without bringing god into the arguement, which I am not, it is obvious that homosexuality is a less desirable lifestyle based on mental & physical health issues alone.

The std and hiv infection rates of male homosexuals is staggering. WHy? This alone justifies the act as being deviant and very dangerous.
Seriously how old are you? Because I haven't used terminology like that since I was 12 and I am wondering if I am wasting my time.

You did not pay attention to the original reply which answered you follow up question.
Right human action is dictated by biological mandates? I presume that you are 1.) also against rape and 2.) aware of how sex works among mammals that are not humans.

As someone who believes that homosexuality is wrong on moral and religious grounds, I think that your argument is wholly out of place in a democratic republic. If we are still talking about Mike Huckabee and his comments, then we are talking about the attitude of the government toward homosexuality and its relationship with that government. There is not convincing argument for denying homosexual couples the same rights and privileges allowed to heterosexual couples without resorting to "it serves nature" or "it serves the society" or, best of all, "it serves the state". The government has a duty to uphold the rights of individuals and govern those rights insofar as they interfere with other rights. Selecting certain classes of people who may enter into a marriage contract is an attack on freedom.

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