Huckabee Compares Homosexuality to Beastiality

Agree completely. Fundamentalists' views "require" them to deprive others of personal liberty without justification (i.e., the actions at issue do not cause the fundamentalists direct harm).

Im nothing close to a fundamentalist but the biggotry on this thread regarding a christian sect is disturbing. The thought processes of stalin and hitler regarding religious groups come to mind.
This is what scares me about Evangelicals and Huckabee is becoming sort of a poster boy for my perception as time goes on. Many Evangelicals seem like normal reasonable folks, you can be around them for a long time and not realize there is anything at all disturbing about them. Then you get remarks like Huckabee's regarding needing to amend the constitution to reflect his religious beliefs. Then he combares homosexuality with bigamy, and pedephelia and feels the need again codify his personal religious beliefs as law.

Now he is the rub with Evangelical's you cannot argue with them that these are "their" religous beliefs. Their beliefs are the beliefs of the one true God and if you do not agree with their views you can be discounted because you know not the word of the one true God.... which by coincidence is their personal religious choice.....

Yep... I was right to be scared the more we find out about him.
Considering the fact that I find shrimp repulsive in every way, I am pleased to know that I am merely in line with the will of God rather than one who just hates shrimp.
I have yet to figure out why the government should be in the business of "defining" marriage in the first place. Why is government even recognizing it?

The government's definition of marriage is already at variance with the Bible's, since I think Jesus was fairly clear that "Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries one who is divorced from a husband commits adultery." (Luke 16:18.) So if we're going to get into the business of conforming our family laws to those set forth in the Bible, then let's start by annuling the marriages of half of the Republicans running for president.

Marriage is a sacrament of the Church, and calling a contractual relationship recognized by the state a "marriage" only creates confusion and religious indignation. Better for the state not to recognize any "marriage" and simply allow anyone (hetrosexual and homosexual) who wants to enter into a state-sanctioned contractual relationship to do so.

To paraphrase Marie Antoinette--let them have civil unions.
And that traditional mode of definition implies its moral acceptability vs other classes which are denied moral acceptability, their commanality being how they are viewed by the judging norm.

The comparison is abstract, to be sure, but valid.
I really hate arguing about homsexuality for the simple reason that it doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever. But, truthfully, both forms ( homosexuality and beastiality ) are deviant behaviors and outside the laws of nature ( not bringing god into this).

Both have similarities, in that they are sometimes situational sex acts, not long term attractions, because of the lack of women. Prisons are notorious for situational homosexuality and beastiality (prison farms).

I'm really surprised no one took the obvious shot at me on a thread about beastiality...

And...the more I think about back on my time at A&M, I'm reminded of that major - animal maybe marriage between a man and an animal ISN'T weird....

I thought my spelling looked wrong...

I even looked it up on my Mac dictionary and it wasn't there...

But, I found a couple references on Google that had that spelling so I went with it...
I don't agree with Huckabee at all.

That being said, the Church Body is a hospital for sinners, not a hotel for saints. I'll go out on a limb and say that you'll find more pride, hatred and ugliness among church going Christians than you would among any other large gathering of people.

It attracts those kind of people, because those people need to hear the message of Christ's love and compassion more so than anyone else.

I don't know what all that means, but that's what I think anyway.
rex - why does my happiness have to come from your god? add me to the list of people who don't need to hear it.

perhaps i believe that you could never be truly happy by believing what you do....but that's not what i believe.

i believe you can be happy no matter what you believe. i am sorry you don't feel the same about me. perhaps THAT is the biggest problem.

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