Huckabee Compares Homosexuality to Beastiality


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Keep it classy Huck.

The Link

QUESTIONER: Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some people would consider that a kind of dangerous undertaking, particularly given the variety of biblical interpretations.

HUCKABEE: Well, I don’t think that’s a radical view to say we’re going to affirm marriage. I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again. I think the radical position is to make a change in what’s been historic.
Huckabee has a great demeanor, but there is no such thing as a compassionate fundamentalist.

I can't wait until he proposes a Constitutional Amendment banning the eating of shrimp - since the Bible forbids eating shrimp.

In reply to:

Well, we at least know that Huck don't know **** about laws.

I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men [a bilateral contract, already allowed by law with regard to an identical mixed gender contract], two women [same], a man and three women [a multi-lateral contract which presents practically unresolvable matters of confusion (who would have statutory and common law rights of survivorship? How would taxes, including exemptions, be calculated? etc. etc. In such cases, the law may prohibit a multi-lateral contract as an impracticability], a man and a child [BUZZ! Child not capable of legal consent to any legal arrangement], a man and animal [[BUZZ! Animals are not capable of legal consent to any legal arrangement (sorry, aggy)].

Just say it. I believe that God hates fags, so I hate them too. And because of that hatred, I will deny something that is SOLELY a government contract right (and not a sacrament -- llegal marriage is not required to have anything to do with religious marriage) to people based ONLY on the gender of the parties to the contract.

That's your position. Have the balls to state it.
i don't understand, im not a huckabee fan but i don't think he is comparing beastiality to homosexuality. regardless, to a christian, sin is a sin whether it is murdering someone or being disrespectful to your parents. there are not degrees of sin. a sin is a sin in God's eyes. Again, a headline in a news story that has nothing to do with the context in which it is spoken.
all I did was say to my wife that this halibut is fit for Jehovah....

Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!

Nobody is to stone anybody...until I blow this whistle!

Sex with your wife while on her period? Illegal.

i wouldnt call this illegal...i think it is more or less frowned upon.
What does it mean to "Copmare"? silly typo, just joshing you.

Brisket, what is a sin is different from what is 'unclean' and what is a sin is different than what is 'illegal' as well. I don't know a single Christian who would advocate the banning of eating shrimp. I also don't know someone who is Jewish who would advocate that.

Brisket, I agree with you quite often and normally see your point of view, but in many ways you seem to be swinging at a straw man on this.
THEU, what you say and what any other so-called "scholar" may say, Christian or Jewish, is well and good, but as for what is a sin and is punishable, with an actual PRESCRIBED PUNISHMENT, I will look to the innerant Word of God, the Holy Bible itself.

The punishment for getting it on with your wife while on her period? Both man and woman are "to be cut off from their people." (Leviticus 20:18)

The punishment for cursing or blaspheming God? Death by stoning. (Leviticus 24:14-16)

Cursing your father or mother? Put to death. Leviticus 19:9)

There's plenty more of 'em. Numbers and Deuteronomy gots some great ones.

However, if you think this logical exercise a straw man, let's get back to the question at hand.

If we are to amend our law -- indeed, our Foundational Document -- on a "moral" issue that is only briefly addressed in the source of the morality on which its proponents depend, what makes that "moral" issue any greater than any other number of moral issues?

From a practical standpoint, I would think that our society suffers MUCH more from the failure of children to respect their parents than it does from Cher impersonators.

Ahh, when you get to the heart of it, it is NOT about morality at all. Rather, it is about personal prejudice (I just don't like gays, I think it's gross, and unnatural), cloaked in the pathetic excuse of defending morality. Once challenged to either defend all morality, or drop it all together, the anti-gay bullshittery stands before us as it truly is -- naked prejudice and hatred.

And there you have it.
If he's going to compare beastiality (sic) to homosexuality he should say which one is more fun. Or which one he found easier.
Thank you, Rex for showing how completely ridiculous it is to still hold those asinine values and wanting to mold our government to follow such rule.
Listen, Huck's not saying anything that GOP presidential candidates haven't had people saying on their behaf for 28 years. He's just cutting out the middleman and saying it in front of everybody.

The GOP cultivated the support of these people- why don't they deserve a candidate of their own?
Without hypocrisy, religion is unbearable and a danger.

I concluded that on the evening of 9/11 as I was driving into town from Lakeway. I avoid calling out religious people on their hypocrisy, it should be encouraged. People convinced that they are hearing the one true voice of God can be very dangerous.
Back about 8 years ago I attended a men's conference at my (methodist, evangelical) church in suburban Atlanta - among other things we watched videos about how to be a better husband, and man, to our wives. Either PromiseKeepers or something like them originated these videos. They featured talks by three men, one of them then-Arkansas Governor Huckabee. He gave some very wise advice in them.

Yet, the thing I remember most was his relating the story of a friend (and I believe, also a mentor) who was an elderly Baptist minister from the Texarkana area.

Said minister's long-time, beloved wife had Alzheimer's to the point of where, as Huckabee described it verbatim, she had become a "living, breathing body"...incapable of anything except lying in bed, and staring straight ahead. But Huckabee related how moved he was when walking by the wife's room (can't remember if it was their house, or a nursing home, or something like that) and happening on his minister friend, lovingly talking to his wife who may or may not have been able to understand him, gently spoon feeding her bite after bite, in a ritual he did a few times daily for God Himself knows how many days, weeks, months or years.

I can't say I am happy with or even agree with hospital policies where a long-time same-sex partner cannot even visit his significant other like Huckabee's minister friend did his beloved wife.

Yet...there are more people than some of us can bear out there who would, if faced with a marriage of any significant length of time to a vegetative spouse, would seek to break said marriage covenant by most any means necessary.

I won't forget how Huckabee described his friend's never-ending love for his wife, even as I seek to vote for either Sen. Fred Thompson or Gov. Mitt Romney for president over the former Arkansas governor.
Just a guess here looks like Huck is setting himself up for '12.

He knows he can't win a national election now and he's gonna go as far Right as possible with the expectation of an Obama/HRC victory in Nov. He will then come back in '11 with more moderate discourse once the Dem Prez becomes unpopular.

Just a guess....cause he has to know he can't win like this.
Not that I agree with Huckabee in ANY way shape or fashion on this issue, but...Huckabee didn't compare homosexuality to beastiality...

He was implying that changing the definition of marriage to allow gays to marry could be a slippery slope towards allowing more than just that...

Personally, I couldn't care less about this issue. Gay folks are cool...I don't want a gay guy hitting on me, though...

Now, two lesbians hitting on me?????

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