Huckabee: Amend Constitution to be in 'God's standard'

ag took care of the abortion bit that's in every single major newspaper today w/ stats 1972-2002

72: 95 pregnancies per 1000 teens
90: 117 pregnancies per 1000 teens, all-time peak, and apparently has decilnd every year since.
'02: 75 pregnancies per 1000 teens

seemingly it's not that your dumbfucks were less dumb than modern dumbfucks, it's just that you're more self-righteous about it and sticking your head in the sand rather than facing and dealing with actual reality.

anytime you want to pop up that graph with the spike from the 50's and 60's showing exponential increase in moral delinquency that's continued to this day, mate, feel free....
Well, first, Huck's idea is probably the worst thing that can possible be done from a theological standpoint. It would literally create an apostacy and form of heresy not seen since the Barmen Declaration exposed what was going on in Germany.

Who'd have thunk that we'd need an English version of the Barmen?

To other matters. I will never understand how it is possible for someone to continually be blind to the fact that they're being played like a well-tuned guitar in a bluegrass band.

If you're relying on TV or the Presidency or the media to teach children....your children....moral issues, then something has gone radically wrong with your situation long before "*******" was allowed to be said in primetime.

I've never seen so many "conservatives" completely abdicate their role as parents and/or exemplars. All we hear time and again from conservatives is some mantra along the lines of...

"Kid's wouldn't act like ________ and go around _________ people if it weren't for the [schools/government/media/politicials/liberals/homosexual agenda/]...or whoever the latest boogeyman is."

Pitiful. You've got no one to blame but yourself, and you know it. That's just a simple way to salve your own guilt for being a lazy sack of crap who prioritizes income over and above good parenting.

Unplug your damned TV and start spending some time with you children. Take an active role in their life instead of living at the office and relying on others to do your job for you.

Is that so hard to grasp?
what would you know about Columbine? you didn't experience it. you watched it on tv. you haven't a bloody clue about it since you didn't experience it yourself. or so goes your argument...

again, any time you have any convenient stat showing no one had sex, no one did drugs, no one cheated on their spouse, no one spat on chinamen, micks, wops, or pollacks. no one lynched faggots, no one hung negroes, no one beat their wives, anytime you have those stats, feel free, we're all waiting.
eff you're dense.

just because school bus is defined does not mean that entire section is applicable ONLY to school buses.
the explanations for "school bus" and "operator" in what you quoted don't have anything to do with each other
I'll see your Columbine, and raise you a Tulsa Race Riot of 1921: The Link

15 dead vs. an estimated 300 dead. A high school traumatized vs. an entire black community damned near destroyed.

Let's go ahead and throw in the 16th Street church bombing in 63 -- 4 little girls at church blown away.

Should we tally the literally THOUSANDS of lynchings from the turn of the century to the 60s?

Claiming that pre-1960 is some sort of moral high ground is not just ludicrous -- it is shameful. Any country that would allow and tacitly endorse the murder of thousands of its citizens -- not to mention the systematic oppression of those citizens -- cannot claim the moral high ground vs. a country that shows too many boobs on cable TV and lets people say "****" in prime time, and doesn't let people use school equipment to proselytize at graduation.

I'll take that country vs. one that would hang my friends and me.

Which do you prefer?
to a national policy of bombing the **** out of countries and stealing their natural resources

I take issue with the claim we are stealing.
I'm confused; was Charles Whitman part of the "post-God moral decline" or the "glorious days of my teenagerhood" era?

I find it amusing that A'sD's God is so weak and pitiful that it can get chased out of schools.
I'm still waiting for Oilfield to get back to us on how passing his two requested amendments causes God to rush back into the country He abandoned at some indeterminant time in the past.

Ok, so you want to adjust the Constitution to bring God back, even though you admit that He hasn't gone anywhere.

Then you go on to a litany of issues you have with the overall morality of the country.

I am trying to figure out how your two proposals, a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and school vouchers, would have any effect on the list of ills with society you decry.

Can you please clarify how vouchers or banning gay marriage will change the divorce rate, for instance?

I'd really like to see some reasoning behind your ideas. I can't understand you if on their face, the Amendments you propose have little if anything to do with the things you list as wrong with this country.

Your clarification would be greatly appreciated, and I'm not trying to be flippant. I am completely serious in my request.

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