The death rate by violence in this country peaked in the 1860s (the civil war killed the **** outa some folks), and in the late 1880s-1900 (the wild west was wild indeed -- we wuz shootin' each other left and right -- at a higher rate than today's drive-by culture).
The good old days weren't always good.
Even your beloved post-war, pre-60's era wasn't terribly nifty, if'n you wasn't white.
"String 'im up!"
Waterfountains and businesses: "Whites Only"
Bombingham, Alabama
Yeah, thank you very much, but you can keep your goddamned ideal era, when folks weren't dumbfucks -- they were just cruel and vicious racists. As for my mexican ***, I'll take today, where I can work where I want to, eat where I want to, and marry who I want to, and not fear for my freaking life, thank you very f'n much.
Oh. But today, we can see butt cheeks on TV. Yeah, that's MUCH more morally objectionable than treating millions of Americans as second-class citizens.
I don't know where in the hell you got your morals from, but mine tell me that it's a lot worse to treat millions of people like **** than to show a boob shot on HBO.