Huckabee: Amend Constitution to be in 'God's standard'

That's awesome.

And what's even more awesome is that the GOP can't repudiate it because they've spent the last 28 years cultivating such nonsense.

And now somebody finally comes along who believes it and wants to actually do it.
See here's the thing, fundagelicals: the GOP establishment never really cared about your social agenda, they just went along with it because it validated their special interests interest. And when they didn't deliver for you, they blamed the Democrats, even when they were in charge! This is roughly analogous to how the Democratic party treats blacks and unions, BTW.

In any case, to paraphrase Malcolm X, the chickens are coming home to roost.
As I said in a earlier post regarding Huckabee, if it came down to a decision where I had to vote for Huckabee or Edwards, I would vote for the class-warfare-loving, hypocrite - John Edwards.

Huckabee is a very personable guy, but he does not respect the protections afforded by our Constitution.
I cant see myself voting for someone like him or most anyone else that is in this race. Why cant either party come up with some better candidates than those that are the current choices.
Meh. What if he gets a Repub Congress in 2-4 years? Nobody guarantees gridlock. And, even with gridlock, I don't want the face of our nation to the world to be a guy who wants us (whether he does anything or not) to move closer to being a theocracy.

The very concept of a theocracy is both offputting/terrifying to the rest of the world, and it scares the crap out of me, too. Because it's never about putting God into government. It's about putting YOUR God into government. I'm pretty old Mike and I, while both being monotheists, have some pretty big theological differences.
NBC just ran the video, FWIW.

Someone earlier nailed it. The Republican establishment has been whipping the evangelicals into a frenzy for 30 years whenever they needed votes. Now one of them is threatening to take the nomination.

Serves them right.
He seemed so fun and reasonable on the talk shows last year.

I wonder if y'all are right about the inelectability. I never prognosticate elections because I have no idea what will move the American people who actually go to the polls. I guess we'll see where the people stand on these ideas. It would not surprise me to see him bring people into the process who have ignored the process before.

I hope not, but I never can tell what will happen. Bush got re-elected, anything goes.
Huck makes Alan Keyes look like Richard Dawkins. Think Paul is a kook?? we have Mr. Rapture dying to expedite the second coming.

Assuming that Huckabee actually recognizes that his proposal is ludicrous, you have to be impressed by his willingness to pander. If Huckabee is serious, he's quite un-American (in addition to the bat **** craziness thing).

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